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Getting Cut Off While Driving


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One of the things that boils my blood is when I'm driving, minding my own business only to get cut off by some jerk and see their bumper with a bunch of religious stickers on it.


I was curious, generally speaking who here thinks religion is an excuse to justifying your own actions and why? What have been your experiences with the religious folk? Good or bad.


Due to the rules here I'm not picking on any specific group so I've kept it vague.

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I'm just glad that the only people cutting others off in their cars are religious people. I was worried for a moment that the group included gang members, drunks, old ladies, drug addicts, and teenagers. Good thing it is just religious people.

By the way, don't ever go to D.C. or you'll kill yourself. You are not driving unless you are cut off 20 times a minute.

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I love have someone cutting you off in while driving is the basis of your evidence as to a paticular group(that you obviously don't understand)'s movtives.

As far as getting cut off, it can be annoying, but I try and let it go since I'm gonna get where I'm going regardless.

The thing everyone does here in Spokane, WA is drive 10 under all the time, or pull out in front of you and not even look your direction, causeing you to have to slow down to 5 mph and wait for them to speed up. It's so common it's actually quite comical at times.

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I love have someone cutting you off in while driving is the basis of your evidence as to a paticular group(that you obviously don't understand)'s movtives.



That's my point. Regardless of their motives, it's a {censored}ty thing to do. But I'm sure somewhere in their heads they are thinking "I did it for the lord."

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i would rather be cut of by someone trying get somewhere quickly than be stuck behind two cars, one in each lane...one is doing 55 and the other is doing 56...... and then they switch speeds.... and never pass oneanother. i hate that........ seriously thought about buying a gun :) jk.

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That's my point. Regardless of their motives, it's a {censored}ty thing to do. But I'm sure somewhere in their heads they are thinking "I did it for the lord."



I was being sarcastic, lightly joking, because it's funny that you use such a small sample pool of data to make a very large claim.


Are you actually serious???

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i would rather be cut of by someone trying get somewhere quickly than be stuck behind two cars, one in each lane...one is doing 55 and the other is doing 56...... and then they switch speeds.... and never pass oneanother. i hate that........ seriously thought about buying a gun

haha, that's exactly what happens where I live, but in 305 mph zones people will do as low as 20-25 sometimes, side by side for 6 miles!!!!

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No idea with regards to the poll. all i know is i go nuts when people cut me off and living in new england no one really knows how to drive so it happens a lot



try living in southern Cali when it rains...everybody thinks its okay to keep driving 90mph while the roads are slick with water and oil...its pathetic...last rainy season there were somthing like 387 crashes in a matter of a couple weeks

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i do think that sometimes religious folk pretend they are better than others simply because they have a belief that others may not, i do not think this is the case for everybody, certainly, but there are some who are this way. just like there are those that think they are better because they have more money or they are better at something than your average person. and these feelings of superiority bring along some feeling of entitlement that really isnt there.


damn people and there a hole ish attitudes...

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i do think that sometimes religious folk pretend they are better than others simply because they have a belief that others may not, i do not think this is the case for everybody, certainly, but there are some who are this way. just like there are those that think they are better because they have more money or they are better at something than your average person. and these feelings of superiority bring along some feeling of entitlement that really isnt there.

damn people and there a hole ish attitudes...

Sad that people take something like the Bible, which clearly states to be forgiving, leave judgment for God, not cast stones, love your enenmy, ect; and people use it as reason to think they are better than others? :freak:

People are just holes in general though. Take away religion and we'd still be stomping on each other for our own selfish ambitions.

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I was being sarcastic, lightly joking, because it's funny that you use such a small sample pool of data to make a very large claim.

Are you actually serious???





You brought up a good point in your joke. I used to be very active in a few churchs and now that I've "seen the light" and have seen the hypocracy in my ways among other things such as using my brain I am no longer religious. Faith makes you blind, you'll never change, you never REALLY listen to others because you think YOU know the ultimate truth. You really believe you have others best interest at heart, even though you really may not and not even realize it. Now that I look back I was brainwashed and there are a lot of subconsious feelings you have that you don't even admit to yourself, such as self-righteousness. My point being, you are living a lie and don't even realize it. I don't expect you religious people to comprehend that because your faith won't allow you to. And you may not be at a point in your life where you can come to peace with that.


I can see how I and just about every other religious person I've known uses religion to justify their actions no matter how "good" they are. Even if they seem like a genuine caring person. I was just wondering what other people thought. It's a big claim yes, but I've been there done that. This is just one small example of it.


It's one thing to just be cut off, but another to be cut off by someone who is trying to set an example for their religion trying to spread love and peace, bla bla.

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You brought up a good point in your joke. I used to be very active in a few churchs and now that I've "seen the light" and have seen the hypocracy in my ways among other things I am no longer religious.

In retrospect I can see how I and just about every other religious person I've known uses religion to justify their actions. I was just wondering what other people thought. It's a big claim yes, but I've been there done that. This is just one small example of it.

It's one thing to just be cut off, but another to be cut off by someone who is trying to set an example for their religion trying to spread love and peace, bla bla.

Yeah I figured there was much more too your conclusion than what was posted, it just sounded funny.

And just because you or other people you know use or used religon to justify themselves doesn't mean that is other people's motives. It may sound cheesy to others, but I feel peace and love in faith, and I like to pass it on. One of my favorite things is seeing people smile.

