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I like it. I really like it. More power to you.


For the sake of your survival, write something with some edge.

I have been waiting for a new beatles for a long time.


Please forgive the comparison to the Beatles. That is a complement.

Most Beatles singles, were edgy, till they could write they're own ticket and be accepted for a diversified style.


Write more.



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That's great, especially the vocal (background stuff is amazing). I'm listening at school on a pair of really crap headphones, so I can't hear the electric part very well, sounds quiet and kind of mushy compared to the rest (which sounds fab), but that could be the headphones.


Awesome job, anyway.

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Originally posted by underground

That's great, especially the vocal (background stuff is amazing). I'm listening at school on a pair of really crap headphones, so I can't hear the electric part very well, sounds quiet and kind of mushy compared to the rest (which sounds fab), but that could be the headphones.

Awesome job, anyway.



ah... girlfriends and music... not good, not good. they think britney "rocks"... not good, not good...

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:eek: :eek: :eek: Awesome!


If that's rough then you must be a perfectionist because I would not change a thing! That is much better than any over-produced pre-packaged pop song that has come out in the last 30 years.

Led Zeppelin recorded their first album in something like 30 hours and look how far they went!


BTW, I am listening to this song for the second time and may go for a third! I've had a rough week and this song picked my spirits up in just a few seconds!


Keep up the good work!

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Charles French-Okay, no problem, let me know what you think.


xerosleep-Thanks a lot. Sure would be great if someone put this in a movie or sitcom or something, that would solve a lot of problems...


confuseitall-Thanks very much. I did have a bunch of other stuff up before, but I sort of got tired of it, so this is it for now. Thanks again.


paraphonic-Thanks a lot. I don't mind comparisons to the Beatles at all. Not sure what you mean by edgy exactly?

Thanks very much for checking out the song.


zinzin- Hi zinzin, how ya doing! That is so cool that you burned your own CD. Really amazing that you would like this stuff that much. No record deal, but haven't really been trying. Hopefully, a real mix will fill in that 1%. This is literally a 5 minute mix. On the other hand, I'm trying to go in a simpler style, less keyboard stuff, etc., so maybe that is the missing 1%. Either way, thanks very much, really very nice of you.


underground-Thanks. It's weird how different things can sound on different set-ups, headphones, etc. When I do a proper mix, hopefully there will be a better balance between the vocals and electrics and stuff. Thanks again.


just_ashley-Thank you. You're girlfriend thought it was actually The Beatles? Well, that's pretty cool!


ImJustMe-Alright, thanks!


wooderson-Thank you. Always great when someone notices a bit of lyric. I appreciate that.


TaoManna Don-Cool man, thank you!



I've had a rough week and this song picked my spirits up in just a few seconds!



wow....to have any sort of affect like that with something i did, well that's what it's all about. Really nice of you to say. Thanks a lot. Your comments, and everyone's, have really picked my

spirits up!



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alright, well here is the deal. well recorded and sounds very good! maddd props for that. however, it IS the beatles and that's not too cool. i dig it and put it in my playlist, but you if guys did you own thing you could get somewhere. everything else is cool

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sva musician-Thanks. There are no guys, it's just me. I suppose it's too Beatley, a few people have said that. I sort of can't help it. On the bright side, at least I'm not copying Blink 182 or something :) .



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Originally posted by macle

sva musician-Thanks. There are no guys, it's just me. I suppose it's too Beatley, a few people have said that. I sort of can't help it. On the bright side, at least I'm not copying Blink 182 or something



its never to much "beatley"! but you cannot decide after hearing one song - so, me, knowing more than one song, can say that is YOU.

you write you are alone - where's the girl who sang vocals before? and do you play live? are you recording new songs?

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just_ashley-Thanks for that Ashley :) !


zinzin- The girl is still here :), I just happened to do this one, and a few others, on my own. We are working on some new stuff, but we're not playing live (yet). Thanks again zinzin!


aneurysm26-Thanks! Recorded at home, in my bedroom. I'm in California, unfortunately ;) .



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Originally posted by sva musician

yeah it's good i said, but why copy something else?? it's well done but that's like saying, "hey man you did a great cover of stairway. good job!" =p



Your analogy is a little off target, I think. Every single one of us has influences which show through in our music, sometimes stronger than others. To say that allowing your influences to show through is like doing covers shows a lack of understanding of the nature of music. Everything is derivative. There are only 12 notes, and chances are that the way you just put them together is not totally new and original.

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