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Is there a bigger douchebag in Metal than Zakk Wylde ?


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I don't know, who's the bigger drunk spouting off nonsense every time he opens his mouth ? Man, that's a tough one. At least EVH didn't scam all his fans out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and then stick his head in the sand like a complete coward.



Can we say "Anselmo"? His mouth is rather foot shaped.......:confused:

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At least EVH didn't scam all his fans out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and then stick his head in the sand like a complete coward.

Somehow I doubt Zakk had anything to do personally with the 357 thing. You think the guy runs his own websites :confused: I have little sympathy for the people who got scammed by 357... there were so many red flags, and a bunch of people completely ignored them, as they did the hundreds of people warning them that it's a scam.

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Can we say "Anselmo"? His mouth is rather foot shaped.......


yeah but I mean he's kinda always been a dumbass with a big mouth, hasn't he? It's not like people idolized him and looked up to him and THEN he turned into a tool, like pretty much everyone else mentioned in this topic...

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Somehow I doubt Zakk had anything to do personally with the 357 thing. You think the guy runs his own websites
I have little sympathy for the people who got scammed by 357... there were so many red flags, and a bunch of people completely ignored them, as they did the hundreds of people warning them that it's a scam.


+35 Billion


I mean, some people say he's a sellout because of endorsements, but he has to make money too. WTF? What's he supposed to do? Like endorsing shit is a bad thing. EVERYONE in the rock industry endorses something.


"Oh, Tony Iommi is a bastard because he has signature stuff."

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+35 Billion

I mean, some people say he's a sellout because of endorsements, but he has to make money too. WTF? What's he supposed to do? Like endorsing shit is a bad thing. EVERYONE in the rock industry endorses something.

"Oh, Tony Iommi is a bastard because he has signature stuff."


It has nothing to do with his endorsements. Its about him putting out shitty music with ozzy and bls, yet acting like some biker hillbilly badass that noone can take seriously.



Then again I am an asshole. :idk:

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Phil Anselmo is a pretty big douchebag.


Zakk might go around drinking like a fish and wearing biker clothes for an image, but at least he doesn't walk around saying he's awesome and that his {censored}ty band is the best band ever and threaten to kick everybody's ass all the time because of his insecurities.

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Somehow I doubt Zakk had anything to do personally with the 357 thing. You think the guy runs his own websites
I have little sympathy for the people who got scammed by 357... there were so many red flags, and a bunch of people completely ignored them, as they did the hundreds of people warning them that it's a scam.






Why in the hell would Zakk need to scam anybody? The guy makes PLENTY of bank just playing guitar and through endorsements.


Another thing I don't understand....why do people get all bent out of shape because he endorses so many products? That's FREE money people. Even if he doesn't use the gear, so what? I do believe that the majority of a superstar athlete's income is through endorsements. (read that somewhere) Do you think that Shaq's favorite candy bar is a Nestle Crunch? Probably not, but I'll bet he collected a nice ass check from Nestle.


If you were a world famous guitarist would you pass up endorsement opportunities? I wouldn't. Call me a whore, sellout, whatever....but I'd be sure to honk and wave as my Ferrari passed your Honda Civic on the freeway.

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Why in the hell would Zakk need to scam anybody? The guy makes PLENTY of bank just playing guitar and through endorsements.

Another thing I don't understand....why do people get all bent out of shape because he endorses so many products? That's FREE money people. Even if he doesn't use the gear, so what? I do believe that the majority of a superstar athlete's income is through endorsements. (read that somewhere) Do you think that Shaq's favorite candy bar is a Nestle Crunch? Probably not, but I'll bet he collected a nice ass check from Nestle.

If you were a world famous guitarist would you pass up endorsement opportunities? I wouldn't. Call me a whore, sellout, whatever....but I'd be sure to honk and wave as my Ferrari passed your Honda Civic on the freeway.



It's really just because he's put out so much {censored}ty music in the last 5-10 years or so that people are just looking for stuff to rag on him about. He does deserve a bit of ribbing for the endorsements, and a LOT for his lame fake image, but it truly all stems from the crappy BLS stuff IMO.

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Funny, everytime I hear of someone meeting him, they always say that he is a really cool guy.

I'm not a big Zakk fanboi or anything (I think he is an awesome player though and has accomplished quite a bit in his career), but I don't understand all the disdain.


That's what I'm thinking. Also a good friend of mine got to meet Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman recently and thought they were both pretty cool and got pics with them.


I think the singer for Tool is a douchebag due to apparently talking bad about his fans, and the yeller for RATM just has a voice that sounds to me like he's probably a major douche, and I've also always thought Marilyn Manson was a douche though I base that on his multisexual gimmickery and admit he may actually be a cool person. :D


In retrospect, if VH can be considered metal, at least recently Dave and EVH are the biggest douches for not even showing up to their HOF gig. Then again maybe they've lost respect for the HOF like some other people also have recently. :D

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It's really just because he's put out so much {censored}ty music in the last 5-10 years or so that people are just looking for stuff to rag on him about. He does deserve a bit of ribbing for the endorsements, and a LOT for his lame fake image, but it truly all stems from the crappy BLS stuff IMO.



Guitar World MAgazine loves Zakk, dunno why.....that mag is starting to make me sick when I read it.


What has done lately? Nothing.

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+35 Billion

I mean, some people say he's a sellout because of endorsements, but he has to make money too. WTF? What's he supposed to do? Like endorsing shit is a bad thing. EVERYONE in the rock industry endorses something.

"Oh, Tony Iommi is a bastard because he has signature stuff."


+1000. This kinda threads are just :deadhorse:

If given the opportunity to endorse something you actually use, why wouldn't you do it? It makes perfect sense to..

Now, seeing him so often on ads/magazines does get annoying but it just happened that he is really well known and his endorsers are big-league companies....they aren't going to show you joe shmo virtuoso shredder to try to sell their products even if he's a subjectively "better" player.

Just part of the game

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Phil Anselmo is a pretty big douchebag.

Zakk might go around drinking like a fish and wearing biker clothes for an image, but at least he doesn't walk around saying he's awesome and that his shitty band is the best band ever and threaten to kick everybody's ass all the time because of his insecurities.


You may have a point there. Although IMO Phil's vocals had been some of the best for heavier/groove/thrash metal, some things like that I've read make me think he's probably a major @ss.


Also can't forget about Scott Stapp. :D

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Me too. Nothing says "OWNED" like thinking you're a badass and trying to intimidate someone, only to have them put you on your ass with one punch.


I didn't find the video in the thread yet but am assuming it's the one where Danzig gets knocked to the ground. He pushed the wrong guy that time. :D

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Someone on page 2 made a comment on Zakk endorising stupid shit or soemthing.


Well they're morons. :p


Look at Eric Johnson, ultimate badass, hasnt put out his greatest material in a while by a lot of peoples standards, but is still one of the most humble guys out there. AND he has put his name on a ridiculous amount of pedals.


Zakk just seems like an ass. Maybe he is a cool guy. Its a shame his music of late is piss poor.

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