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My Album's finally out!


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i have put my ibanez up for sale.

i'm selling all my metal t shirts...

and cutting my hair

haha but really i am inspired. i am having way too hard of a time finding what i like to play and this is helped me out quite a bit.

Ah....welcome to the world of melodic, tasty playing. ;)

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Thanks again for all the kind words and support, guys. I'm away from home and a stable connection so I get to reply only as an when I have access. So far feedback has been good, and it seems to be reaching many more people than a conventional CD release would have. Please feel free to burn CDs and pass them onto whoever you think would like listening to these songs. : )

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warren - how about making some videos of you playing these tunes for youtube and such. get a video camera and if not i'll fly out to new zealand and shoot them haha



I'm away from home at the moment (recording guitar sessions in Bombay, India) but I'm seriously considering the idea once I'm back in NZ.

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I've got some jams you did saved from YEARS ago, and I still listen to them. You're really gifted; you have the 'it' that separates great players from great musicians, and I think you're as good a player as I've ever heard anywhere.

Thanks for the music.


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Finally had a chance to listen, and here's an off-the-cuff review:


"In contrast to most instrumental guitar albums, Knights In Shining Karma travels effortlessly between melodic, ethereal and beautiful mood pieces and rocking, up-tempo numbers. Warren Mendosa navigates through this varying musical landscape with a sure hand and impeccable musical instincts, creating an album both guitarists and casual listeners will find alternately touching, uplifting and energizing.


Eschewing the gymnastic stunts of many high profile solo guitar artists, Mendosa's stunning technique weaves itself subtly into the musical tapestry of completely realized songs, rather than mere vehicles for a vulgar display of ability.


With golden tones and unassailable taste and touch, Mendosa echoes Gilmour and Johnson without being derivative of either.


Knights In Shining Karma is surely the 'I'm here!' album from an emerging master."



How's that for perfechenal?



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How's that for perfechenal?


Its Nights and not Knights afaik, and it's Mendonsa and not Mendosa :D - but silly nitpicking aside, that's a really great review. Especially the second paragraph - that is what makes this album stand out - its for everyone.

It's scary thinking how good his future albums are going to be, seeing this is just his first.

Thanks for the music, Warren. :-)

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Great album, you've come out with.

I had been a fan of your playing after listenting to Christmas in July and Lijo from your previous album.

Dude, just wanna ask one thing.
You play a strat, but the tone sounded more like humbucker (except in few track like Blues for Gary). What was the amp that made single coil so "brewtal" in tone?

PS: Yesterday night, I tried playing your first track: Incense.
And I guess even you would know this: you appreciate a song/music the best, when you try to play it exactly like original.
And believe me, playing that track - it almost felt as some sort of prayer thingie, ppl do first thing in the morining. LOL

Can I have your permission to play this "Incense" for Opening any gigs in which I play? :D
It feels just so appropriate ...

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blackstratblues, do you have any idea how neck+middle Classic Stacks would sound in a strat with ash body + maple neck? Been listening to these songs a lot and I love the tone.



Well they're not the brightest of pickups and they have a nice solid midrange. I'd say get them if you're looking at an economical hum-cancelling choice. Look at the suhr V60LPs or their newer FL pickups if you want a more traditional single coil sound with a ton of beef.

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Dude, just wanna ask one thing.

You play a strat, but the tone sounded more like humbucker (except in few track like Blues for Gary). What was the amp that made single coil so

Can I have your permission to play this "Incense" for Opening any gigs in which I play?
It feels just so appropriate ...


Thanks dude. The amp was a JCM800 2203 boosted with a SD-1. Keep in mind my strat does have a humbucker in the bridge position. I was going for the fattest possible sound, but the spiky highs of the G12T-75 speakers made me roll off a lot of treble on the amp, which is why you don't hear a lot of that glassy strat bite. On songs like Blues for Gary I used the neck single coil. :)


And yeah, feel free to play anything off the album, whenever you want :D

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