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Which will improve my tone more, new pups or new tubes?

Dr. T

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I was thinking about running an extenstion cabinet... probably the one Traynor makes for the YCV50, unless there is a better one out there for the price. Will it make my sound louder? Or just more "full"?

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You can get the traynor cab which to my recollection is an open back right? Either way, close it off (just need some plywood and screws, no big deal). It will seem both louder and fuller, its really one of the better investments you can make.

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I've just recently changed all of that stuff.

I had a stock USA Strat that was noisy so I put Noiseless pickups in it.

I changed the tube in my Vox. And will probably change the tubes in my Traynor soon.

I built a couple of speaker cabs with Weber and Eminence.

I think the most obvious change came from changing the speaker (or plugging in an external cab).

The tube vs pup thing is more difficult, more subtle. But since I switched from Fender pups to Fender pups, I'd have to say changing the tube made more difference.

The pickup change was for the better, but it was a somewhat subtle change.

But nothing changes the sound more than changing amps.

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Originally posted by Dr. T

well, the speaker in my amp is a Vintage 30. I don't think it needs to be changed, it's a pretty good speaker from what I've read.



Actualy V30's tend to sound much better in closeback cabinets, as well they work much better for band environments. If you play mostly alone, you will find a more rounded speaker to make a huge difference.

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