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Why is it, that... (Rant)


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So many guys get so aggrevated and become hostile because something that is used by a given player, is priced out of their approval range or beyond their means, OR isn't the correct tool for their application and want to bash a given amps tone or FX processor or whatever... as if everyone has the same application/applications needing to be fullfilled???


It IS true that just because it's expensive doesn't make it "better", but when the pieces of gear ARE Industry Top-shelf... AND happen to be expensive, bordering on ridiculous even, perhaps passing ridiculous, there is still a reason it's the Industries' Top-Shelf consideration for the given application.


I figure envy, is at the heart of the matter, and the troll breeding season has flourished here on HC. I am interested in other takes.

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my guitars, amps and pedalboard are all expensive top gear...I'm usually at the 'BEAT DOWN' end of this viewpoint :thu:

I think it is frustration/envy/ego and any other bad trait in a person that causes them to judge others so self righteously...

then there is the golf analogy...

you have the golfers out there with $25,000 worth of gear and all the golf garb on and they can't play for crap...and you have the hackers out there shooting close to a Tiger Woods and can't afford nice stuff...(if they were at work working instead of practicing maybe they would be able to buy the gear they want...but, then again if they are at work they can't practice so :idea::thu: )

*SOLUTION* have rich parents so you can have all the expensive gear and get top line lessons and post as an arrogant punk on HCAF :eek:

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Originally posted by Echoes

my guitars, amps and pedalboard are all expensive top gear...I'm usually at the 'BEAT DOWN' end of this viewpoint

I think it is frustration/envy/ego and any other bad trait in a person that causes them to judge others so self righteously...

then there is the golf analogy...

you have the golfers out there with $25,000 worth of gear and all the golf garb on and they can't play for crap...and you have the hackers out there shooting close to a Tiger Woods and can't afford nice stuff...(if they were at work working instead of practicing maybe they would be able to buy the gear they want...but, then again if they are at work they can't practice so

*SOLUTION* have rich parents so you can have all the expensive gear and get top line lessons and post as an arrogant punk on HCAF

In my case, I am the rich parent who purchases my own gear and posts here, but don't think I am better because of my gear. I can be more versatile with the tones I get because of my gear though. ;) I have been accused from time to time, when being heckled by some asshat about what is better this or that, when I list what I have or post pics, then have these types try to indicate that I am being a snob or something. Silly if you ask me.

The only reason that I know what I know is that cool people bothered to take the time to show me something I NEEDED to know or didn't know, long ago. A lot of (NOT ALL) the apparently younger guys here seem to think they know everything there is to know when in fact they don't. The part that floors me is when they are talking about what is best this VS that threads. USUALLY neither of the choices is the best. The fact that usually "the best" costs the big $$$ prevents the "normal" consumer from going that far up tone mountain and they are apparently frustrated because they want to argue with the guy who owns the house with the best view, which sits on the top of tone mountain, and don't realize it until after they've made an ass of themselves. :thu:

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Originally posted by guitarslinger

Zach, you don't need to justify your gear all the time. You're cool anyways:thu:

Aloha GS,

I justify my gear only to myself, as no one else is going to foot the bill, or get my sound for me.

I just find it amazing that there are guys on a gear forum that flip out and get SO AGGRO. I have sox older than most of these types and not that that makes me special or anything, but the fact that I've owned and used so many different types of gear over the past almost 30 years, has given me a pretty good grasp of what the right tool for my given application is.

The "This VS That" threads are probably the poorest way to deal with the FACT that different gear does different stuff, differently. That's all I am trying to get at.

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Originally posted by Zachman

So many guys get so aggrevated and become hostile because something that is used by a given player, is priced out of their approval range or beyond their means, OR isn't the correct tool for their application and want to bash a given amps tone or FX processor or whatever... as if everyone has the same application/applications needing to be fullfilled???

It IS true that just because it's expensive doesn't make it "better", but when the pieces of gear ARE Industry Top-shelf... AND happen to be expensive, bordering on ridiculous even, perhaps passing ridiculous, there is still a reason it's the Industries' Top-Shelf consideration for the given application.

I figure envy, is at the heart of the matter, and the troll breeding season has flourished here on HC. I am interested in other takes.

I won't knock people for having expensive gear and surely would have some nicer amps (which to me = > $1k) if I had the $ and was in a band that was playing a lot. I'd probably have some of the same types of amps as is in your rig. :cool:

Sometimes I think it's a little strange for people to spend a lot of $ on gear they'll never use, though, but I see that happen with more than just music gear. And I agree it's one thing to try and make an amp do something it wasn't really specifically intended for but another to knock an amp such as a Mesa for not sounding like a Marshall, etc... :D

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Originally posted by STRAT TOOL

me. I envy a guy that plugs a beater into an amp thats been sitting around the Guitar Center for 5 years that no one wants and makes it sound like the holy grail. gear definately doesn't impress me, chops do.

I agree. I am also impressed with the same killer player, using a killer setup. :thu:

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Originally posted by Echoes

you have the golfers out there with $25,000 worth of gear and all the golf garb on and they can't play for crap...and you have the hackers out there shooting close to a Tiger Woods and can't afford nice stuff...(



There's a good handful here that post pics of their nice gear, post clips, and can't play for {censored}. Happens here all the time.



