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so I go one of these myspace band deals...


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I dislike my vocals. Guitar I'm fine with. And I don't need people thinking I think I suck that i'm not looking to for advice like you guys. Plus what else would it be.


And that's cool, because I thought it was more like generic metalcore stuff and it bothered me. I like it better when I write my own stuff that is more death like. I'm about finished with one of those kind of songs.

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I dislike my vocals. Guitar I'm fine with. And I don't need people thinking I think I suck that i'm not looking to for advice like you guys. Plus what else would it be.

And that's cool, because I thought it was more like generic metalcore stuff and it bothered me. I like it better when I write my own stuff that is more death like. I'm about finished with one of those kind of songs.


I dunno, not my cup of tea, but the vocals sound like death metal to me. Cookie monster would be proud. :poke: ;)

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Tip #1

Get a metronome!



I dislike the vocals, and I use the page more for showing bands and people directly through links like on here. I'm not shooting for the hundreds of myspace friends. But I know I could definitely get tighter on my timing it's just hard as all get out! And I do use a metronome quite a lot.



There is a new song up now that is a lot more geared to death metal. I think I did a better job on it. Check it out.


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I know its been said, but your timing is way all over the place. You really need to make a conscious effort to improve it otherwise everything you ever record will never sound as good as it could be. I liked the growls.



right, timing is off. I would like to think this is because I'm a guitar player playing every instrument on the recording, but it's off on the guitar too. but I just can't improve the drums without tons of practice, and honestly I'd rather practice guitar more. I really need to find a band...

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{censored} the cookie monster... I want to hear some Yoda vocals.



If I were to ever do it live you could definitely hear some. I have to take so many takes to get those vocals like that. I'm definitely noy meant to do lead vocals. And my voice gets different and messed up every time I'm doing it. If I make a few more i'll get a real gruff sexy voice probably:thu:


But apparently I was wrong you guys seem to think the vocals are okay. and the rest of it is more of a problem. I was thinking the vocals were a big problem, and the tightness was just a problem. Oh well. I guess this is good?

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Oh well. I guess this is good?


Hold on there...none of us said that. :)


Growling is growling. Anyone can do it if they try. Timing is key. You absolutely must learn it. "Control...control...you MUST LEARN CONTROL!!!" (Yoda reference #2 in this thread.) :) Because honestly your timing is so bad, nothing works well at all, and you know if it were just a case of the drums being off you could replace it with samples or premade backing tracks.

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your whole band needs a metronome, not just one person...it doesn't matter how great one guy's timing is, if the rest of the band isn't dead on with him


you go to the fine arts center right? believe me there's a good reason steve will drill into your head how important timing is


btw...is that new song supposed to be a despised icon cover?

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Wait :poke: are you in a Christian Death Metal band


yes, I am a christian death metal artist. Christians aren't just about Steven Curtis Chapman you know. You think the israelites sat there and worshipped calmly? Nah man, they were shaking around and straight up moshin!

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It's all me, a guitar player, trying to do all the other instruments.


Keep trying. :poke: :D


Seriously though, without at least decent timing, it's a trainwreck. It doesn't matter if you're doing it all yourself or not, it's still a trainwreck. And lots of other people can play more instruments than guitar, and have done their own projects. The project or song speaks for itself. So in the end if you're sloppy, you're sloppy. There are no excuses.

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Keep trying. :poke:

Seriously though, without at least decent timing, it's a trainwreck. It doesn't matter if you're doing it all yourself or not, it's still a trainwreck. And lots of other people can play more instruments than guitar, and have done their own projects. The project or song speaks for itself. So in the end if you're sloppy, you're sloppy. There are no excuses.


well I'll work on it. I actually like this song (my idea of what it could be that is) so I'm gonna redo it, and I think I found somebody to do the drums. So i'll go back and fix any guitar that gets off at all, and see what he can do.

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well I'll work on it. I actually like this song (my idea of what it could be that is) so I'm gonna redo it, and I think I found somebody to do the drums. So i'll go back and fix any guitar that gets off at all, and see what he can do.



two words: click track.

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two words: click track.



words I've heard again and again. And something I'll use again, but this time just for guitar, and only for guitar. I'm leaving anything that isn't really simple on drums and bass to somebody else, and hopefully vocals too. Unless it takes too long, then I'll get bored and try it again and suck on timing again:cry:


But maybe i'll get a band going. I only know one bass player who is cool enough to accept into said future band and thats it.

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Keep trying. :poke:

Seriously though, without at least decent timing, it's a trainwreck. It doesn't matter if you're doing it all yourself or not, it's still a trainwreck. And lots of other people can play more instruments than guitar, and have done their own projects. The project or song speaks for itself. So in the end if you're sloppy, you're sloppy. There are no excuses.




if you're just wanting to throw music out there for your friends to hear then it doesn't really matter i guess, but even they will have trouble getting past a sloppy recording...they may give you nice responses, but that's because they're your friends


if you're wanting music that people you don't know will ever listen to tho, you've gotta have a solid presentation...a real musical audience is not made up of your friends, they're gonna criticize you in a brutal way, and if your stuff isn't up to par with their expectations then you earn a bad rep as a musician real quickly


if you wanna get a serious band going then you should really work on making some more solid and serious recordings to put out on myspace, you'd be surprised @ the responses you would get from other local musicians looking for people to jam with...but if ya put out stuff like what's up there now you're only gonna get slackass musicians interested that ya don't want


hope ya don't take offense to this, but seriously...i put out some decent sounding stuff on myspace a while back, and it landed me a spot in a band that's worked out better for me than i ever could have imagined

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if you're just wanting to throw music out there for your friends to hear then it doesn't really matter i guess, but even they will have trouble getting past a sloppy recording...they may give you nice responses, but that's because they're your friends

if you're wanting music that people you don't know will ever listen to tho, you've gotta have a solid presentation...a real musical audience is not made up of your friends, they're gonna criticize you in a brutal way, and if your stuff isn't up to par with their expectations then you earn a bad rep as a musician real quickly

if you wanna get a serious band going then you should really work on making some more solid and serious recordings to put out on myspace, you'd be surprised @ the responses you would get from other local musicians looking for people to jam with...but if ya put out stuff like what's up there now you're only gonna get slackass musicians interested that ya don't want

hope ya don't take offense to this, but seriously...i put out some decent sounding stuff on myspace a while back, and it landed me a spot in a band that's worked out better for me than i ever could have imagined



right, my myspace's main purpose is in hope of getting a band, but if they know a lot about recording and they can tell what's sloppy and what isn't then I usually refer them to my mp3lizard page first with the clips and stuff, and then maybe later show them my feeble attempts to do it all at myspace. I almost got into one band about two weeks ago with this method. I went out and met the guys at one of their shows, and they were awesome dudes, and sounded good enough for me to be interested, but they wanted me to drive about 1 hour away every Wednesday to practice starting at about 9:30 p.m., and then I'd have to be back home at around 12:00, so leaving at like 11:00. So I would be doing a 3 and a half hour trip once a week for an hour and a half at best of practice. I wasn't thinking the band sounded that good when they told me that ya know. Oh well. I hope to start a band, but joining one seems the easiest option.

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