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i dont remember who asked about why rack can be an advantage, but for a normal player like me (meaning i dont get into all the crazy preamp stuff and crazy mountains of effects) its alot easier for a gigging musician to set up his rig when you dont have to worry about putting all your pedals down and making sure they're powered and running cables everwhere...

my stuff looks like this

6space gator case with
american audio PDP950 power conditioner
alesis midiverb 3
korg dtr1000 (black, of course)
3 space drawer for amp switch and extension cords
shure pgx14 hangin out in back

all i do is set this between my head and cab, plug in power, run the rack to the head, and throw down my footswitch.

i very much like it!

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Zachman wrote


Originally Posted by guitarslinger

Grooveking will always have the edge because he has pretty much one of everything.

Except, I have some choice pieces he isn't rocking. climax, GP-3, HK Access, 2150

Ya, but he strikes me as more of a collector than a player, and most of his gear doesn't seem like a rig, rather a collection of tons of gear. Has ANYONE ever heard anything productive come from all that gear?

Zachman, just because I collect doesn't mean I don't play, I'll always be a player more so than a collector. As to hearing anything productive coming from my gear, yes the band and audiences I have played to seem to think so. But maybe it's your choice on words and phrasing that comes across with being less than open minded.

As to rigs, components or complete systems are shown in the pics, the pic labeled "Big Rig" has almost everything in those racks running to patch bays where I can plug into various pieces or all of them. For gigging I have four difference rigs, depending on what is needed. As to your rack system, what do you use to lug that to gigs?


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Guitarslinger, I did buy an H&K Access preamp off of ebay from a guy in Oklahoma. Unfortunately he didn't ship it, it's been a mess and am I trying to recover $600 from the idiot. Since he didn't accept paypal and only postal money orders and kicked off ebay, I am having some issue tracking him down.


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Guitarslinger, I did buy an H&K Access preamp off of ebay from a guy in Oklahoma. Unfortunately he didn't ship it, it's been a mess and am I trying to recover $600 from the idiot. Since he didn't accept paypal and only postal money orders and kicked off ebay, I am having some issue tracking him down.


bummer, man.:cry:

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How's that GSP1101, anyway? I've been curious about those. The routing options make it seem very appealing as an "all-in-one" sort of processor, like the G-Major.

And do you have any close-ups of those guitars? Those things are hot, whatever they are.

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Damn...I've been here for longer than most people, and I didn't realize that so many members had such insanely huge rack setups. While I admire such awesome collections, I myself would NEVER want so much stuff. It's just crazy how much effort it would take to get some of these rigs out to a show. You might as well be moving a refrigerator. I'm happy with my little beast:


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So my rack is going to start coming in next week, going to be:


VHT 2/90/2 (someone wants to trade a 2150 for it, should I?)

Lee Jackson GP-1000 or ENGL E530 (still deciding)

Korg rack tuner


That's about all I'm going to have in it for now, but going to look at adding a furman in there for sure. Question on a rack this size, should I go for a 6 space or a 12 space? The only thing I think I'll ever add is maybe a G-major but I'm not really an effects guy so not sure. Might also add the decimator rack, although I do have the pedal. What are the best rack cases to buy on ebay as well? I had an SKB and loved it for my Mark IV, just looking for the best bang for the buck here.


Also if I'm going just preamp + poweramp + tuner right now, how many cables am I looking at? And just small patch instrument cables will work correct?


Sorry I'm a rack noob, but didnt want to make a new thread :o


Also any opinions on the 2/90/2 vs. 2150

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Sexy racks... but some of them are just a bit too much for me.

Here's mine... no pics yet, but I think everyone here knows what these look like:

-Furman glorified power strip (hey, it was free with the rack).
-TC G-Major (it broke 3 days after I bought it... TC finally finished fixing it).
-Engl 530 Pre (it's a lot more versatile than I thought it'd be).
-Mesa 20/20 (plenty loud, also a pleasant surprise).

I also bought an MP-1, but it has problems. I'm trying to figure out how to fix them...

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Sexy racks... but some of them are just a bit too much for me.

Here's mine... no pics yet, but I think everyone here knows what these look like:

-Furman glorified power strip (hey, it was free with the rack).

-TC G-Major (it broke 3 days after I bought it... TC finally finished fixing it).

-Engl 530 Pre (it's a lot more versatile than I thought it'd be).

-Mesa 20/20 (plenty loud, also a pleasant surprise).

I also bought an MP-1, but it has problems. I'm trying to figure out how to fix them...



I have been interested in the 20/20 with the E530 for a while. your setup other then power amp is almost ideltical to mine. E530 -> G-Major -> Peavey Classic 50/50 (I am thinking about ditching the Gmajor, and getting a 20/20power amp.)

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I have been interested in the 20/20 with the E530 for a while. your setup other then power amp is almost ideltical to mine. E530 -> G-Major -> Peavey Classic 50/50 (I am thinking about ditching the Gmajor, and getting a 20/20power amp.)

