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My High Gain sounds wayyy too bright..........


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Hi All


Running a Hughes & Kettner Triamp MKII through an XL Randall 4x12 with celestion V30's


This is a bit hard to describe so bear with me


I like the amount of gain I get.....but when I crank it to full modern Hi gain for my brutal stuff It sounds so bright.

When I have it at volume this bright top end sounds like the tinnitus u get after a thrash concert!


I've tried dialling back the treble & the Prescence.....but it just seems to get muddy whilst this "bright" quality remain


Any advice???

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Which guitar are you using, and what are your settings?

And if I may ask, is it a new cab? V30s take a while to break in, and smooth out noticeably once they've done so.



It's with any of my guitars to be honest....(see sig)

I always have the gain on full high bass fairly low mids and about 50% treble.....but obviously i've tried different settings.

I've even tried an MXR 10 band to smooth the sound out a bit with little success



I got the cab off ebay but i think it was relatively new.

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try different speaks.. v30's go too high up top. that's my #1 guess.

also-- roll down your bass a smidge, and turn up the volume to compensate for the loss. also give a little more mid, and see what happens if you roll your treble south of 12oclock. i run my treble low, and it isn't 'dark'-- just the bias of the amp-- especially if your 'detent' settings are 5.

best bets-- set all your eq's at 5 and tweak out from there-- you might just be overdoing something-- work backwards from the amp being pretty 'flat'-- and you'll do better than diming anything!

good luck!

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What Amp head do you run?

Do u like the sizzle?


I hate the sizzle, and I'm using an ampeg vh140c


with other cabs it's not sizzly at all.


and I run mine with the gain on 10 + boosted.


for those that know that amp..


it's a very very high gain amp :)

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i.e. bad tone.

May sound fine in Madison Square Bedroom, but in a band setting, gain on 10 and boosted will sound like mush.



actually, I find that in a band setting it sounds very good.

though when we play out i usually turn my mids up a bit more then when i'm just in the practice space.

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I can only assume the same!

The gain on any of my amps rarely goes more then 2 o'clock! any more then that and you're asking for trouble in my opinion. too much gain hides the slop



As someone else said.......this is for when i wanna play ultra brutal death/black metal....

So I don't really wanna turn my gain down. Anyway even when I do I still get top end sizzle.


That is the point of the triamp....I have Amp 1 for my shimmery cleans and amp 2 for my warm vintage tones

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As someone else said.......this is for when i wanna play ultra brutal death/black metal....

So I don't really wanna turn my gain down. Anyway even when I do I still get top end sizzle.

That is the point of the triamp....I have Amp 1 for my shimmery cleans and amp 2 for my warm vintage tones

right on man, do what you do!

More mids would surely help, lots of bass and treble make for shatty lead tones in my opinion, but it's hard to get that thunk without dumping all the mids out of your amp. It's a hard road playing that death metal man, I am glad you are there to pick up my slack ;)

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right on man, do what you do!

More mids would surely help, lots of bass and treble make for shatty lead tones in my opinion, but it's hard to get that thunk without dumping all the mids out of your amp. It's a hard road playing that death metal man, I am glad you are there to pick up my slack

Ha ha finally....

A bit of understanding.....

That is the problem with this Forum......There is some kind of assumption that we should all be playing Vintage Fenders & trying our best to sound like Eric Clapton.

Actually some of us just like music to kill to or the audial essence of pure evil


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Ha ha finally....

A bit of understanding.....

That is the problem with this Forum......There is some kind of assumption that we should all be playing Vintage Fenders & trying our best to sound like Eric Clapton.

Actually some of us just like music to kill to or the audial essence of pure evil


Well, being that HCAF is the resident metal hangout, that's hardly true.

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Ha ha finally....

A bit of understanding.....

That is the problem with this Forum......There is some kind of assumption that we should all be playing Vintage Fenders & trying our best to sound like Eric Clapton.

Actually some of us just like music to kill to or the audial essence of pure evil



though, there are more metal players on the amp forum then on the electric guitar forum.. so we'd understand but..

everyone thinks that there's this set formula bla bla blah.

and to some extent there is. but.

whatever, i don't know what i'm trying to get at any more. :cry:

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