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so I go one of these myspace band deals...


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right, my myspace's main purpose is in hope of getting a band, but if they know a lot about recording and they can tell what's sloppy and what isn't then I usually refer them to my mp3lizard page first with the clips and stuff, and then maybe later show them my feeble attempts to do it all at myspace.


You have to realize though, if you send them the Myspace link at all, at that point they'd think "this guy has bad timing". That's where it would probably end. If you're lucky they might think "that was just this once", but don't count on it. Their impression of you is ruined. If you want to be in a band that doesn't care about timing, I guess you have no problem. :) Except of course what that means for your experience with the band in the long term...who wants to be in a band that overlooks bad timing.


I hope it doesn't sound as though I'm being mean to you, but even with all your warnings about how bad you are etc. you seem to be overlooking how much importance is placed on timing in a band. It's one of the most critical things, in reality.

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dude no offence, but no ones gonna wanna play in a band with you... with songs like THAT. you honestly gotta get practicing your instrument, don't try to record every instrument, it's all over the place, just random.


I realize the importance, and there is much importance, but i'll post something that sucks terribly over nothing. I'm just one of those kind of people. At least the tone is tolerable, and it can be followed right?


and as to whether a decent band would think that was good, that is why I said before myspace or even instead of myspace I'll direct them to the clips first. They aren't perfect either, but I focused on one thing, the guitar. Which is what I would play in a band. They's is in my sig. Maybe you won't think they are perfect, but they are certainly more on time than my songs.






Having said all this, I must still say that the first song's guitar, and even the second song's guitar (mine at least) is relatively on time in my opinion. Everything else is very off, but the guitar is just a little off. Don't make me post the guitar going to the metronome to prove it either!!! nah, actually I won't do that, but still.

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I focused on one thing, the guitar. ...

Having said all this, I must still say that the first song's guitar, and even the second song's guitar (mine at least) is relatively on time in my opinion.


On time compared to a non-existent metronome, or to the out-of-time drums? :) You see the problem? Even if it were one or the other, it doesn't matter. It sounds out of time, plain and simple. Go ahead and put it all to a metronome too, and you'll see it's out of time a fair bit.


Anyway, you asked for it in your first post. If you didn't want this honest criticism, don't post here.


This is *not* "focusing on the guitar". Focusing on the guitar would be playing in time to some in-time drums.

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I realize the importance, and there is much importance, but i'll post something that sucks terribly over nothing. I'm just one of those kind of people. At least the tone is tolerable, and it can be followed right?



that's a decision you need to think real carefully about...if you put out nothing at all then you have a clean slate, you have the option of waiting until you have something good to put out, that really speaks for your abilities as a musician


if you put out something that 'sucks' (as you put it) then you're gonna be known for that for a long time...years from now when you're putting out much better stuff there will still be people who know you for that stuff you put out previously; you'd be amazed how long that stuff sticks with you...good musicians who may have otherwise been really interested in jamming with you may've heard stuff like you're putting out now and been turned off to you as a guitarist forever


not telling you what to do here, it's your choice...i'm just saying that's a decision you should put a whole lot of thought into, i see way too many young bands/musicians earn a lousy reputation because they wanna put out "something that's better than nothing" and while there's usually experiences and lessons learned coming from that, people rarely consider the negative consequences or how long they'll follow them


some of the best bands around have practically no following because they played lousy shows early on, and people never wanna give them another chance after seeing/hearing that...this is how most people are

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PS. I guess the part at 3:12 of the first song, where one guitar track disappears, is only for effect...not because the timing was so bad you couldn't play the same part twice.

Ok that's my "jerk moment" for the evening.

one of the times that happened was for effect. The other time was my mistake. I dont remember whats where and I dont feel like looking. Im not mad at you guys or anything though. Keep it coming.

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btw...is that new song supposed to be a despised icon cover?



sorry I missed this post.


its not a despised icon cover at all. The whammy riff is very very similar to the one on "The Sunset Will never Cham us" I hadnt listened to them in awhile and I sort of unconsciously stole that riff (seriously not an excuse). I listened to the song about a week later and was like oh well, I dont really care. I play it a little different than them and its just one riff. The rest of that song is a lot different from mine though. Theres has more high screaming and some pig squealing, and all the other riffs are different, plus the lyrics are different, and yeah.

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even the clips on mp3lizard the timing needs a lot of work in some spots...it's pretty decent thru most of it, but there spots with the faster rhythm picking stuff where you're really dragging behind


FWIW, i know the stuff i have isn't 100% on...but this is what i put up that helped me find a band:




the guys weren't crazy about it, but it was enough to show them that i could play well & put songs together


BTW i hope no one is coming off like they're trying to give you {censored} or anything...the kinda criticism you're getting here from myself and others is the kinda feedback i wish i'd gotten when i was younger

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Yeah it's fine no ones coming off as a jerk.


I don't think you guys get it though. Right now my minimal goal is to get in a band that has decent taste in genre, that actually practices every now and then, has skill level at least close to mine (not saying mine is great), and it would be nice if they put on shows every now and then. Honestly most of the bands I would consider joining know nothing about recording at all, and probably play just as well if not worse than me with their timing, and certainly with their riffage.



I mean I'm still in high school, I don't think these recordings will stick with me for the rest of my life, especially since no one remotely professional (that's not an HC member) hears them. This will be heard by a bunch of bands that guys like you guys would probably not even consider decent, and some of my friends from school who have no idea about timing or anything. They just hear a bunch of noise since 3/4 of them don't like metal anyways (although I hope the acoustic song might impress the ladies). The kids that do listen to metal actually like my stuff, and these are the same kids going to the concerts around here on weekends. Right now that is all I have to worry about not necessarily what accomplished musicians think of my music.


I record because its fun and if I can't find a career playing music it would be my next alternative. I'm probably going to take a recording course at the fine arts center next year, and possibly during college. So if I am to record it doesn't necessarily mean I have to be good at recording myself.



These are all just random points off the top of my head, but that's basically where i'm coming from with this.

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