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Line 6 Bogner Amps


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I have one. I use it for church wanking, basically, you'll either love it or hate it. Thus, I'm on the fence.

It tends to be a fizzy amp cause of the modeling, but it CAN be dialed out. I really like the marshall models on it. But you CAN'T run the presence over like 11 o clock, and it kinda acts as a fuzz knob too

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Has anyone played one of these? What's the reaction to them? I'm familiar with the Line 6 solid state amps. Can they really pull off a true tube amp?



It can't pull off a true tube amp, because it isn't a true tube amp. It's a digital preamp and a tube power amp, whereas a true tube amp is a tube preamp and a tube power amp. You still get the bloom of the tube power section, but the "tone" of the amp is still generated by an digital simulation of an analog preamp.


Line 6 is calling it a "real tube amp" because they are trying to capitalize on the fact that most guitar players don't know enough about gear to understand the difference between the two "halves" of an amp: the preamp and power amp. Them calling it a "real tube amp" is a sign that their target market is people too ignorant about gear to differentiate between a real tube amp, and an amp that just happens to have some tubes in it.


With that having been said, I was in a store the other day and some dude had a SpiderValve plugged into a 2x12 cab and it sounded pretty nice. Granted, the guy playing it was an awesome player, and I'm sure a Korn/Limp Bisquick wanna be could make the amp sound pretty bad. If you try one out and find that you like the tone and it's versatility serves your purposes, then I say go for it. But don't be fooled into thinking it's a "real tube amp", regardless of what the chimps at Guitar Center try to tell you.

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I played one in GC for about 30 minutes and was very dissapointed. It has a cool 311 tone but was so thin and tinny sounding. There's not a sound on there that resembles anything bogner.


Why line 6 just can't take a bogner amp - or marshall or something and stick their POD or Vetta effects in the effects loop route. Then you'd have a real amp with convenient effects. :)

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I don't care what anyone says, I preordered one of these and it was definitely DEFINITELY worth the nearly 3 month wait. I have been searching for the best possible tone in my melodic death metal band for over 2 years, and I have never been able to afford Mesa and more expensive options. But honestly, I would rather have my valve head into my Marshall 1960 than a Mesa half stack for the music that I play.

I can understand why some people would not find the tone applicable, but what I cannot understand is why some people bash the fact it is not "true tube" and therefore do not consider it a worthy amp. You can clearly tell the second you plug it in the distinct tube qualities it does have, you DO get the natural compression and harmonic nuances of a tube amp, but like every tube amp is different, the valve is different from every amp you've heard. That being said, I think Line6 accomplished exactly what they set out to: to create a modeling amp with tube sound, because you can dial in soo many more usable tones than most botique amps that use 1 or 2 channels.

So, bash it all you want, but having one has literally made me happier about my tone than anything else. Then again, I'm not someone who enjoys having super expensive stuff and having to baby it, I want realistically priced, reliable {censored} and this fits.

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yup....^^^^..i did the same thing,...i played with it for about an hour...and trust me,i know how to eq an amplifier,...and the high gain settings were muddy as hell and the clean settings were shrill,....line 6 have made the only amps i have ever played that i couldnt get a single tone i liked

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Bvester - you are right - for the money it's not bad at all and for death metal gain it's probably pretty good. For us old school guys it just did not impress me that much. I actually love line6 stuff - i have a few pod's and a vetta II so I'm not really a tube snob - but modeling will never replace tube saturation.

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actually it does have pre tubes :poke:



Don't you just love people who don't even know enough to know what they don't know? God bless the intraweb....


There are two 12AX7's in the amp. One is the phase inverter for the power amp, which is NOT part of the preamp. The other 12AX7 is simply used as a tube buffer between the preamp and power amp, much like the tube buffering of a reverb unit or effects loop. This is CLEARLY shown in the block diagram (ie. schematic dummed down for lay people) that is included in the manual, :poke:


If you had skipped the manual, but read the "background" on the amp, Line 6 clearly states that the preamp is the same DIGITAL preamp used in the Spider III series. :poke::poke:

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I can understand why some people would not find the tone applicable, but what I cannot understand is why some people bash the fact it is not "true tube" and therefore do not consider it a worthy amp.



I personally have no problem with the fact that isn't all tube, my problem is with the fact that the advertising for the Spider Valve (and a lot of other amps) is pure propaganda meant to prey on the ignorant. If someone likes the sound of the Spider Valve series, they should buy it and be happy that they have a very versatile, very powerful amp. However, the person who goes out and buys one because Line 6 and the dip{censored} salesperson at Guitar Center told him it's "a real tube amp" just got hosed.


It's just like those commercials that you see on TV where they show all of those people bragging about how much money they are making working from home with their PC. You know the ones. "I made over $250k last year working from home!" What most people don't see is the little asterisk at the bottom that says that the numbers that they are quoting are "gross sales", meaning the person might have sold $250k worth of product, but if the "cost" of those $250k in sales is $220k, the person really only made $30k. They are just trying to prey on people too stupid to differentiate between "sales" and "profits", just like Line 6 is trying to prey on people who don't know the difference.....


I guess some people think lying to push their product is OK, I personally think it isn't. Different strokes for different folks.

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Don't you just love people who don't even know enough to know what they don't know? God bless the intraweb....

