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Everything posted by JT1

  1. Originally posted by charliedango So God gave us free will so he could be sure he was loved and that it wasn't forced? It makes me uncomfortable to think that God would create all of existence just to make himself feel better about himself. Actually, I'd prefer to believe that God doesn't resign himself to the emotional frailty we as humans sometimes possess. A long time ago I lost faith in the church because what I sought could not be found there. I was displeased with the level of immaturity I experienced on a daily level and placed my hope in the fact that God's teachings brought along with it an enlightemnment that would one day overcome childish ways. My hopes were shattered when I discovered that the elders of my church behaved in the same manner as the children at my school. These men of faith were no better than my schoolmates. I was extremely let down by that. Throughout life I've discovered more and more that there is no difference between childhood and adulthood as I once believed there was. I found that even the oldest and supposedly wisest people on this earth are still capable of acting like complete babies. To me, God represents a creation beyond our tangible reasoning. God isn't a manipulator, or a deceiver. God doesn't play by the same rules as man, that's what makes him God, so why do so many people believe that he is just like us and capable of the same childish behavior? I don't know. I don't pretend to know why God gave us free will, but I'm very certain in the fact that no one else knows either. I believe that we're on our own. All has been set in place and we have the free will to do good or bad. Life realley is what YOU make it. That's the plan.
  2. Originally posted by telephant Seperation of Chruch and State is a good thing. And if homosexuals bother you, dont talk to them. Not the issue. Look it up in the Dec-o-Ind.
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