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Is it bad to play my half-stack without ear plugs?


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loll dude....whether you rehearse or not, a half stack is {censored}ing loud at band's volume..if anything you may less damage your hearing since the drums and all add other sorts of frequencies, but you're gonna screw yourselg up still

I found that even at a fairly low volume, when standing in front of the speakers, it gets tiring for the ears, it seems like I get ear piercing freqs that bother me....


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So, to answer your question - if you are playing your amp loud enough that you'd have to yell to be heard over it, even if you are on your own, it is too loud. In fact the general rule of thumb is that if you can't have a comfortable conversation at normal speaking volumes in the presence of whatever noise is going on, then that noise is loud enough to damage your hearing. One way I've heard it put is that your hearing is like a pile of sand that is slowly diminishing over time. You can throw the sand away with a teaspoon or with a shovel.



It depends on how long you are exposed to it, though. It's not like if you just hear a sound above conversational volume, you instantly suffer permanent hearing damage.

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Yes, we all like to play loud, but I can tell you from experience that you can damage your hearing irreversibly very quickly. I never had any problems with my hearing but about five years ago I went to a loud concert by a Pink Floyd tribute band and left with my ears ringing and it's never stopped. From that one night, I now live with a constant high pitched sound, like a tea kettle whistling 24 hours a day. Once the fibers in the inner ear become damaged from exposure to loud sound, it's permanent and there is no cure. So please think about whether it's worth it.

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Continuous dB/Permissible Exposure Time


85 db

8 hours


88 dB

4 hours


91 db

2 hours


94 db

1 hour


97 db

30 minutes


100 db

15 minutes


103 db

7.5 minutes


106 dB

3.75 min (


109 dB

1.875 min (


112 dB

.9375 min (~1 min)


115 dB

.46875 min (~30 sec)



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you could always try wearing just one, and standing so the ear that's plugged faces the amp...that's what i do when i go to shows



Over time that can still result in hearing loss in the ear that isn't protected.


Honestly, go spend the money on musician's ear plugs and get used to them. I'd rather be able to hear at 55 than enjoy loud music now.

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Yep, I have those. Kinda goofy looking...but they work great!


rofl they stick out like the bolts on frankensteins neck and their bright blue... wtf were they thinkin when they were thinkin of marketing them? like yeah we want they to work but we want you to look like an idiot when you wear them :lol:


and its sad that im pretty positive that my ears are gonna be trash by like 30 according to that chart :cry:

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