There are two 12AX7's in the amp. One is the phase inverter for the power amp, which is NOT part of the preamp. The other 12AX7 is simply used as a tube buffer between the preamp and power amp, much like the tube buffering of a reverb unit or effects loop. This is CLEARLY shown in the block diagram (ie. schematic dummed down for lay people) that is included in the manual, :poke:

If you had skipped the manual, but read the "background" on the amp, Line 6 clearly states that the preamp is the same DIGITAL preamp used in the Spider III series. :poke::poke:



ok, well, suck my nuts

I fail

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the preamp is the same DIGITAL preamp used in the Spider III series. :poke::poke:



that's the flaw of the amp. They didn't use a good technology to merge w/ tube technology. I tell you what. Had it been tech 21 and bogner, the world might have ended.

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I personally have no problem with the fact that isn't all tube, my problem is with the fact that the advertising for the Spider Valve (and a lot of other amps) is pure propaganda meant to prey on the ignorant. If someone likes the sound of the Spider Valve series, they should buy it and be happy that they have a very versatile, very powerful amp. However, the person who goes out and buys one because Line 6 and the dip{censored} salesperson at Guitar Center told him it's "a real tube amp" just got hosed.

It's just like those commercials that you see on TV where they show all of those people bragging about how much money they are making working from home with their PC. You know the ones. "I made over $250k last year working from home!" What most people don't see is the little asterisk at the bottom that says that the numbers that they are quoting are "gross sales", meaning the person might have sold $250k worth of product, but if the "cost" of those $250k in sales is $220k, the person really only made $30k. They are just trying to prey on people too stupid to differentiate between "sales" and "profits", just like Line 6 is trying to prey on people who don't know the difference.....

I guess some people think lying to push their product is OK, I personally think it isn't. Different strokes for different folks.




I entirely agree with this standpoint, and yes anyone who is actually "tricked" into buying one because it is a "revolutionary" technology is absolutely at fault. The only reason I bought one is because I knew it would be applicable to my rig - I've used (and admittedly liked a lot) Spider II and III heads before but I really needed more power and a more realistic tone.

But honestly, a ton of gear is pushed this way. Think of monster cable, boss pedals, any botique pedal company, and many more. Are these things really marketed according to how good they will be for everyone? No. Of course, some will feel ripped off as the product described in the exaggerated advertisements, while others will find in it all they expected.

I think most people on these forums do not fall in the category of people who are easily fooled by ads that say things like "merging the best of two worlds" without thourouly checking out a product first. Therefore, the fact that some are so set on putting down the spider valve for not living up to what it is are singling Line 6 out because of some bias. This is what I don't get. I don't care because I am happy with my own setup I just don't want others who are capable of reviewing the product for themselves to be caught in the trap of oversimplifying its usefulness, just because others base their review on something separate (expectations, ads, specific setup applictions, etc.)

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I am not a big line 6 fan in general, but my buddy just bought a spider valve 112 and I like the amp. We compared it head to head with the Spider III 112 and there was a huge difference. I have played enough to know its decent, not sure I would buy one though. It still was missing the feedback of a good tube amp. Play a Vox AC30 and you will know what I mean by feedback.....

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I personally have no problem with the fact that isn't all tube, my problem is with the fact that the advertising for the Spider Valve (and a lot of other amps) is pure propaganda meant to prey on the ignorant. If someone likes the sound of the Spider Valve series, they should buy it and be happy that they have a very versatile, very powerful amp. However, the person who goes out and buys one because Line 6 and the dip{censored} salesperson at Guitar Center told him it's "a real tube amp" just got hosed.

It's just like those commercials that you see on TV where they show all of those people bragging about how much money they are making working from home with their PC. You know the ones. "I made over $250k last year working from home!" What most people don't see is the little asterisk at the bottom that says that the numbers that they are quoting are "gross sales", meaning the person might have sold $250k worth of product, but if the "cost" of those $250k in sales is $220k, the person really only made $30k. They are just trying to prey on people too stupid to differentiate between "sales" and "profits", just like Line 6 is trying to prey on people who don't know the difference.....

I guess some people think lying to push their product is OK, I personally think it isn't. Different strokes for different folks.



How do you get through a day out in the world without collapsing into the fetal position? Bull{censored} marketing is EVERYWHERE. Be glad you're not among the imbeciles of the world who get taken in by it.


Then again, if people think they're getting a real tube amp (which isn't totally false) and they're happy with it, where's the harm?

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I don't give a {censored} what it has, what it is, what it doesn't have or what it isn't...... :blah::blah::blah:


I bet if you slapped one of the "haters" favorite head (disguised) into a Line 6 HD100 box and let him play his own amp he would still walk away saying that amp is the biggest fizziest piece of {censored} I have ever heard or played through! :idea:


I have the SV 100HD head and it sounds {censored}ing killer (no I don't use any of the presets, I dial in my own tones and save them).


I keep an open mind when trying new gear and I don't go in with any preconceived notions about anything, this way I can truly evaluate an amp for what it does and what it sounds like to me.


I've said this before and I'll say this again,


I like this "piece of Line 6 modeling {censored}" better than my Mesa Mark IV, my JCM800 or my JVM410H and play it more than any of my other amps too.


I think I'll wrap it in brown pigskin and get me some pig snout knobs for it and slap a "Hog 100" emblem on the front of it. :freak:

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