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I have only one question for you guys that don't really believe.

Is the only thing to life that we have is to live and die? Guys, there has to be more to it than that. Look around you. Where did all this great come from

Why does there have to be any more than live and die? I feel that every second of life is divine -- the experience, the science, the reality. Why does there have to be supernatural? Why isn't this natural world enough? It's unbelievable. Why did it have to be created by something supernatural? Isn't it more splendid that over billions of years, this thing of which we are a part, nature, formed into this incredibly complex and beautiful thing that we see all around us? I feel that religion and supernatural myths/"beliefs" cheapen life and the splendor of reality and nature.

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Why does there have to be any more than live and die? I feel that every second of life is divine -- the experience, the science, the reality. Why does there have to be supernatural? Why isn't this natural world enough? It's unbelievable. Why did it have to be created by something supernatural? Isn't it more splendid that over billions of years, this thing of which we are a part, nature, formed into this incredibly complex and beautiful thing that we see all around us? I feel that religion and supernatural myths/"beliefs" cheapen life and the splendor of reality and nature.

Awesome point :thu:

And Religion also...." God made the world" Then who made god? :confused:

I think the explanation I said above is the most likely, linking science, religion and all other theories.

And anyone who argues "Where did the matter from the big bang come from?" There are several likely theories. Firstly, Electrons just appear and dissapear in random places, without any path. And theres also an interesting new theory called the "White Hole" Theory. Basically, Black holes suck in matter, but where does this matter come out? The big bang could have been a white hole from another dimention....something to think about :thu:

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Don't give the arrogant atheists anything to bite on and they will run out of steam, you are basically a prime target.

Atheists/Agnostics are generally going to reject anything that is contrary thier own "beliefs" anyway, so what does it matter? All Christians have been a target of persecution since Christianity's inception, as Jesus said would happen. Nothing new here, so I'm done, flame away. :thu::bor:

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but the Judeo-Christian/Muslim God is just a joke).



you can bash Christianity, and say it's been 'teh pwned' and such...and, you are right! the 'Judeo-Christian/Muslim' god is a joke...


But Jesus Christ is no joke...and, if you are wrong about Christianity, you will feel more than a little foolish giving account to God for mocking Him in ignorance.


how's the SC30 clone sounding? still like it?

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Awesome point

And Religion also...." God made the world" Then who made god?

God is not bound by time and space, nor is He subject to concepts of His own creation, such as the act or process of creation or creating Himself.

I think the explanation I said above is the most likely, linking science, religion and all other theories.

and, yet, there is contradiction amongst those terms, God is not illogical or contradictory.

And anyone who argues "Where did the matter from the big bang come from?" There are several likely theories. Firstly, Electrons just appear and dissapear in random places, without any path. And theres also an interesting new theory called the "White Hole" Theory. Basically, Black holes suck in matter, but where does this matter come out? The big bang could have been a white hole from another dimention....something to think about

that you have a chunk of meat upon your shoulders that can process and calculate as well as determine and resolve transcends natural explanation...that you are even able to come up with 'theories' at all is simply unexplanable in your worldview. There MUST be something more.

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you can bash Christianity, and say it's been 'teh pwned' and such...and, you are right! the 'Judeo-Christian/Muslim' god is a joke...

But Jesus Christ is no joke...and, if you are wrong about Christianity, you will feel more than a little foolish giving account to God for mocking Him in ignorance.

how's the SC30 clone sounding? still like it?



Jesus Christ is just as much of a joke in my opinion and I won't feel foolish because there is no God to answer to.



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You are all going to look foolish when you have to answer to Zues....This does not make Hercules happy !!!

You won't like Hercules when he is mad !



I'm definitely far more afraid of Hercules than a god that has to get people to do his bidding for him. {censored} that, Zeus just lightning-bolts mother{censored}ers.

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No, but thier frequency is increasing. Rather rapidly too, like within the past 40-50 years or so in my research. Coincidence? You be the judge, go pick up a newspaper and try to tell me otherwise. Never before in the history of this planet have we had so many natural disasters, plagues, pestilince, social problems, wars and conflicts that have been so numerous and increasing in such frequency. It doesn't take a man of faith to see these things happening and to not think that it can't get any worse. Even an agnostic can realize something really big is going to happen soon that will forever change this planet in one way or another as it's going to come to a head at some point, perhaps within our own lifetimes. Does this mean the end of humanity(as we know it)? I honestly can't answer that question, but the future does bode grim the way things are continuing.



This has more to do with overpopulation and globalism than anything else. This sensationalist fire and brimstone philosophy is doing more to make you think these thigns than anything else.


And you cannot possibly say somethign as vague as " but thier frequency is increasing", you have absolutely no proof or numbers to back that up other than your slanted worldview. And as far as the past being so much safer than the present... human history on earth has been one of persistent turmoil and misery from the beginning. We went through nearly a thousand years of martial law and slavery (Feudal system) with crusades spattered here and there with diseases everywhere due to poor hygiene and innaccessibility to proper medicines.


