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Need auto advice - i sank my car :(

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You definitly hydro locked your car.

Pull the plugs out and procedd to start it. Water will probably shoot out 2+ stories high. Do this without overdoing it so you don't burn out your starter. Once the water has seemed to be out, put the plugs back in see if that works.

I don't know, but a friends BMW was hydrolocked because of a puddle he drove through and with his intake port being in the front bumper, it sucked water and it stalled out.

Pulled the plugs, got the water out, and it started.

Like someone else said, drain the oil as well.

Look on the bright side, you can always do an engine swap.

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Originally posted by luke978


If you got enough water in the intake to kill the engine, you're {censored}ed. I mean.....bent valves, pushrods, and maybe a broken connecting rod.....{censored}ed.

Good job douchebag.

I would have thought someone living in South Louisiana would have a little more sympathy for a person who lost property due to a storm. Way to be a nice human being. :rolleyes:

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I'd have it towed to your dealer and tell them what happend. It's under warrenty and you have insurance.

That way, whatever damage is caused by starting it will be the dealers fault, not yours.

Seriously though, its a honda. The water will make the rice grow better.


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Originally posted by Mesaholic

I would have thought someone living in South Louisiana would have a little more sympathy for a person who lost property due to a storm. Way to be a nice human being.

It sucks that those people lost so much, however

I didn't build my house in a city that's essentially a lavatory sourrounded by water. I mean come on, N.O. is already 6ft below sea level. In drought conditions you have to run the city drainage pumps. Yeah... no one saw that comming...... :rolleyes:

If you roll the dice, you have to accept the fact that you will crap out eventually.

I'm supposed to feel sorry for someone who should have had the sense not to drive through standing water? Its unfortunate, but it was pretty stupid.

Besides I gave him one of these... :thu:

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Originally posted by Doug's Tubes

That car is totalled.

not so fast. i did the same thing to my 94 camaro, intake behind the driver's headlight. the water killed the engine, then i tried to start it several times (i know, such a genious).

finally, i got some fat ladies to help me push it out of the road, cranked and cranked and cranked. finally it started, spewed water out of the pipes, and promptly died. got it started again, and it idled rough for a good 10-15, while draining water out the pipes.

drove it for the next 6 months, then sold it.:thu:

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Originally posted by JnBroadbent

You definitly hydro locked your car.

Pull the plugs out and procedd to start it. Water will probably shoot out 2+ stories high. Do this without overdoing it so you don't burn out your starter. Once the water has seemed to be out, put the plugs back in see if that works.

I don't know, but a friends BMW was hydrolocked because of a puddle he drove through and with his intake port being in the front bumper, it sucked water and it stalled out.

Pulled the plugs, got the water out, and it started.

Like someone else said, drain the oil as well.

Look on the bright side, you can always do an engine swap.



hydrolocked=game over for the engine. your friend just got water in the engine.

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