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Why is it, that... (Rant)


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Originally posted by Cowinacape


This reminds me of the endless "so and so's tone sucks/ed". Hmmm maybe it not your tone, but it is their tone, and generally the tone being complained about is from a released album.

That is one thing that has always pissed me off, if you don't like the tone, don't frigging listen to the music, simple. But don't try and be an internet tough guy by {censored}ting all over someone elses work, just to inflate your own ego.

Like what you like, dismiss the rest if you want, but quite yer frigging whinning about.

Some people don't seem to get the fact that it takes different strokes for different folks.

With that said I do agree with you Zachman!


EXACTLY!!! Having class isn't so difficult and benefits everyone. To bash someone because their preference is diffferent, is useless. I'd much rather that if people don't like someone elses choice of gear, they just not use it, instead of go on about how they view the person who's gear they don't like, as a moron.


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Originally posted by telephant

Id love to own a Diezel so I have place to rest my unnaturally large scrotum.

I mean look at the benefits here - when in use I get the ball massage, and even the added warmth from tube glow.

Im tellin' you guys, you cant go wrong for the money!!!


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Originally posted by code_blue

I heard to join the Diezel club you have to already have a Rolex, sports car and hot tub.


Nah... Just the price of admission.

Just curious, why is it that you look down on guys who can afford high-end, high-priced toys?

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Originally posted by Shawn Lutz

Bottom line use what works for you, what sounds good to you and is within you budget range regardless of the brand.

I think people just bash other people's gear primarily out of jealousy. To me personally I don

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Originally posted by code_blue

I heard to join the Diezel club you have to already have a Rolex, sports car and hot tub.


I get equally upset by the corksniffers giving crap to the younger players or the nu-METAL players. Everyone of us had to start somewhere and go from there. I also get upset by the metal guys and/Jazz/Blues guys who act as though there is no other valid genre of music.

Allan Holdsworth and I were talking one day and he told me something that I believe to be true. He said, "There are only 2 kinds of music, good and bad. There is good rock and there is bad rock, there is good jazz and there is bad jazz." I agree with this and apply the same thing to gear.

Good gear and Bad gear is an analogy best suited for discussions regarding reliability. When used in ANY other context it's a subjective one, therefore making the premise confusingly vague. Simply put, If to get a result I need an abbrassive cheezy tone and choose a mini Pignose for the job, that makes it PERFECT for the application; Does it make it the best amp? Well... ya, for that application, for me. It surely does not mean that it's "best" for every application.

That is the idea that I'd like to see spread. Choosing the right tool for the job isn't something that happens automatically, it comes with trial and error and the experience that those trials and errors bring about. It is as important to getting the right sound as a producer is to an engineer when recording a project. Getting to know what tools are available IS important and should be looked at way more objectively by those who are looking at playing music. Gear and all that is tone are the tools of our trade and should be explored to gain a higher understanding and appreciation as to what is possible, so as to promote our growth as players, writers, and as artists. Getting good tone can be hard and expensive. Getting the RIGHT tone, can be a magic trick. Getting the right tone happens a lot easier IF one is familiar with the how to's and the tools that make them possible.

The fact is here in America in my case, but it isn't limited to America. There are those with more means than others all over the globe. The fact that someone has stuff that reflects their financial status, doesn't make them good or bad; nor does someone without means make them good or bad. I've heard guys with great gear sound like crap and I've heard guys with ehh gear sound good. I have to say that the guys with ehh gear don't often sound as good as they would if they had better gear.

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Check out the drummers equivalent of the gear extremes.....
Well maybe not total extremes, but pretty large gap. I have seen lesser by a little bit...and greater kits by far.

Both videos are fun to watch though !

I can see how some guys who play guitar have a mentallity like if you can make the cheap stuff sound good, then you are a better player....

but to me these drummers are both killer players. It might not be the correct analogy for this thread, but it makes sense to me.

I still see no reason to put anybody's gear down though.

I see a lot of guys on here that are totally excited about getting thier first lowend amp, and some of the guys with killer gear pop in to the thread and crap all over them, which I think is so messed up.

I still remeber my first peice of gear I got. I loved it, and played it for a long time. I wouldn't play it any more, because my tastes have changed, and maybe refined a lot, but I still remeber the excitement of my first little ss amp, my first tube amp, my first processor....etc.
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there's a lot of gear that i think is overpriced for what it is, but i also realize what it takes for a certain guitar/amp to speak to me; and that those traits are different for everyone

there's a lot of cool stuff out there that i wouldn't pay the going rate for, but if it's worth it to someone else then good for them for finding something they're happy with

i can pretty much afford whatever gear i want, not like i can buy it all tomorrow but if there's something i want it's within my means to own it...i've owned high end, and low end stuff, and been satisfied or let down by both

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Originally posted by Matter-Eater Lad

People buy expensive stuff to make up for a deficiency in some other area of their life.

OOOHHHHHH, that's why so many world renowned players and Rock and Roll Hall of Famers have expensive gear.

You sir, are a MORON. :rolleyes:

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