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a Very intresteresting view of a Syrian psychologist about Islam


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Originally posted by voodoopower

Islam is a horrible religion. Since when it is ok to own women and not let them have any rights.



dude, do research before accusations. islamic women have all the rights they want in america. dictating governments in the middle east are the cause of that to be continuing on. for example, the reason for a scarf to be worn by a women is so that men do not judge who they are by the way they look, but rather by who they truly are. women are not frowned upon or do they not have rights. muslims taht believe this are traditionalist, and just like people of other races, it is who they are that look down upon women, not what religion they are. its the sick public now days that cares so much more about getting laid than about morals that proves certain things in islam to be of great cause.

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Originally posted by joeyinflames

dude, do research before accusations. islamic women have all the rights they want in america. dictating governments in the middle east are the cause of that to be continuing on. for example, the reason for a scarf to be worn by a women is so that men do not judge who they are by the way they look, but rather by who they truly are. women are not frowned upon or do they not have rights. muslims taht believe this are traditionalist, and just like people of other races, it is who they are that look down upon women, not what religion they are. its the sick public now days that cares so much more about getting laid than about morals that proves certain things in islam to be of great cause.



I wasn't talking about liberal (minority) islamic women. Im talking about the ones that are not in this country. Sick public? HAHAH, go back to the dark ages why don't you.

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Originally posted by voodoopower

I wasn't talking about liberal (minority) islamic women. Im talking about the ones that are not in this country. Sick public? HAHAH, go back to the dark ages why don't you.



i agree with you, the dark ages was a worse time, and traditionalists of europe/middle east/africa/and asia still carry on many of the ways of the past - being extremists. plus, all islamic woment want those freedoms to choose their life style. the only ones who do not are those who live under dictating rulers - and that is the minority now. many of them still love and cheerish covering themselves, and do not wish to experience working and being educated, but live strong to wanting to raise a family. it is a person's preference. those who are forced, yes, are under dictating rulers. most choose.

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Originally posted by voodoopower

Islam is a horrible religion. Since when it is ok to own women and not let them have any rights.




I'm agnostic..but... the bible also says males are to be the head. Thats why there are no women priests or popes.


The bible says "wives, obey your husbands as much as the church obeys god".


The difference between us and the arabs is that they believe in God and gods laws.... .we only believe in God.

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Originally posted by voodoopower

Islam is a horrible religion. Since when it is ok to own women and not let them have any rights.




I'm agnostic..but... the bible also says males are to be the head. Thats why there are no women priests or popes.


The bible says "wives, obey your husbands as much as the church obeys god".


The difference between us and the arabs is that they believe in God and gods laws.... .we only believe in God.

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Originally posted by Panopticon

Thats not what Im saying, and although I dont believe in anything religious, it is just as "feeble minded" to ridicule someone beacuse of what they believe.

Its not the religions that are the problem. Its the fact that people cant accept other peoples beliefs-much like you just did. If the different religions could just accept others, then I would have no problem with it. but, people are so egotistical, jealous and full of anger, that the only way to cure this would be to strip out religion all together.

But, even after all that, people will still find a reason to kill, torture and ridicule.

Suffering is indeed the human condition.



I wasn't implying that you feel the way I do about religion. I was just adding my opinion. I really do hate it though. More people have been butchered in the name of god than for any other reason throughout history. I firmly believe in everyone's right to worship a deity or to condemn it as I do. My opinion is merely that... an opinion. I accept people's beliefs as their own. The difference is that I'm not killing for my beliefs or trying to convert anyone to my way of thinking. I'm just stating the way that I feel. Like it or hate it. I couldn't care less.

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Originally posted by LithiumZero

My opinion is merely that... an opinion.



Then you should probably try expressing it without attacking countless people you don't even know if you want anyone to take anything you say seriously.



Originally posted by LithiumZero

I accept people's beliefs as their own. The difference is that I'm not killing for my beliefs or trying to convert anyone to my way of thinking.



How is that a difference? Most everyone on the face of the planet is not killing people for their beliefs and trying to convert everyone. Even in the case of the middle east, it is just the extremists.

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Kudos to that brave lady. She knows that her life could be in danger by saying these things. She is 100% on the mark. We need more people like this speaking out. But of course the main stream liberal dinosour media wouldn't show it.

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Originally posted by joeyinflames

dude, do research before accusations. islamic women have all the rights they want in america. dictating governments in the middle east are the cause of that to be continuing on. for example, the reason for a scarf to be worn by a women is so that men do not judge who they are by the way they look, but rather by who they truly are. women are not frowned upon or do they not have rights. muslims taht believe this are traditionalist, and just like people of other races, it is who they are that look down upon women, not what religion they are. its the sick public now days that cares so much more about getting laid than about morals that proves certain things in islam to be of great cause.



Dude, I want what your smokin. Whew.

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Originally posted by slake moth

"This would be the best of all possible worlds, were there no religion in it." -Thomas Jefferson



"The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty, our students perusal of the sacred volume will make us better citizens..."--Thomas Jefferson.

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Originally posted by LithiumZero

More people have been butchered in the name of god than for any other reason throughout history.


Actually, secular humanist/evolution/Darwinists Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler combined and accountable for over 200 million deaths...survival of the fittest?



all religions total combined throughout the ages does not even come close....maybe we should 'get rid' of the secular humanists? :idea:

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I thought this woman made alot of SENSE! I am all for embracing the PEACEFUL Muslims...and for DIS-ARMING the violent extremist factions that just can't seem to play nice unless someone (looks like that is: America, Brittain and Israel..) FORCES them to...

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Originally posted by Echoes

"The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty, our students perusal of the sacred volume will make us better citizens..."--Thomas Jefferson.



"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal emnity against every form of tyrrany over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson.

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Originally posted by cog

It's perfectly true that there are differences in the beliefs of Islam and western thought. This is not, however, the reason for terrorism, certainly not that which is aimed at western countries. The reason is western political and foreign policy, proven time and time again to be every bit as barbaric and inhumane as the way in which she characterises islamic life.




Yes...so that means it's okay to be ever more barbaric until the end of the world.

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Originally posted by Echoes

I thought this woman made alot of SENSE! I am all for embracing the PEACEFUL Muslims...and for DIS-ARMING the violent extremist factions that just can't seem to play nice unless someone (looks like that is: America, Brittain and Israel..) FORCES them to...



so...being lebanon's only defense is a violent extremist faction...k...

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Originally posted by Echoes

Actually, secular humanist/evolution/Darwinists Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler combined and accountable for over 200 million deaths...survival of the fittest?


all religions total combined throughout the ages does not even come close....maybe we should 'get rid' of the secular humanists?




Get your facts straight.

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Originally posted by joeyinflames

so...being lebanon's only defense is a violent extremist faction...k...



Yeah yeah...Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Quaeda, these guys all have their cause and need to blow up some planes because they're having a bad day.


Since most Muslims can't agree it was Arabs that carried out the 9/11 attacks I can't trust their judgement for anything honestly....sorry...nothing.


I trust that Syrian psychologist and I trust no one that disagrees with what she said.


The polls at this sight do not make the Muslims look too bright or peaceful as a whole and I'd say all news in general reflects that lately.




The west is not attacking the Muslims, the Muslims are blaming the west for their lack of what the west has.

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