As far as I'm concerned we live in a golden age, and true society and life is not perfect, but it never was, and I think anyone who would rather go to the "more peaceful" times of past would gladly trade it back after seeing the same story play out over and over in human history. Infant mortality rates are at unprecedented lows in all of human history, life expectancies get longer and longer, and damn it, you live in America, we are the prosperous nation in the world. The middle class today is absolutely wealthy compared to the hordes of poor that were our equivalents in the past.


Empires rise, empires fall, atrocities are committed and crime runs rampant, it's the human way, and it's certainly nothing new.

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God is not bound by time and space, nor is He subject to concepts of His own creation, such as the act or process of creation or creating Himself.

and, yet, there is contradiction amongst those terms, God is not illogical or contradictory.

that you have a chunk of meat upon your shoulders that can process and calculate as well as determine and resolve transcends natural explanation...that you are even able to come up with 'theories' at all is simply unexplanable in your worldview. There MUST be something more.

Im not even going to bother pointing out how ignorant and full of bull{censored} that post was, and how it only confirms my theory even more :o

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Hey Eric -- you seem to be a nice guy and I agree with you that modern churches screwed the teachings of Christ but...

How can you really rely on the Bible at all? There are so many contradictions and ridiculous statements. How do you choose what to believe and not believe? Also, the Bible was written by man, and compiled by man as well. It was the Church that chose which books were put into the New Testament. I'm just curious as to how one gets their religious teachings and guidelines from a man-made, self-contradicting book.

I'm truly not trying to flame or fight, I'm actually curious. The Bible is just as, if not more, dubious to me as any other part of the Abrahamic religions -- and this is coming from a guy who has read three translations of the Old Testament and academic translations of the New, and historical/archaeological studies on both.




Don`t worry about starting a flame war with me bro. I honestly have no intention of trying to convert you nor will I be offended by you. I understand that every man has to decide for himself which direction to go. Even though you don`t believe as I do, I am glad that you have put some honest effort into finding your answer.


It`s hard to explain why I believe as I do. Truth be told, many of my beliefs are not taught in the bible at all. But over-all I do feel that the bible is an honest guide in life. The message is plain and straight forward. The secret is to take out the variables that can be injected by each individual man who wrote, recorded or compiled seperate sections of the bible. I am a firm believer that God only reveals truth to those who earnestly seek it. I personaly believe that many of the secrets to life are far too dangerous to be openly bandied about. Take a look at the world. Do you honestly believe that all of mankind is capable of dealing with the truth. I don`t even think that I am.


I believe by faith in what Jesus taught. I don`t believe only in the bible as a source of wisdom or guidance. I do believe that God will reveal truth weather man has corrupted the writings or not. Although, how could I claim to believe in God if I did not also believe that he could protect his own book of guidance.


I also think that it is quite curious that the majority of the world is obssessed with discounting the teachings of Jesus. Discounting the Christian religion. Discounting Jesus himself. I have never seen such a concerted effort to discount a religion. No matter what race, religion, sex, creed, the entire world moves as one to discount Christianity. In my 36 years of life I have never seen an equal effort to discredit any other major religion. Not even satanism. That is very intriguing to me. And is the most telling sign that something is going on. Mankind as a whole cannot even decide between Coke or Pepsi, but has decided that Christianity is bad. Very curious indeed.


Look back through this thread. Read the posts and see how the majority of the opinions fall. Take into account that almost all of the reasoning is regurgitated modern science based philosophy. Very few of the posts have any origional thought in them. In fact the over-all theme seems to be " I am man, hear me roar." If man is the sole controller of his own destiny who will you rely on? Many individuals simply insist that they can rely on themselves, but an honest man knows that even he is not 100% reliable. I have made so many mistakes in life that there is no way that I could ever rely on myself 100%. I know that tomorrow I will make even more mistakes. That single thought does not instill confidence or well being.


I am sorry if I am rambling. I am no teacher. In this I am only a follower. Although I follow only one man. It seems like an easy path to me. It gives me confidence and hope when I know I can`t rely on any man. Even myself.



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Don`t worry about starting a flame war with me bro. I honestly have no intention of trying to convert you nor will I be offended by you. I understand that every man has to decide for himself which direction to go. Even though you don`t believe as I do, I am glad that you have put some honest effort into finding your answer.

It`s hard to explain why I believe as I do. Truth be told, many of my beliefs are not taught in the bible at all. But over-all I do feel that the bible is an honest guide in life. The message is plain and straight forward. The secret is to take out the variables that can be injected by each individual man who wrote, recorded or compiled seperate sections of the bible. I am a firm believer that God only reveals truth to those who earnestly seek it. I personaly believe that many of the secrets to life are far too dangerous to be openly bandied about. Take a look at the world. Do you honestly believe that all of mankind is capable of dealing with the truth. I don`t even think that I am.

I believe by faith in what Jesus taught. I don`t believe only in the bible as a source of wisdom or guidance. I do believe that God will reveal truth weather man has corrupted the writings or not. Although, how could I claim to believe in God if I did not also believe that he could protect his own book of guidance.

