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straight v. slant 4x12-----Band says straight only


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It's a bit stupid to have that sort of closed final idea..if it'S sounds good this way..why would you have to buy a cab again ?

Maybe try to a/b them.. they do sound slightly different, slants let you hear better on stage...

It pisses me off a bit when people won't budge over some idea that they decided to defend like that..it'S not like the band will have an awful tone because of this...it might as well compliment the other guitarist.

I'd try to talk to them about this..if it's that much an issue..well you decide what to do if you really want to be with these guys or not.

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This is an easy one.

Get with the ryth player.

Put his straight cab and your slanted side by side.

Use the same amp head and settings.

And watch him :o because your speakers are probably better than his anyway. V30's rock all sorts of balls for metal.

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I hear you guys.....funny thing is they are not complaining for image reasons---they are saying that the sound won't be as tight and that the crowd won't hear the 2 angled speakers very well. However if you mic it up what does it matter? I am going to discuss the issue with the band next time we meet and see what they say.

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Originally posted by c2dzmm

I hear you guys.....funny thing is they are not complaining for image reasons---they are saying that the sound won't be as tight and that the crowd won't hear the 2 angled speakers very well. However if you mic it up what does it matter? I am going to discuss the issue with the band next time we meet and see what they say.



That's just plain ignorant and uninformed...and easy enough to disprove. Does it sound too loose now? Have you actually played a gig in which they have experienced the problem you say they are worried about? If not, then an intelligent group would zip it until there is a problem that needs solving.

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Originally posted by mercedesrules

I would ask him directly, "Is this policy for looks or sound?" If he says "looks" and he is the leader, just get the straight cab. Image is important.

I once wanted to join a popular band that had all white amps and speakers (and drums). They told me I could join and straightaway the roadies spray-painted all of my gear white. No one was ever allowed to bring non-white gear onstage. It was band policy and we agreed to it.

Here's one of my old cabs from those days on the left. There was so much paint on the grillcloth I had to cut it out and put material from a sewing shop on.


Here is the band right before I joined. Some of these cabs were homemade.


That band might have been great musically but they totally blew it visually when they used obviously home made cabs just so they could have an all white backline.

Home made looks so cheezy IMO. In fact home made is the cheeziest thing a band could do. (Unless you wanted to look like a bunch of hillbillies - Minnie Pearl Metal).

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in first place... how can all you people give so much opinions of "they are morons" or crap like that if you don't know what genre or style this guy is playing with them?

maybe they REALLY need a tight defined bass dominant sound and not exactly a "hear themselves better" sound.

maybe they are a very serious band and really know what they want in sound? or maybe they don't know what they are talking about?

well.. whatever the reason is... the leader is the leader... he is a leader for a reason and if you say they are really talented maybe it is worth it.

but... the difference is SO small that you could tell the guys this:

"Hey guys. I thought about the cab thing and I will change it when I can (unless you have the money and can sell your slant or something). I think the most important thing right now is just to play together and kick ass"

take music as the priority. NOT the looks, the bass, how the sound waves move, or any little thing that doesn't matter as much. I'm shure that if they are so talented as you say they will agree on that fact.


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Originally posted by MojoFilter

This is an image thing with them...beware of metalheads who are more concerned with image than the music they are making.



I got the gears once for using a Peavey head with a Marshall cab... "It doesn't match, doesn't look professional..." WTF? I don't care if it doesn't look like I've been endorsed by anyone! YOU stand in front of my XXX/1960A and tell me it doesn't rock your balls off!!!


Image is nothing, tone is everything.

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Originally posted by SLfreak

I got the gears once for using a Peavey head with a Marshall cab... "It doesn't match, doesn't look professional..." WTF? I don't care if it doesn't look like I've been endorsed by anyone! YOU stand in front of my XXX/1960A and tell me it doesn't rock your balls off!!!

Image is nothing, tone is everything.

hahah, sounds familiar to my mate who wont get a cab for his dsl head unless it says Marshall on the front :rolleyes:

He's gonna hate my cab I'm picking up tomorrow, custom built for the guy I'm buying it off so it has no name or anything on it :D

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Originally posted by yoh_yoh

in first place... how can all you people give so much opinions of "they are morons" or crap like that if you don't know what genre or style this guy is playing with them?

They said nobody plays slants live for metal.

That's a pretty moronic statement to me. :confused:

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In order to join my band you need to wear sunglasses at all times, or get the {censored} out.

Anyway moving on...

So this band is saying you aren't allowed to join if you have an angled cab? LOL! That sounds like something someone who uses a guitar cable as a speaker cable would say.

And also, that band with the white cabs...just wow...LOL! The amazingly clever ideas some bands need to come up with to stand out...:o

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Originally posted by yoh_yoh

I'd call it "close-minded opinion"

I wouldn't call them morons for that



I wouldn't call it an opinion at all. If he said get a straight cab because it sounds better, that's fine because it's subjective and is debateable. Saying nobody in metal plays slant cabs is just a dumb statement.

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Originally posted by MattACaster

You're in a band with morons.

Agreed. Depending on where the cab is sitting and if it's turned down a bit, I prefer to have the top 2 speakers angled a bit.

It sounds like they're basing their reasoning on what everybody else is doing rather than giving a legitimate reason for it. They sound like they're destined to be clones of other people/bands... :o

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Originally posted by ChS

I wouldn't call it an opinion at all. If he said get a straight cab because it sounds better, that's fine because it's subjective and is debateable. Saying nobody in metal plays slant cabs is just a dumb statement.

Exactly. It might be different if they not only had a legitimate reason but also a good one. It'd be less lame, IMO, if he already owned (or already does own) a straight 412 cab to choose from. If he has to buy one, I hope that band already has some paying gigs lined up or has a hot female singer at least. ;)

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Explain to me how having all the same gear makes you look professional?

If me and my other guitar play say used, all mesa gear.

instead of me using my jcm800/orange4x12
and his, Rivera knucklehead/hiwatt cab.

to me, if i went to a show and saw a band using the gear we do, I would respect them alot more, because clearly they are choosing tone, regardless of looks.

i see bands just using a wall of the same amp all the time, to me, that makes me just say "meh".

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I can sympathize... Ever since my bass player got his Mesa rig (400+ amp & M1000 cabinet), he's been on this "all Mesa all the time" kick.

He had been nagging me for a couple years to get a Mesa oversized cab even though weren't gigging at that point... I was only reluctant because I have two other cabs and didn't want to shell out the dollars since we weren't even gigging... edit: and I'm cheap.

So, I finally get clearance from the wife to buy one. She thought it was a good idea because she liked the way it looks... Gotta love women.

Anyway, I get the cab, kinda beat up, reletively cheap on evilBay. I think "perfect"... Right?


I show up to practice thinking I'm going to get a verbal handjob for doing good... What my fatthead bass player says is, "nice... You didn't get a staright cab, huh..?" Obviously not.

The ullitmate irony here is it's a Mesa cab, and as has been pointed out earlier in the thread, Mesa bottom cabs still have the top of the front baffle slanted...

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Originally posted by potaetoes


since when is metal about following rules, anyway?

no wonder most metal these days is laughable.



Man, I'm gonna' run out of + 1's on this thread.


If there's any other band out there looking for a guitarist that's playing music even slightly comparable to what he's wanting to play, I'd check them out and see if they're also tail-boned. If not, there's the better answer, IMO.

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