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Crappy NAD to me!!! JTM30 info please?


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Okay, I've done the search thing and understand that these things are a bit, how should I put it, crappy. But for $250 I just couldn't pass on it. It's the 2 x 10" combo and the tolex is pretty {censored}ed-up. Looks like none is missing though, so a little glue and some Armor All and it should be presentable again. Anybody wanna chime in with their opinions on this cute little combo???



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I remember playing a JTM 60 combo in atomic a while ago and well not really being blown away, are they the same thing only the 30 has 10's?

How's the 900 coming along?



I think the JTM30/60 are very similar...just more output tubes in the 60. They both came in a head version and the JTM30 also came in a 1x12 and a 2x10 and I think the JTM60 came in a 1x12 and a 3x10 maybe?


Your old 900 is all taken apart in my basement. Still thinking that the OT is okay but not 100% sure yet. It looks like the previous tech was stumped because there's a bunch of touched-up solder joints on the board, and he also left some solder globs and spatters that need to be cleaned-up. Looks like part of the pcb is burned pretty bad under the four 2.2K plate resistors but I think the pcb is okay. I'm gonna replace those resistors and then fire it up just to observe the symptoms. I'll keep ya posted.

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I remember digging the tones back when they first came out. This was in a music store mind you.

The reliability scared me away from buying a JTM60 3x10 for $300, but I have no idea how to work on amps. It was also second hand knowledge, as I've never known anyone that owned one.

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I remember digging the tones back when they first came out. This was in a music store mind you.

The reliability scared me away from buying a JTM60 3x10 for $300, but I have no idea how to work on amps. It was also second hand knowledge, as I've never known anyone that owned one.

Yeah, I was definitely concerned about the reliability too after reading some of the brutal threads on here. I figured at least I'm pretty handy with this kinda stuff and, though I'm far from being a tube amp expert, I'm reading and learning all the time. If the amp dies, it'll just become another experiment and hopefully a learning experience. I'm hoping that fact that it managed to keep cranking away for this long says something about its will to live! :)

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I think the JTM30/60 are very similar...just more output tubes in the 60. They both came in a head version and the JTM30 also came in a 1x12 and a 2x10 and I think the JTM60 came in a 1x12 and a 3x10 maybe?

Your old 900 is all taken apart in my basement. Still thinking that the OT is okay but not 100% sure yet. It looks like the previous tech was stumped because there's a bunch of touched-up solder joints on the board, and he also left some solder globs and spatters that need to be cleaned-up. Looks like part of the pcb is burned pretty bad under the four 2.2K plate resistors but I think the pcb is okay. I'm gonna replace those resistors and then fire it up just to observe the symptoms. I'll keep ya posted.



Ah that kind of upsets me about the tech, I used him for awhile but have since found someone better but much farther away. Best of luck!

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The one I owned (bought it used) was not a bad amp at all. The clean channel was really good (amazing, for a Marshall :) ), and the od channel was really aggressive. I don't use clean channels very much, though, and the od was voiced in a way that's not to my personal taste (harsher and edgier & more modern than I was looking for), which is why I sold it. But I wouldn't have called it "crappy," fwiw (& ymmv, o'course).


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The 30 has less gain than the 60, but is tight, it's also loud as he!!

The only issue my tech buddy said was a reverb driver transister than would go out, causing the reverb not to function. To me that is one of the best combo's Marshall made.



Thanks for the info! BTW, I will believe anything you say because of your screen name and the fact that your sig is THE TRUTH! SGs and Marshalls FTW!

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Ah that kind of upsets me about the tech, I used him for awhile but have since found someone better but much farther away. Best of luck!



Well, I'm still not sure so don't get too mad at the old tech yet, except that somebody was definitely pretty careless with the soldering. Even though the OT measures okay statically, but it's not inconceiveable that it could be failing under load. I'll know more soon and report back 2 ya.

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The one I owned (bought it used) was not a bad amp at all. The clean channel was really good (amazing, for a Marshall
), and the od channel was really aggressive. I don't use clean channels very much, though, and the od was voiced in a way that's not to my personal taste (harsher and edgier & more modern than I was looking for), which is why I sold it. But I wouldn't have called it "crappy," fwiw (& ymmv, o'course).


Thanks man! And when I said "crappy" I wasn't really trying to describe the tone of the amp, just the poor reliability I've been reading so much about. To the contrary, I'd say I've read more positive reviews than negative when doing my forum searches, although there's a lot of "sounds okay but doesn't sound like a Marshall" thrown in too.

I only played it briefly so far but it sounds pretty good to me. Can't attest to the "Marshallness" of it yet cuz I didn't have time to tweak anything, just check functionality and go. Based on what I heard though, it does seem a little "tight" (as someone said earlier) for a Marshall but I attributed that to the 10" speakers and the 5881s. I'll report back once I've spent some more time with it...

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