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Synth accidents


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This week the wife nearly played a blinder.


The stairs at my house are those funky open plan ones that were so popular in the 70's , you know, there are gaps in the stairs to catch little kids legs and any books the kids decide should be stored there.


Anyway, this week the missus was going upstairs and placed her glass of blackcurrent juice on one of the stairs near the top. Of course she went off to do wifley things and to cut a long story short she knocked it over after forgetting about it.



Juice all over the stairs, floor, stuff stored under the stairs, everywhere.




Luckily last month I moved my an1x, rm1x,mpd24 etc etc to the other wall otherwise I would not have been a happy chap, busy yes - happy no :mad:

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There was a time I lusted for carrot juice. Before you drink it you have to shake it. I shook it, opened the bottle but then the phone rang and I placed the cap on the bottle.


But I didn't close it.


After the phone call I took the bottle with me to the studio, sat in front of the synths and shook the bottle again...




Days of cleaning synths and the mixing desk.

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I'm curious whether



This week the wife nearly played a blinder.



translates across The Pond..



And I know I'm repeating myself but my only big accident was when I had an old home-built modular. I used a 3 pin connector to link the +/- 15V power across the 2 units I had. Unfortunately, I used the same connector as the 240V mains input. Do I need to go on?




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We played an outdoors gig under a tent 2 weeks ago. Later in the day in began to to. About 3 gallons of water gathered in a pocket on the roof (right over my rig and the bass amp) You can guess what happened next. All that water came down on my Stage 76 ,Korg SG PRO X, and Traynor K4. After waiting 3 days and drying everything, I turned on the Nord and it loaded up the os. Everything works fine so far but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

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There was a time I lusted for carrot juice. Before you drink it you have to shake it. I shook it, opened the bottle but then the phone rang and I placed the cap on the bottle.

But I didn't close it.

After the phone call I took the bottle with me to the studio, sat in front of the synths and shook the bottle again...


Days of cleaning synths and the mixing desk.




very funny , I think I have done the same thing but not on synths.


Well I have dropped my blofeld to the floor, 4 times !!!


The audio outputs were crashed , actually what broke was the only thing plastic on blofeld. Those little plastic cubes that make sure the pins of the audio cables stay connected in blofeld's audio outs.


Should not be expensive repairing them. So guys I can confirm that blofeld is build like a tank, as the synth still works, I take audio now from the phones output.


It also weights like a tank, so if you think it was a smooth fall , guess again. Why 4 times?


Well blofeld had to ballance on top of 4 books , in the back of my motif es6 and just a bit above it.


I know , a recipe for disaster. But I seriously lack empty space.

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I had one of this {censored}e double X stands once upon a time and I put my Technics keyboard on the top shelf first and turned around to pick up the second keyboard.


Yeah you can pretty much guess whan happened the second I turned around to get the second keyboard. Large bang and my Keyboard in bits 6ft away with a keyboard stand sitting on top of it.

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I was giving a lecture on synthesizers and sequencing at a college, and it was a beautiful day so we moved the lecture to the outdoors with me playing on the steps of the building facing the lawn. It quickly turned into an impromptu concert as students came from everywhere. Great!


So this little old lady creeps out from the building with a tall glass of ice water for me, and in the middle of a song she sets it dangerously on the sloped top of a DX7. She walks away and this full glass sits there just asking for the worst to happen - so while I continue to play with my right hand I reach up to grab it with my left hand and set it on the floor, and I tip it into the synth which shorts out and stops playing.


With a couple of hundred students looking on and gasping I pick up the DX-7 and pour the water out of it. I proceed to give my lecture without the keyboard. Later I turn it on and all but the lower octave works. After drying it out at home it all works but I know it's doomed so I quickly traded it in.


I hope none of you wound up with it. :)

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Blackcurrent juice stains are really hard to get out.


Not a blooper story (although it does involve food) - I had just gotten on break and ordered a burger and fries. The order takes longer than usual and by the time it is ready it is time to get back onstage. What am I going to do with this hot meal for the next 45 minutes?


I was playing the Hammond Porta-B then, which is a two piece affair with top half keys/TG/drawbars/preamp and bottom half has the tube power chassis in it. Hmmm, tubes generate HEAT. Bright light bulbs go off. I simply placed the meal right on the bottom half over the tube chassis and proceeded with the music. When we finished our 45 minute set, I picked up the meal - and it was still toasty warm!!!

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When I was 21, I hitch-hiked across Canada and up around Alaska. I took my (then) new Dobro with me. One ride was in a mid-size truck. When the fellow dropped me off, I set down the guitar and my pack and, as he drove away, the rear wheel of the truck knocked over the guitar case and then rolled right over it. I thought I'd puke but it was really my fault and I waved the truck on when he stopped, having seen what happened.


I opened that case expecting a pile of kindling and...


the guitar was fine.


1/4" maple plywood Dobro construction for the win.



Many years later, I backed a car over it. This time it kind of caved in the metal plate but it was easily bent back into shape. Still my first and best guitar.

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Diametro came by my place for a jam session a few years ago. i accidentally knocked his Novation A-Station off a table and right onto the (carpeted) floor. i felt like such an asshole, but it seemed to have no effect on the A-Station.

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A whole pint of Caffreys ale went into my Moog Source back in 1997. Opened it up, dried it out with a hairdryer and its been almost fault free ever since. When i say a whole pint of ale, i mean an entire pint of ale!!


People loved using the Source as a beer mat

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Most likely you could replace the key bed and make it halfway decent... That of course is saying that spare parts or the newer equipment is still using the same type of keyboards.

Over all that is one jagged mofo.




or one jagged indigo... Lucked out today, had a Kawai Q80 requiring 10v dc which I plugged with a 9v ac wall wart, assumed toast. Unit sat for a couple years until I opened it up and noticed a fuse blown. Went to Ratshack, four 1 amp fuses per pack, $3.69 put in a new fuse and wish all fixes were so easy. Also wish wart plugs were different, shall label BOTH ends of wall warts now!

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