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Okay honestly... wtf.


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Originally posted by rememberduane

You simply cannot comprehend the fact that "Canadian" denotes citizenship. DENOTES. Take the time to comprehent.



That's because it is not a fact. See my post above regarding consultants, as you may very well offend someone someday. Saying he is a Syrian citizen is a fact.


My wife is an American, she is NOT an american citizen yet. THAT is a fact.


If someone is the president of an american division of a club, that club's American President, does that DENOTE (lol) that they are the POTUS?


Learn your language, please.

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Originally posted by Dark Angel

That's because it is not a fact. See my post above regarding consultants, as you may very well offend someone someday. Saying he is a Syrian citizen is a fact.

My wife is an American, she is NOT an american citizen yet. THAT is a fact.

If someone is the president of an american division of a club, that club's American President, does that DENOTE (lol) that they are the POTUS?

Learn your language, please.



If your wife is not a citizen, she is not an American. Sorry.


Quite clearly, I understand the language better than you.

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Originally posted by Dark Angel

If she works for an american company, and they write about her in Canada, they will refer to her as an AMERICAN bank manager.

Nothing to be sorry for when you're wrong.

The American is in reference to the bank, not the person. :rolleyes:

Had he not been a Canadian, they would have said: "A Syrian computer programmer living and working in Canada".

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jesus, i love to watch you people fight about this {censored}. this is why i hate this country, i can't wait to move out of it. a few more years and i'm gone, and i can't wait to watch it burn.

i have not felt at home under our flag ever in my life, now i'm only 25, and you old farts who run your flags up the pole every morning to a bugle will be glad to see me go.

it's a horrible thing our country is doing to the world in general. syria has the right to do what they want, it's their country, BUT, we do not have the right to evict people from someone else's country (canada) for our own vendetta. this is ridiculous. whether he is a card-carrying suicide bomber or a software geek, it doesn't matter, we have no right to roust him out of canada and send him anywhere. canada, and everyone else in the world, should have the balls to tell us to {censored} off.

i hate that we as a nation pull so many strings the world over.

blow this {censored}ty country up terrorists, just don't scuff my orange amp, i really like it, and it's down with all religions and creedos...

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Originally posted by lostandfoundpdx

jesus, i love to watch you people fight about this {censored}. this is why i hate this country, i can't wait to move out of it. a few more years and i'm gone, and i can't wait to watch it burn.

i have not felt at home under our flag ever in my life, now i'm only 25, and you old farts who run your flags up the pole every morning to a bugle will be glad to see me go.

it's a horrible thing our country is doing to the world in general. syria has the right to do what they want, it's their country, BUT, we do not have the right to evict people from someone else's country (canada) for our own vendetta. this is ridiculous. whether he is a card-carrying suicide bomber or a software geek, it doesn't matter, we have no right to roust him out of canada and send him anywhere. canada, and everyone else in the world, should have the balls to tell us to {censored} off.

i hate that we as a nation pull so many strings the world over.

blow this {censored}ty country up terrorists, just don't scuff my orange amp, i really like it, and it's down with all religions and creedos...



I'm going back for law school and I'm staying there. My goal in life is to hold the most powerful people on the planet accountable for their actions. The {censored} is not acceptable. If it means I have to figure out how to get in politics, I'll do it. If it means human rights advocacy for something like Amnesty International, I'll do it. I don't care if I make nothinng or make a fortune. {censored} like this and the thousands of other atrocities that the industrialized first-world nations commit (not just the US, not just this administration) constantly are due to be reconciled. Laugh all you want, you wait and see.

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Originally posted by rememberduane

I'm going back for law school and I'm staying there. My goal in life is to hold the most powerful people on the planet accountable for their actions. The {censored} is not acceptable. If it means I have to figure out how to get in politics, I'll do it. If it means human rights advocacy for something like Amnesty International, I'll do it. I don't care if I make nothinng or make a fortune. {censored} like this and the thousands of other atrocities that the industrialized first-world nations commit (not just the US, not just this administration) constantly are due to be reconciled. Laugh all you want, you wait and see.



So enlighten us on some of the outrages you've discovered from other countries. Strangely enough, I haven't seen many from you.


Hint - try China, instead of sending people to their home country to be tortured, they do it there. And they harvest organs from prisoners after killing them. And they have slave labor. And censor the internet and magazines and airwaves.


That should keep you busy for awhile. I'm looking forward to your first investigative report.



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Originally posted by Stratotone

He was still a Syrian Citizen.



Doesn't matter. Deportation goes to country of residence, not country of birth. It's a loophole they used. They are quite aware of Syria's "interrogation" techniques. You've posted enough useless drivel all over these boards, don't start in this thread.

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Originally posted by gafyagaton

The world is very selective in what angers them and what doesnt.



