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Who has had Voodoo Amps mod their Single/Dual/Triple Recto ???


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I know there are some threads on this already, but since the search feature is down I have to start a new one. Yay, don`t hold it against me yo. :D


I`ve contacted Trace via email, but it`s the weekend. Hopefully he`s at home enjoying some down time so I probably won`t hear back from him till next week. I thought I would hit some of you guys up for some answers.


I`m actually thinking of having my Single Recto modded instead of buying a new amp. That will give me a little more money to dedicate to my recording rig since I forgot I was going to need to buy a new computer also.


Over-all I`m pretty happy with the Single Recto. There are only a couple of things that need to be fine tuned. I like all the modes on the clean channel so no need for changes there. I also like vintage mode on the lead channel for soloing so no changes there.


My concerns are in the modern mode. The bass is just out of control. Over-whelming at any level and I keep mine low. I don`t know if it`s the frequency point for the bass or if the voicing is just too over the top. I want to tame this and tighten it up some. Just get some more control over it and bring it in line. I also would like to fill out the mids a little and warm them up. Not like vintage mode, but get rid of the mid-range harshness and open it up a little.


I also note that the basic mod description says that there is an increase in gain. Is this over-all or just in the lead channel? Is it basically more saturation in the gain or what. I wouldn`t mind more saturation if it stays articulate.


Sorry for the long winded post. If you have a Voodoo modded Recto please PM me so we can talk. If you know someone else who has a modded Recto please put them in contact with me.




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I love my DR, but the Modern Ch 3 is the worst tone on the entire amp. Mine is not so much a bass thing with mine, but the upper end fizz thing. I ended up just avoiding that mode and using the vintage mode on Ch. 3 and Raw on ch. 2

I'd like to take a look at that Ch. 3 modern circuit path and see what it would take to mod the tone stack. :idea:

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Tweed- I`ve never had any trouble with upper end fizz and I set my pre-amp gain at 2:00. I just keep my mids and treble around 12:00 and keep the presence really low at 9:00. IMO, the presence control is the culpret in the fizz dept. I use the mids to cut through so I can keep the presence down low. It seems to help, even at higher gain settings.


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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

Tweed- I`ve never had any trouble with upper end fizz and I set my pre-amp gain at 2:00. I just keep my mids and treble around 12:00 and keep the presence really low at 9:00. IMO, the presence control is the culpret in the fizz dept. I use the mids to cut through so I can keep the presence down low. It seems to help, even at higher gain settings.




This is information I can put to use. Thanks Eric.




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Trace is super cool and will help you out, i had the standard mod done on my 2ch DR and I love it now. Before the mod i was thinking of selling it and just wait for their HEX heads. the Recto behaves differently now. the clean channel is sooooo round and clear 'water like', and when in Vintage High Gain sounds so much more defined and punchy than before, you can hear every little detail of your playing (good or bad, gulp). The modern high gain is way less fuzzy. it is a bit tighter but not as tight as say a VHT(maybe it would help if i had the Traditional cab instead of the standard)

I also had a gain boost installed, and sometimes i'll max the gain and the boost, and the SOB remains defined, and the saturation is.....ahhhhhh (sorry i just cremed my pants).

I Love my DR:love: :love: :love:

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I have the standard mod done too mine. I've played on my friends unmodded dual, it was kinda hard too do since I'm so use to my amp. The mod tightens up the sound alot. the bass control is much more useable. Much less compressed sounding, and more dynamics depending on how hard you pick.

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Originally posted by lefchr

I have the standard mod done too mine. I've played on my friends unmodded dual, it was kinda hard too do since I'm so use to my amp. The mod tightens up the sound alot. the bass control is much more useable. Much less compressed sounding, and more dynamics depending on how hard you pick.




Thanks for the reply. Do you find the amp to have more gain at all?



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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

Thanks for the reply. Do you find the amp to have more gain at all?




It probably has about the same amount of gain, but you can use more with the mod since it sounds cleaner. I know he can add a gain boost push/pull knob if you want more. I have the gain around 1:00 - 2:00.

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Originally posted by lefchr

It probably has about the same amount of gain, but you can use more with the mod since it sounds cleaner. I know he can add a gain boost push/pull knob if you want more. I have the gain around 1:00 - 2:00.





You didn`t get the gain boost, right?


What kind of mod is that? The amp already has a solo boost. Is the gain boost just a switchable extra gain stage?



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Originally posted by BAZGUITARMAN

You didn`t get the gain boost, right?

What kind of mod is that? The amp already has a solo boost. Is the gain boost just a switchable extra gain stage?




I dont have the gain boost, I thought about it for abit, but I really dont need it. Its seperate from the solo boost. I think he changes the gain knob to a push/pull pot, I'm not completely sure how it add the gain you'd have too talk with him about it.


At some point within a year our so, I'm going to have the transformer changed to the voodoo one. I remember reading a review on here by soem that had a deluxe mod that it sounded like it had more gain than before.

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Originally posted by omni

16 bucks worth of parts and you get charged 400.




Um...you're not paying for the parts, you're paying for a professional's time. If you think you can accomplish the same thing as a bunch of people who have gone through tons of electronics schooling go right ahead, more power to ya.

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Originally posted by omni

No need to insult, it's the truth.You can spend your money the way you see fit and I will do the same, oh and {censored} YOU.

ever had body work done on your car?

do you go around to automotive forums spouting about how much worth of parts were used as opposed to the cost of labor? and to think what it would cost if those shops designed the work they did, AND were the only shop who could do it.

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Originally posted by cloudnine

16 bucks worth of parts...and how many hours of labour and tweaking?

You tell me. You should know better. Little bitch.:rolleyes: I have been playing guitar longer then you have been alive.:D Shine my shoes.:D

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Originally posted by bullhead

ever had body work done on your car?

do you go around to automotive forums spouting about how much worth of parts were used as opposed to the cost of labor? and to think what it would cost if those shops designed the work they did, AND were the only shop who could do it.

Yes, I work on my cars. Me.:):wave:

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