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to pull the trigger or not to pull the trigger (WHITE JCM 800)


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If you have the money, I say you do it. I think in USD, that'd come out to about $1280, so that really isn't bad. I say you do it. A white JCM 800 will definitely turn heads and become more and more rare as the years go by. I'm sure you could make a killing if you sold it in 10 years.

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Why because white Marshall heads are better than black Marshall heads? :idea:

J/J :D

$1500 seems a little high. But it is a price "someone" can meet with no problem.

However if you buy a regular Marshall JCM800 head and take the old tolex off. You can put ANY color (including white) back on it. I've done it. It's easy, and that process will cost you around $150 extra.

Good luck

If you do buy it. Please post some clips! :thu:

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