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List your worst gear related injury


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I got electrocuted pretty bad by my first amp. It was an old Paul amp, those were cheap tube amps made in Montreal by Pine Electronics in the sixties. It was one of those cheap circuits with only 1 transformer and weird tube types that run on high voltage, and of course, with an ungrounded 2 prong plug...

So sure enough, one day it went POW! while I was playing and I was knocked right off my feet. The shock was quite violent, going trough both hands and going up my arms...afterward, my head felt a little like a cuncution and I felt dizzy for a couple of hours...:freak:

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Medial Epicondylitis. Jamming around in my bedroom one day and felt my left elbow go. Somehow it's spread to my forearm and hand as well. Hurts like a mother when I do most things, and worst if I try to play.

Man, I miss being able to play guitar!

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I think it would have to be when I was first starting out, I tried to do a Pete Townsend windmill which I always thought looked cool as hell...

I also decided to try the windmill move one day. Sad part is I didnt even have my guitar on, I was just screwing around doing some air guitar windmills...

So im really getting into the song, and I do a windmill with full force, and smash my hand into the light fixture above my head, which was quarter inch thick glass. Shattered the glass everywhere and my hand immediatly starts gushing blood. I instantly realized that the 2 gaping wounds in my hand were gonna need stitches, so i wrap my hand in paper towels and run out the door and hop in my car. So im flying down the road when I hit a corner to fast and slide halfway into someones yard (it was winter and the roads were icy). Luckily I didnt get stuck in the snow in the yard but that would have made the whole thing suck even more. Anyway, needless to say i was a little embarased when the doctor said "so how did this happen?"

For the next few weeks I had to explain to everyone I knew why I had stitches in my finger. {censored}ing air guitar :rolleyes:

I still have 2 huge scars on my index finger and I laugh every time I look at it.
good times

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I was sitting down cleaning a closet that I was storing some gear in and a mic stand fell and cracked me one just under my eye on the eye socket bone. It opened up about slit about 1.25" that just hung open. I think I could see my bone... I slapped a piece of tape on it to close it up and kept working.

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This isn't an injuring just an act of stupidity. There's this kid at school that "plays guitar" and will do anything for attention. He came to school bragging about something for attention. When I ask him what was up, he said "not much, I shoved a high E string up my penis last night. I took it out when it started to bleed." I don't know how true this is, but the imagery along makes me want to cry!

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This isn't an injuring just an act of stupidity. There's this kid at school that "plays guitar" and will do anything for attention. He came to school bragging about something for attention. When I ask him what was up, he said "not much, I shoved a high E string up my penis last night. I took it out when it started to bleed." I don't know how true this is, but the imagery along makes me want to cry!

I'll pass the hat around and give you a large sum of money to never EVER post something like this again.

I feel sick now!! :cry:

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i was doin some gnarly upstrokes one day during rehearsal. Came up a little too hot, say good night to the nail on my ring finger. ripped it right off.

One time i was singing on stage and was on front of the stage, and was walking backwards, tripped over a monitor, hit my tail bone directly on the corner of the monitor, then onto the ground. I couldnt sit comfortably for weeks. it took FOREVER to heal.

And i always get my shins dominated while moving my cab.

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A good shock from a SLx Marshall while biasing it. I somehow touched the lead at the OT. Man, biggest jolt ive had so far from an amp. Left a nice pea sized , white burn on my finger and my entire arm hurt for about a half hour !

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I was electrocuted pretty bad trying to plug a transformer into my power conditioner on my old rack. The conditioner was mounted on the back of the rack so you had to reach up inside the rack and plug things in blind. I don't know exactly what happened, but I came to laying on my back with a nice burn mark on my bicep where it was touching the metal trim around the rack case. This was on stage just before a show. All my gear still worked just fine, thankfully.

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The string under the finger nail trick is always a good one, happened plenty of times!!

Also, i have had a string end (headstock end) (6th string too) hit me right on the eyeball as i moved the uncutoff strings (like clearing a bush to see through it) as i looked for something on a shelf behind my guitar. It struck my lens with brute force as it twanged from my grip.

It hurt.

Had a coupla shocks, jumped off a stage onto my ass during a gig. Thats about the rest of it.

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