There's some that buy gear for what it does, and some that buy gear because it's "cool" to be a high roller.

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Originally posted by rememberduane

Is it just me or is it funny that the two guys complaining and playing the victim in this thread are fundies?

No reason to bash on nice gear -- no reason to bash on any gear if it works for that person in that situation.


Not playing a victim; NOT a victim at all, Just enjoying the blessings that Jesus bestowed unto me. :D:p

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Originally posted by rushtallica

I won't knock people for having expensive gear and surely would have some nicer amps (which to me = > $1k) if I had the $ and was in a band that was playing a lot. I'd probably have some of the same types of amps as is in your rig.

Sometimes I think it's a little strange for people to spend a lot of $ on gear they'll never use, though, but I see that happen with more than just music gear. And I agree it's one thing to try and make an amp do something it wasn't really specifically intended for but another to knock an amp such as a Mesa for not sounding like a Marshall, etc...

You are wise my friend. More people could and should take their cues on decorum from you. :thu:

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I see this as a 2 edged sword.

I really do (to a degree) envy guys who can just plug a guitar into an amp, and be happy.

I really do, and there isn't anything wrong with that. I just have never been that guy, and I have had to fight to even want to play at times, because I didn't like my tone for some kind of song I was playing.

I also find that the more gear I have, the more I find myself "tweeking" rather than playing, which also is unproductive.

But like I have said before.

I need to feel it when I play, to really get into it.

I think one thing that really changed me is, I play a lot of cover material. It has been a long time sinceI played much original stuff, and when I did it was with other players who wrote a lot of the music. I had my input and a few of my own songs, and helped with a lot of riffs in original music, but now I really enjoy jamming to covers.

To the guys who can plug a strat or LP into a Marshall or Fender or Fuchs... and be content for the rest of their lives.

More power to you.

I wish I was like that, and maybe some day I will, but when I switch from playing some VH to Pantera, to Pink Floyd type stuff, I like it to sound at least close to authentic.

I don't have a way to justify the gear I play, except to say that I have worked my ass off to be able to afford the gear I have, and it makes me happy...(most of the time).

And that is what counts to me.

Enjoying myself when I play, because I am selfish...and that is who it is for...ME


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Originally posted by doomsdaymachine

There's a good handful here that post pics of their nice gear, post clips, and can't play for {censored}. Happens here all the time.

There's some that buy gear for what it does, and some that buy gear because it's "cool" to be a high roller.

True, but if having gear, good or not were talent based, I doubt a lot of guys here would be allowed to have any gear at all. ;)

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One other observation I have made when people who have had negative comments about my gear....not from this board, but...

Some people can't deal with the complexity issue of a complex rack rig.

The read a page out of a midi controller book, and they think they are in a collge class or something.

"how did you learn to work that thing?"

I am not talking about anyone here...so don't come down on me for that.

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Originally posted by doomsdaymachine

You come across like an asshole with statements like this, maybe that's why you get heckled.



The comment I was referring to was, the solution was to have a rich parent buy their gear for them.


I am the parent of a 16 year old son. Did you just, not get the analogy?

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Originally posted by Zachman

True, but if having gear, good or not were talent based, I doubt a lot of guys here would be allowed to have any gear at all.

Apparently, others think you are arrogant, otherwise you wouldn't be justifying it in a thread, or otherwise.

You may not remember, but you and I got into it once. I was asking about the Triple XXX, and everyone jumped on the bashing the Triple XXX bandwagon, and insulted me in the process. You saw fit to post pics of your many guitars, and amps, which were completely unsolicited, unneccesary, and really unrelated to the discussion, (other than you had something to prove, I guess).

See, I'm NOT "rich", as you so willingly put it in your post. I've been playing 25 years, and actually have talent, played in bands, and recorded as well. But, caught up in earning a living, I don't have extra money laying around for 10 high-end amps, and have been buying/selling for years. I play Gibson, (because I love them), and have owned 15 amps in the past 3 years, all from selling one, to purchase another. I think some get sick to their stomach when people spew the gospel about high-end gear, when many of us struggle to own one nice guitar, and one nice amp. Take it for what it's worth. Does that make me jealous? At times, yes. Is this always the case? No. I just don't like arrogant people.

I don't know you, so I'm not judging you. I'm just telling you what I see.

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Originally posted by doomsdaymachine

Apparently, others think you are arrogant, otherwise you wouldn't be justifying it in a thread, or otherwise.

You may not remember, but you and I got into it once. I was asking about the Triple XXX, and everyone jumped on the bashing the Triple XXX bandwagon, and insulted me in the process. You saw fit to post pics of your many guitars, and amps, which were completely unsolicited, unneccesary, and really unrelated to the discussion, (other than you had something to prove, I guess).

See, I'm NOT "rich", as you so willingly put it in your post. I've been playing 25 years, and actually have talent, played in bands, and recorded as well. But, caught up in earning a living, I don't have extra money laying around for 10 high-end amps, and have been buying/selling for years. I play Gibson, (because I love them), and have owned 15 amps in the past 3 years, all from selling one, to purchase another. I think some get sick to their stomach when people spew the gospel about high-end gear, when many of us struggle to own one nice guitar, and one nice amp. Take it for what it's worth.



Not that I doubt you...



but, why don't you post some clips to back it up.

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