How can we fight that sort of behaviour by engaging in that sort of behaviour?



Cases like that of Mr. Arar would not be affected by the compromise legislation on detainee treatment worked out between the White House and Republican senators last week, since it would have no effect on interrogation methods used by other countries. In fact, the proposed bill would strip non-Americans held overseas under United States control of the right to challenge their detention in federal court.


“It’s a huge hole in what Congress is doing,” said Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights in New York, which represents Mr. Arar in his lawsuit. “The government can still send people secretly to other countries where they’ll be tortured.”



As soon as our "leaders" decided we couldn't win according to the precepts of honor, we lost. It doesn't matter how many people die, because the idea for which we are fighting is already dead.

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Originally posted by rememberduane

I'm going back for law school and I'm staying there. My goal in life is to hold the most powerful people on the planet accountable for their actions. The {censored} is not acceptable. If it means I have to figure out how to get in politics, I'll do it. If it means human rights advocacy for something like Amnesty International, I'll do it. I don't care if I make nothinng or make a fortune. {censored} like this and the thousands of other atrocities that the industrialized first-world nations commit (not just the US, not just this administration) constantly are due to be reconciled. Laugh all you want, you wait and see.



No offense but this reads like the rantings of a 17 year old boy throwing a tantrum.

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Originally posted by Stratotone

So enlighten us on some of the outrages you've discovered from other countries. Strangely enough, I haven't seen many from you.

Hint - try China, instead of sending people to their home country to be tortured, they do it there. And they harvest organs from prisoners after killing them. And they have slave labor. And censor the internet and magazines and airwaves.

That should keep you busy for awhile. I'm looking forward to your first investigative report.




I'm well aware of China's human rights record. I'm well aware of human rights abuses all over the world.


Problem being, I'm an American. It's my home, it's my country. See my sig. I want to believe that's my country. When I tell people that this summer, I'm going to go volunteer as a teacher in an orphanage in Uganda, they tell me to clean up my own back yard (despite the fact that I have volunteered in the US more than most and will continue to do so). Then when I say I want to make a difference in the US and other first-world industrialized nations, they tell me to go elsewhere. I don't get it.


The United States is supposed to be a bastion of freedom, economic prosperity, humanity, righteous power, and acceptance. Maybe we never were, but I've seen true American spirit in the vein. I have seen men without arms and men drooling on themselves in wheelchairs because they fought to protect those values. I've seen the coffins of men who gave their lives for them.


Is it not hypocritical to send your boys and girls into battle, telling them they're protecting freedom, justice, and the American way, when the current administration is battling its own party in order to keep our government from acting under the Geneva Conventions?


I believe in the things that the United States is supposed to represent. They ring true to me every time I see our flag or think about my forefathers who have fought in every single war the US has been in prior to the Gulf War, all the way back to my ancestor William Garrett, a bricklayer in Jamestown in 1607.


So maybe you think I'm wrong for trying to hold those accountable who undercut and demean my values. Maybe I'm not a patriot because I think that our nation, my nation, should be a "house upon a hill", an example for the world to follow. Maybe I'm misguided in thinking our nation can always be better.


But maybe I'm not, and that's what I'm going to find out.

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Originally posted by rememberduane

I'm going back for law school and I'm staying there.



You won't graduate with your current lack of ability to analyze phrasing precisely. Those loopholes you are complaining about are there because of guys like you not seeing that they exist and locking down the phrasing beyond interpretation. Perhaps you will serve your own cause better through activism than crafting of law?


That poster that "argued before the bar", that everyone jumped on? He said nothing wrong, people presumed things, and called him a liar. What he said was suggestive, as was the wording in the article.


You will need to learn the difference between statement of fact and suggestion through ommission of any contradiction if you wish to practice law.

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Originally posted by Dark Angel

You won't graduate with your current lack of ability to analyze phrasing precisely. Those loopholes you are complaining about are there because of guys like you not seeing that they exist and locking down the phrasing beyond interpretation. Perhaps you will serve your own cause better through activism than crafting of law?

That poster that "argued before the bar", that everyone jumped on? He said nothing wrong, people presumed things, and called him a liar. What he said was suggestive, as was the wording in the article.

You will need to learn the difference between statement of fact and suggestion through ommission of any contradiction if you wish to practice law.

I have a lot to learn if I wish to practice law. Thanks for the advice. :thu:

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Originally posted by rememberduane

You're a washed up pathetic old man who demeans an 18 year old with dreams of making the world a better place.

Dream somewhere more appropriately. Do you really think you're the first teenager who thinks he's going to change the world?

Most great plans for world change started on harmony central. I can tell my friends in 20 years about how I saw the great {censored}ing emancipator start his plan for prosperity, peace and the american way on Harmony Central. What exciting times we live in with you in it to enlighten us.


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