I also think that it is quite curious that the majority of the world is obssessed with discounting the teachings of Jesus. Discounting the Christian religion. Discounting Jesus himself. I have never seen such a concerted effort to discount a religion. No matter what race, religion, sex, creed, the entire world moves as one to discount Christianity. In my 36 years of life I have never seen an equal effort to discredit any other major religion. Not even satanism. That is very intriguing to me. And is the most telling sign that something is going on. Mankind as a whole cannot even decide between Coke or Pepsi, but has decided that Christianity is bad. Very curious indeed.

Look back through this thread. Read the posts and see how the majority of the opinions fall. Take into account that almost all of the reasoning is regurgitated modern science based philosophy. Very few of the posts have any origional thought in them. In fact the over-all theme seems to be " I am man, hear me roar." If man is the sole controller of his own destiny who will you rely on? Many individuals simply insist that they can rely on themselves, but an honest man knows that even he is not 100% reliable. I have made so many mistakes in life that there is no way that I could ever rely on myself 100%. I know that tomorrow I will make even more mistakes. That single thought does not instill confidence or well being.

I am sorry if I am rambling. I am no teacher. In this I am only a follower. Although I follow only one man. It seems like an easy path to me. It gives me confidence and hope when I know I can`t rely on any man. Even myself.




Excellent post.

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No matter what race, religion, sex, creed, the entire world moves as one to discount Christianity. In my 36 years of life I have never seen an equal effort to discredit any other major religion. Not even satanism. That is very intriguing to me. And is the most telling sign that something is going on. Mankind as a whole cannot even decide between Coke or Pepsi, but has decided that Christianity is bad. Very curious indeed.



And Christianity has not decided that satanism or Islam is bad already?


Im sorry but that's just laughable at best.


I am from the Bible belt and as a non-christian I am basically a second class citizen who is borderline crazy according to the standards of most here.


Christianity is by far the most popular religion in the world, perhaps it's ubiquitous nature and overbearing evangelism have lead to the minority's anti-christian sentiments?


I have nothing against christians or christianity, I think it has a lot to offer. But I will never buy this "I'm Christian, I'm a martyr" nonsense.

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I don't know why any Christians would waste time posting anything about God on this board, you know what's going to happen, why give guys like duane, amsnell, dirtybird, etc an excuse to voice their opinions, I don't want to acknowledge people like them exist and you are forcing me to. You are not gonna win any debate with them and their inflated ego's (they read a couple dumbed down books by smarter people, google a couple questionable referancess and regurgitate crap they've heard, none of them actually know what they're talking about and have done no original research on anything they are talking about) please stop trying to get them to understand, they can't, it's impossable, it even talks about those kinds of people in the bible and says that's how the majority's gonna be as time goes on more and more until the end, and if you care what happens to them and that's why you have to post about God etc I don't understand why you care I couldn't care less about people like them anymore, when their time comes they can suffer for all eternity for all I care.

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I don't know why any Christians would waste time posting anything about God on this board, you know what's going to happen, why give guys like duane, amsnell, dirtybird, etc an excuse to voice their opinions, I don't want to ackknowlegeing people like them exist and you are forcing me to. You are not gonna win any debate with them and their inflated ego's (they read a couple dumbed down books by smarter people, google a couple questionable referancess and regurgitate crap they've heard, none of them actually know what they're talking about and have done no original research on anything they are talking about) please stop trying to get them to understand, they can't, it's impossable, it even talks about those kinds of people in the bible and says that's how the majority's gonna be as time goes on more and more until the end, and if you care what happens to them and that's why you have to post about God etc I don't understand why you care I couldn't care less about people like them anymore, when their time comes they can suffer for all eternity for all I care.

You set quite an example there, buddy. :rolleyes: You make Christians look bad, thanks for being part of hte problem! :thu:

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I don't know why any Christians would waste time posting anything about God on this board, you know what's going to happen, why give guys like duane, amsnell, dirtybird, etc an excuse to voice their opinions, I don't want to ackknowlegeing people like them exist and you are forcing me to. You are not gonna win any debate with them and their inflated ego's (they read a couple dumbed down books by smarter people, google a couple questionable referancess and regurgitate crap they've heard, none of them actually know what they're talking about and have done no original research on anything they are talking about) please stop trying to get them to understand, they can't, it's impossable, it even talks about those kinds of people in the bible and says that's how the majority's gonna be as time goes on more and more until the end, and if you care what happens to them and that's why you have to post about God etc I don't understand why you care I couldn't care less about people like them anymore, when their time comes they can suffer for all eternity for all I care.



Buddha Killed god, sorry.

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Ha! Thanks guys, But I don't care what you think of me or what I say, you guys really don't matter. :thu: But I'm not representative of all Christians, you just want to use my bad attitude to help your case, it's not like you didn't already have your minds made up about Christianity before I spoke so {censored} off.

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