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Hardcore band live video, what the hell is going on?


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Originally posted by cloudnine

It's funny, xhardcorex is supposed to be about diversity and harmony (or so the bull{censored} line that spews forth from this "community" says) -

But god forbid you insult one of their bands. You're not allowed.


I've never (or barely) heard of any of these bands, let alone paid to listen to their music...

I suppose I should be thankful to have grown up in a household that was pretty open-minded. My father's 50 years old and generally listens to music commonly referred to as "classic rock". Last time I went home, however, I caught him downloading death metal/hardcore/something just to see what it sounded like...

I thought that was badass. The same man who took me to see Van Halen (or rather Van Hagar) for my 10th birthday has enough interest in music to hear everthing...

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Originally posted by raceu4her

I was at that show!! they totally stole the show that day. Meshuggah is the best live band i have ever seen and i have seen many.



I dont think anyone can equal them in terms of metal tbh.

They are so{censored}ing tight its unhuman

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Originally posted by cloudnine

If you took out "Coke" and put in "Colt 45", then we could talk.

I tried it for the first time ever last night


You really do a good job of keeping the intelligence level balanced around here. I say things that make sense and then you just ignore them and bring up Colt 45s.:thu:

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Originally posted by The*Ataris

I suppose I should be thankful to have grown up in a household that was pretty open-minded. My father's 50 years old and generally listens to music commonly referred to as "classic rock". Last time I went home, however, I caught him downloading death metal/hardcore/something just to see what it sounded like...

I watched it, didnt I :confused:

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I didn't even know it was possible to be this bad. I'm not even upset....that's amazing ! I absolutely can't believe there are people that listen to this "music" let alone sit here on this website and defend it! I could fart into a microphone and make a more musical noise than that {censored}. What a waste of equipment. To anyone who likes this stuff, please tell me why you like it and where there is any hint of musical talent. I'm looking forward to a response. I thought bands in Northern Wisconsin were bad :freak:

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My friend has a really good power metal band where the music is thought out, well written, and executed to perfection. They look even greater with this new spread of Breecore or whatever where they get drunk, switch instruments, and annoy the hell out of me. What is pissing me off even more is that some of these guys are EXCELLENT musicians, they just don't take it seriously at all.

Noise CAN be considered musical as stated earlier, but GARBAGE can't...

Also, Bad Brains are sheeeit compared to a band like The Neos or Mental Abuse :-p

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I honestly don't understand how people listen to this. I respect the dudes for getting up and stage and rocking their asses off, but there's noisy, semi-coherent bands that do it so much better. The Locust, anybody?

And christ, when I hear 'hardcore' I still think of Ian MacKaye and his posse. Do we have to start making a differentiation between hardcore and hardcore punk now?

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Originally posted by 6StringGod

yeah norma jean kinda suck..but not every band in that genre sucks..bands like The bled, bless the fall, chiodos are pretty good....but idk if thats exactly the same genre.....but yeah some hardcore bands are retarded...

there is good bands in every genre so its stupid to say hardcore suck or emo sucks IMO...Like Hawthorne Heights suck ass, but bands like my american heart or From first to last...somethig liek that are actually pretty good even if you don't like that style...







dude you actually LIKE Chiodos!?!?!!?! LMAO!!!!


i saw one video of theirs...you want to know what i felt when i saw it? {censored}IN' HORRIBLE! {censored}ty singing, {censored}ty songwriting (with a predictable, and utterly GENERIC low E palm mute breakdown with some {censored}ty screaming to boot!)


it made me so pissed off i wanted to go buy their CD, melt it, and ship it to the band to show them that I think they suck so bad that i paid 15 bucks for the CD, destroyed it, and paid to ship it to them!!!!


why ANYBODY would listen to (or a label would sign) a band like that i have no clue.

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Originally posted by RockinIt

{censored} yeah! Minor threat! What about Fugazi?



and Bad Brains, Agnostic Front, Orange 9mm...


does NOBODY in hardcore nowadays know who they are? i hate to say it (or maybe i dont...) but most of the "hardcore" bands (of which, i must say, always seem to have a song that has "feel this" in it in some form or fashion...like "you have to feel this" or "do you feel this?") are nothing like what Hardcore used to be.

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Originally posted by anti-flag193

by far the worst norma jean video is this one from Hellfest. Listen to his {censored}ing voice.



Still, I liked it better than the other one, at least that one had some semblance of musicality.

But I think I could growl/screech/whatever the {censored} that is better than that.


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Originally posted by soc_monki

why ANYBODY would listen to (or a label would sign) a band like that i have no clue.



What pisses me off is that their label, Equal Vision Records, promoted them with ads that said the following:


"Think Blood Brothers. Think Converge. Think something else entirely."


Or something very close to that.


Blood Blothers, Converge? Neat, I thought. So I checked them out.


And what do I hear? Definitely something else entirely. What a load of crap.


That label was tiny, then they signed some good bands and did alright, and then they started pulling crap like that left and right. Lame as hell.


Also, there is some Chiodos song that has these Nintendo sounding synth parts in it, which come across as a blatant rip off of Horse The Band. They've got to have heard of Horse, and you don't just rip something off like that. Just lame...

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Originally posted by OneArmedScissors

Horse The Band. They've got to have heard of Horse, and you don't just rip something off like that. Just lame...




Is Horse that one band that is like, metal...but uses synths to produce video game like beats?

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