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Kyle DiSanto

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what i think would be cool is if the crunch channel was just as-is...but the notch switch actually gave a bit of a low-mid boost, maybe combined with a slight hi-mid cut


that's probably what i'll look into specifically, i love the channel as it is...but it would rule if the notch switch could actually do something cool

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what i think would be cool is if the crunch channel was just as-is...but the notch switch actually gave a bit of a low-mid boost, maybe combined with a slight hi-mid cut

that's probably what i'll look into specifically, i love the channel as it is...but it would rule if the notch switch could actually do something cool



I totally Agree. I was thinking that the Switch could do something more along the lines of mellowing the amp out when engaged. Take the aggressive edge off so it would be more suited for rock stuff.

So it could be a Heaven and hell kind of voicing change. Maybe have it switch to more of the Dragon's Crunch Voicing:thu:

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BTW, Here's the CRUNCH Saturation/gain mod. It definitely adds some versatility to the Crunch and solves some users complaints about Dryness.


Crunch gain pot:

there is a 150kOhm and a 82kOhm resistor

the 150kOhm has to be bypassed (with a wire)

the 82kOhm has to be removed


To further hot-rod the amp exchange the gain pot A100k with a

A250k, but this won't do much.

The mod will push the crunch channel into the direction of the lead channel.


The next time I do one for someone I will snap off of pics and detail the process.

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I totally Agree. I was thinking that the Switch could do something more along the lines of mellowing the amp out when engaged. Take the aggressive edge off so it would be more suited for rock stuff.

So it could be a Heaven and hell kind of voicing change..HAHA:thu:



YES! oh god YES! that would be awesome.

and also if the notch modes could be switchable !

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Everything you guys have talked about sounds really cool. A bit in a different direction than what I'm thinking of....but that is the best part!


I think we all can benefit from an upgraded Loop and a Notch switch that does something more for us...


Personally I'm intrigued by the Gain pot switch... is it going to make the Crunch like the lead channel or "closer to, but not quite"


I always loved how liquidy the lead is, but could never get a liquidiy/smoother sound with my Crunch channel.


I think I'm going to have to take a road trip to Voodoo amps next month!

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Hey Chris...the best part about Joel's gain mod...and I'm hoping the pot switch is that you can get the Stock sound...just by turning down 2 notches..


For instance...Side by side (into half of the splawn cab...) same guitars, everything... Joel's crunch with the gain at 12 noon matched mine at 2 oclock

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this would be a cool mod...


replace the Gain Pot with a Pull Pot that engages the mod or replace the notch switch with a three way toggle Normal-Mod-Notch.


finding a Pull-Pot to satisfy the design may be problematic. the Notch Switch replacement may be easier.

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this would be a cool mod...

replace the Gain Pot with a Pull Pot that engages the mod or replace the notch switch with a three way toggle Normal-Mod-Notch.

finding a Pull-Pot to satisfy the design may be problematic. the Notch Switch replacement may be easier.




Now that's an IDEA! Sort of like how the Gears work on a Splawn!

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ok i talked to trace @ voodoo amps earlier today...


i asked him about maybe having the notch switch on the crunch channel make a kinda subtle change for a bit less high-mids and some more low-mids, rather than just the scoop function it currently serves...he said he'd have to see the schematic and probably the amp itself to know if that's possible, it would depend on exactly what the switch is wired into (i'm not knowledgable enough to explain much more than that)


he said what may be possible tho would be to kinda think in reverse, and mod the crunch channel for what i was talking about with the switch...but having it so that engaging the switch sets it back to normal mode (if that makes sense)


joel...pm sent :D

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I glad this thread took the direction it did. It's good to see we can still have some good on topic-gear related posts here!



I was playing the Cobra today and I realized that the Low-Mid Voicing or the Bubble that I'm sure many of you have heard me refer to is just not my thing. I love the cobra, the clean channel is amazing, so is the lead so is the crunch.


Many have said in the past that modding an amp is like giving it an extra push into the direction you are looking for. I'm so down to have someone do the work!

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I still think that I could make good use of the Notch switch as a Lower gain setting like the Herbert's +/- switch.

It would adjust the voicing but also reduce the gain taper for a more effective range. It may be a bit complicated to figure out but man it would be worth the time..

I would do the same thing on the LEAD channel but the switch would give you a Rhythm mode using the same concept

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i think my cobra must be a freak of nature or something, i remember talking to you guys (kyle and joel) a while back comparing gain settings and it seemed like mine would've had more gain than you guys'


you also find it to be a low-mid voiced amp, where i'm the exact opposite and find it to be a hi-mid amp...which is what i love about, it's just strange that our findings are so different


when i played moodbender's cobra thru my cab, his sounded pretty different from mine...he had the jj e34l's tho, and i'm using ruby's...i remember mine sounded very different when i switch outta those jj's into the ruby's about a year ago

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