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VH1 Rock Honors: Who had the best tone?


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Originally posted by BadHorsie

I'm no Godsmack fan to begin with, but I can warm up to almost any live hard rock/metal- that being said, they {censored}ing suck. I've seen loads of guys talking up the Deizel stuff since I signed on here, but if that was the Deizel shizznitt so many around here have got a hard-on for, I don't get it.



I hear what you're saying, but Godsmack wasn't using the Deizel for the tones Godsmack would normally use them for, i.e. they were trying to get a more vintagey, '80s sound rather than the type of gain Deizels are renowned for. I'd like to hear one in person rather than over the TV.

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Originally posted by rushtallica

I hear what you're saying, but Godsmack wasn't using the Deizel for the tones Godsmack would normally use them for, i.e. they were
to get a more vintagey, '80s sound rather than the type of gain Deizels are renowned for. I'd like to hear one in person rather than over the TV.

I hear you, but isn't this supposed to be a $4000 amp? My single rectifier would have those four heads he was playing through for lunch. I'm 36, so maybe the current tones have passed me by, but what sound is the Deizel exactly renowned for?

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Originally posted by bob the dentist

My dad was watching it with me, and he said "Paul I think your boobs are getting a bit big for that chest-less shirt."

I hate Kiss anyway. I have no idea why they got popular.

Then again I didn't grow up in the 70's.

What are you, 14??? Kiss kicks royal ass! Yes they have been known to be cheesy but if you were to listen to Kiss Alive and Alive II back in the day............ you'd have your tail between your legs.

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Originally posted by BadHorsie

I hear you, but isn't this supposed to be a $4000 amp? My single rectifier would have those four heads he was playing through for lunch. I'm 36, so maybe the current tones have passed me by, but what sound is the Deizel exactly renowned for?



Modern high gain. Lots of nu-metal bands seem to get their hands on Diezels.

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Originally posted by rastaman

What are you, 14??? Kiss kicks royal ass! Yes they have been known to be cheesy but if you were to listen to Kiss Alive and Alive II back in the day............ you'd have your tail between your legs.



I'm 16. Like I said, I'm sure if I had been around when they first hit i would think it was cool. But I just don't get it now.

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Originally posted by Megadeth7684

Modern high gain. Lots of nu-metal bands seem to get their hands on Diezels.

I before E except after C. Sorry about the spelling. I think great guitar tone in general is a lost art. Most of this Nu-Metal (more like all of it) leaves me flat.

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Originally posted by bikerdude2

Presley is smoking also..

She's got that scatchy voice like she sucked a bunch of cock the night before. :D That's sexy. But to me she has a wild look in her eye that makes me think she'll burn your house down on a jealous drunken bender. H AHA HA AH HAA. :D

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Originally posted by leadfootdriver

She's got that scatchy voice like she sucked a bunch of cock the night before.
That's sexy. But to me she has a wild look in her eye that makes me think she'll burn your house down on a jealous drunken bender. H AHA HA AH HAA.


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Originally posted by leadfootdriver

She's got that scatchy voice like she sucked a bunch of cock the night before.
That's sexy. But to me she has a wild look in her eye that makes me think she'll burn your house down on a jealous drunken bender. H AHA HA AH HAA.

My best friend used to date a chick like that. Though she was a ball to hang out with and would constantly whip her tits out, she was a {censored}ing LOON and cheated on him all the time with her... drug dealer...


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Originally posted by Zakko

My best friend used to date a chick like that. Though she was a ball to hang out with and would constantly whip her tits out, she was a {censored}ing LOON and cheated on him all the time with her...
drug dealer...


Too bad for your buddy. That's the kinda girl that you hit, and quit. Get out while you can.

I'd love to {censored} Jaime Presley, and you know she would be good. But you can't let them rope you in, and let them get you to start doin' {censored} for them on the premise that she really cares for you and all that.

You gotta know a party girl has a stable of men in the wings. What guy doesn't flock to the girl that whips hers tits out all the time? :D

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Originally posted by BadHorsie

I'm no Godsmack fan to begin with, but I can warm up to almost any live hard rock/metal- that being said, they {censored}ing suck. I've seen loads of guys talking up the Deizel stuff since I signed on here, but if that was the Deizel shizznitt so many around here have got a hard-on for, I don't get it.


I was thinking the same thing. Granted, what I was hearing was coming through my tv speakers and all, but what I heard didn't justify a $4000 price tag imho. I mean, {censored}, I paid $6,000 for my car, you know? And it's a pretty decent ride imo. I'm not saying Diezel's suck by a long shot, but I am scratching my head in wonder a little bit - not necessarily about if they sound good or not, but do they sound $4000 good? :confused:

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