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Fess up, who owns boutique amps but have beaters to gig with???

Digital Jams

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go ahead...try to scratch it




a year and a half of pretty steady gigging, and both of them are still dead mint :p


i won't take expensive guitars to gigs tho, for fear of them being stolen more than anything...amps (especially in big heavy cases) are a little bit more difficult to do that with

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I buy my gear so I can play it..no matter if it be at home, a friend's house, practice or a gig....


just remember...a weapon unused is a useless weapon ;)


I'm just very careful with my stuff and I keep an eye on it between sets and whatnot

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Originally posted by cobrahead1030

go ahead...try to scratch it


a year and a half of pretty steady gigging, and both of them are still dead mint

i won't take expensive guitars to gigs tho, for fear of them being stolen more than anything...amps (especially in big heavy cases) are a little bit more difficult to do that with


Damn, that is a killer roadcase!


I never understood this, praising one's tone for days and then walking out the door with a different guitar and amp :confused:

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Originally posted by Digital Jams

I do not have towels or foam under the feet of my amps



I have foam under my head, I admit it :(




I'm not in a gigging band anymore, when I go to jams I just bring my Boss GT8 and run it through the P.A. :rolleyes::D


IF I was to get into another serious band I wouldn't hesitate to use any of my amps, but would probably roadcase them to keep them in good shape.

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Originally posted by shreder75

I buy my gear so I can play it..no matter if it be at home, a friend's house, practice or a gig....

just remember...a weapon unused is a useless weapon

I'm just very careful with my stuff and I keep an eye on it between sets and whatnot


Very true ;)

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Originally posted by Digital Jams

Very true


one time between sets the bar wenches and some friends were gettin' into a super soaker fight at this one place we played...my bass player and I have some VERY expensive gear....we were fully prepared to open up a can of ye olde whoop ass on anyone who soaked our gear...lol

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Originally posted by cobrahead1030

go ahead...try to scratch it


a year and a half of pretty steady gigging, and both of them are still dead mint

i won't take expensive guitars to gigs tho, for fear of them being stolen more than anything...amps (especially in big heavy cases) are a little bit more difficult to do that with




I was going to get front loaded roadcases like yours for my cabs and some joker here said they make your cabs sound like crap...???



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Originally posted by Digital Jams

Damn, that is a killer roadcase!

I never understood this, praising one's tone for days and then walking out the door with a different guitar and amp


you mean talking about how great one's gear sounds, and then not using it live?


what you see there is my main live rig 90% of the time, if we're playing a club that i'm not too familiar with or has a {censored} PA system then i'll bring my 5150 instead of the cobra...some of the places we play are definitely not safe havens for gear (like when they want you to store your gear, right next to where all the kiddies are hardcore dancing, or drunks are stumbling all over the place) that cab in the roadcase will survive anything but some gigs it's hard to justify bringing a $2k amp along to


that doesn't mean that my cheaper gear doesn't sound great (to my ears anyhow) i just try to be cautious...cuz broken/stolen gear doesn't do anyone much good

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Originally posted by Shiny_Surface

I have foam under my head, I admit it


I'm not in a gigging band anymore, when I go to jams I just bring my Boss GT8 and run it through the P.A.




Can't aurgue with the GT-8 idea, I would rather lug that then a half stack.

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I play gigs with a Carr Slant 6V, and it gets it fair share of abuse. It hurts when it gets a scratch, but I love playing it and look at it as a trade off.


I don't have any gear I won't gig with. I went down the road of having really nice guitars and being terrified of dings, so I got rid of them.

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Originally posted by xgxmanx


I was going to get front loaded roadcases like yours for my cabs and some joker here said they make your cabs sound like crap...???




the cab does sound better sitting on the floor than it does in the roadcase, but that has more to do with the cab being elvated than anything


but in my opinion, no...that's not true at all, my splawn cab has excellent projection and sounds great (atleast to my ears)

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Originally posted by enditol

Solution is: gear insurance - I don't see any point in owning gear you aren't going to use. Unless maybe if you're a collector of some sort, but I don't have spare cash for that, I use it all live.


and you use it well Sacha :thu:

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Originally posted by diddlybo

I don't have any gear I won't gig with. I went down the road of having really nice guitars and being terrified of dings, so I got rid of them.



same here


i had a gibson explorer, and a les paul DC standard...i sold them both because i was afraid to really take them anywhere, and bought a few nice cheaper guitars to replace them


nowadays tho, i'm starting to miss having a really nice playing guitar onstage tho...i've been eyeballing a those gutierrez customs lately, but don't know if i can afford it anytime soon...some of the high end ltd's have grabbed my attention as well

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Originally posted by cobrahead1030

the cab does sound better sitting on the floor than it does in the roadcase, but that has more to do with the cab being elvated than anything

but in my opinion, no...that's not true at all, my splawn cab has excellent projection and sounds great (atleast to my ears)



well the contrast was between front loaded road cases vs. the kind that the lids come off of... I have 2 road cases with removable lids... I was going to sell them and get fron loded ones as they are easier to get open and lids take up less room on stage

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the last benifit gig that I did there was another guitar player there who played a show with a $2000 boutique Practice amp, A suhr guitar and some exotic pedals and told me after the show that he was going to break out his vetta after hearing me play lol :D


That said... His tone killed but he liked mine for some reason !!

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