With that said, I can be just as much of an asshole as the next guy. All we can do is try to be good to each other, and I figure assuming people want to justify themselves by whatever means is being bitter towards something I can't fix, and also judgemental on my part.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling and wait for parody threads! :thu:

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You brought up a good point in your joke. I used to be very active in a few churchs and now that I've "seen the light" and have seen the hypocracy in my ways among other things I am no longer religious.

In retrospect I can see how I and just about every other religious person I've known uses religion to justify their actions. I was just wondering what other people thought. It's a big claim yes, but I've been there done that. This is just one small example of it.

It's one thing to just be cut off, but another to be cut off by someone who is trying to set an example for their religion trying to spread love and peace, bla bla.


the point of christianity is not to be perfect, or even set an example...its to have relationship between yourself and God...the set an example and live be the law mentality was just a way for "religious" people to control the masses...real, honest christianity has nothing to do with laws or rules or rituals or anything else other than a relationship with God through Christ...and if you let other people get in the way of that relationship because of a personal vendetta against hypocrites then wake the hell up...everyone is a hypocrite...everyone goes againnst their moral fiber in someway or another at some point in their life, wether its for money, power, personal satisfaction, revenge, etc...

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the point of christianity is not to be perfect, or even set an example...its to have relationship between yourself and God...the set an example and live be the law mentality was just a way for "religious" people to control the masses...real, honest christianity has nothing to do with laws or rules or rituals or anything else other than a relationship with God through Christ...and if you let other people get in the way of that relationship because of a personal vendetta against hypocrites then wake the hell up...everyone is a hypocrite...everyone goes againnst their moral fiber in someway or another at some point in their life, wether its for money, power, personal satisfaction, revenge, etc...

I don't expect them to be perfect. I never said that. Just know if one day you'll be driving like a maniac have the sense to not put those stickers on your car! It makes you and your religion look bad. On second thought maybe it's a good thing.

Being perfect wasn't my point. It is when you do something {censored}ty to someone else and shrug it of thinking "eh, God will forgive me." And within that same day talk about how God has changed you. No matter how good(not perfect) of a person you are, that kind of thinking isn't right. It's just selfish.

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I don't expect them to be perfect. I never said that. Just know if one day you'll be driving like a maniac have the sense to not put those stickers on your car! It makes you and your religion look bad. On second thought maybe it's a good thing.

Being perfect wasn't my point. It is when you do something {censored}ty to someone else and shrug it of thinking "eh, God will forgive me." And within that same day talk about how God has changed you. No matter how good(not perfect) of a person you are, that kind of thinking isn't right. It's just selfish.



church goers are not the same as Christians...I, as a christian, do my best to follow the example that Christ set... I don't put religious stickers on my car because I find somthing inherently wrong with making a profit off of God...


second, only a lukewarm, emotion follower (those are the ones that follow because it makes them feel warm and fuzzy on the inside) or complete jack ass would use the excuse "oh its okay, God will forgive me"...


judging a belief system on what it has become is very ignorant...you think that when the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence they would of have expected it to turn into a fundamentally one party system where the president is a tool and congress doesn't do {censored} to represent the american people?


just as Christ would be ashamed of what his churches have become, so would the founding fathers of the USA...people come that legitimately come to christ go to him because of what and who he is despite what the fair weather "believers" have turned his churches into...


you are blatantly white washing a religion based on a bad experience(s) with their "followers"...

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church goers are not the same as Christians...I, as a christian, do my best to follow the example that Christ set... I don't put religious stickers on my car because I find somthing inherently wrong with making a profit off of God...

second, only a lukewarm, emotion follower (those are the ones that follow because it makes them feel warm and fuzzy on the inside) or complete jack ass would use the excuse "oh its okay, God will forgive me"...

judging a belief system on what it has become is very ignorant...you think that when the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence they would of have expected it to turn into a fundamentally one party system where the president is a tool and congress doesn't do {censored} to represent the american people?

just as Christ would be ashamed of what his churches have become, so would the founding fathers of the USA...people come that legitimately come to christ go to him because of what and who he is despite what the fair weather "believers" have turned his churches into...

you are blatantly white washing a religion based on a bad experience(s) with their "followers"...



I see what your saying. However now that I don't have a veil of faith covering my eyes I can now see I was the most ignorant when I was a follower, even though I meant well and truely, truely believed in Christianity. This isn't a conclusion I've come to lightly, in fact it took me about 15 years to realize and come to grips with it. I'm not washing a religion, but religion and faith in general. Most wars are started over religion and for what? Because faith has made both sides ignorant and they can't get over that religious mentality of I'm right, your wrong. Whether your starting wars or not that IS how you feel otherwise you wouldn't side to one religion. Faith is dangerous because it blinds you to reality. The most dangerous part about it is you don't even realize it. And I speak from experience and a non-bias opinion. It might do you some good to listen. Not like you will.


If God is real, then he better make it obvious because I see no reason to think he is. This is a perfect example of faith blinding people. I have an open mind and will believe whatever the truth is. However someone who believes in God already won't budge on that matter even if there was rock solid proof he didn't exist.


Anyway, I'm not going to debate with you. I've learned my lesson a long time ago that debating with a believer is about as productive as a whale running a Fortune 500 company. I didn't want to open a can of worms, I should have figured though. I just was curious out of pure bordom what other peoples experiences were with religious people opposed to farting and going to sleep. The fish just aren't biting tonight. You finish with the last word.

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