I like the sound of the 20/20 paired with the E530. However, it probably doesn't have the low-end "thunk" that you probably get from the 50/50 (which was the other poweramp I was considering when I bought the 20/20). The trade-off is, you'll get a nice tone at a much lower volume, and it's light (for a tube poweramp). The whole shebang (20/20, E530, G-Maj, Furman) weighs about as much as a regular ol' tube head.

You know, I've heard mixed opinions on the E530... mostly that it's not versatile enough, it's only good for metal, :blah: :blah: :blah:...

It's bull{censored}. This thing can handle most spectrums of rock, and I've even managed to get a decent funky spank out of the clean channel (on low-gain mode, of course). All in all, it's great for what it cost ($425 used). I have been gassing for the 570, though... but it's a bit out of my price range...

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I heard the exact same thing about the E530 before I got it. It is really easy to get a great metal tone out of it, but to get the other sounds you need to spend some time getting used to the two mid controlls. It is not as easy as your standard three band tone stack to adjust. I have also found that the Contour sounds good at first, but if you dial it in without the contour you get a much better sound.

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Zachman wrote

Zachman, just because I collect doesn't mean I don't play, I'll always be a player more so than a collector. As to hearing anything productive coming from my gear, yes the band and audiences I have played to seem to think so. But maybe it's your choice on words and phrasing that comes across with being less than open minded.

As to rigs, components or complete systems are shown in the pics, the pic labeled "Big Rig" has almost everything in those racks running to patch bays where I can plug into various pieces or all of them. For gigging I have four difference rigs, depending on what is needed. As to your rack system, what do you use to lug that to gigs?




Sorry about the unfortunate wording.


Where in Hawaii are you located? (What island?)


I use a Dodge Durango to transport my rig.

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I have a few homes, one of which is in Kaanapali, Maui.



Do you have any pics of the wiring of your gear?




WOW, if you're MORE of a player than a collector, you are undoubtedly the greatest player on Earth, as the collection of gear in the pics you've posted is definitely an impressive collection. I know a guy, who- like you, has tons of gear (Amps and guitars, not rack stuff). He isn't a player... Not really, but he enjoys collecting gear, which is fine by me.


I didn't mean to offend... I just meant that I've never heard even one clip that you've done with any of your "rigs", which just seemed, I dunno... odd. I like to think I'm open minded re: gear (Collections, rigs or otherwise).


No worries. :thu:

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I don't have pics of the back any of my racks available, I've never needed to take photos of the back, I travel for work, so it's not something I can do quickly. As to the player more so than collector, to be more specific, what drives me to buy gear is the tone I am looking for, as to the amount of gear, that has come from three things. 1. I buy something for a given tone, many of times it's what a certain player used on a certain song. 2. I hate depreciation, I know many players who cycle through gear, which for them that is fine, but for me I have come to realize that depending on my music trends I go back after tones I want in a 3 to 5 year cycle, which means I would have to buy that gear again. 3. I have multiple homes and depending on what is going on business wise or in my personal life determines where I am going to be, so at times having duplicates comes in handy but I usually end up with two of something, because when I am in a band I don't have time to get off work, go home pack up my gear and then go to practice, so having the same gear at home to personally practice on and tweak and then walking into the band's practice area or a gig and just turning some knobs or loading a preset, makes me life a lot easier. After repairing drywall, wood trim and auto trim multiple times I found it easier to do the two rig thing.

I just recently changed job assignments and for the last 3 years I have been traveling 3-6 days a week all over North America and some South American locations, so being in a band was difficult. So I was glad when I was able to spend more time around one of my homes now, so I can get back into a band, which I have done recently.

That's the reason I asked about how do you move that rack, an amp, a 412 or more around to gigs? I have a Ford F250 Super Duty 4x4 Crew Cab as the vehicle I use when taking out larger gear, but lifting a large rack in an out is a major pain in the ass and I am not a small guy. That is why if taking a rack out, it's the 6 space shock mount and 3 1-12's, which fit in any of my vehicles and I can make one trip in and one trip out using a 2 wheel dolly. As the saying 99% of the audience can't tell if you are playing a TC2290 or a Danelectro DanEcho, so it's more for the player than the audience. Plus some of the places we play in, are not the most secure places, so I don't want to have to worry about rare - not easy to replace gear being stolen.

I can say that my rack wiring is a lot cleaner than the photos you guys posted! LOL, but I haven't yet gone to the extreme of having a pro like Bob Bradshaw or Dave Friedman wire up any of my rigs.

I recently moved the majority of my rack gear to a different house and if you went through my pics you saw that most of it was in SKB or BagEnd racks. I changed over to 10 QuikLok 20 space racks that roll and offer better access when sitting. Be warned check your QL954 rack crossmembers length as soon as you get them. I unfortunately had bought mine a year before using them, so they sat in their boxes, only to have me find out that 16 of the 20 crossmembers were either too long or too short, some as much as 1-1/2". QuikLok hasn't done anything about them yet. But the pics of the gear on my webshots in those QuikLok racks weren't wired up when those pics were taken, they were taken two weeks after all of that gear was moved.


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I don't have pics of the back any of my racks available, I've never needed to take photos of the back, I travel for work, so it's not something I can do quickly. As to the player more so than collector, to be more specific, what drives me to buy gear is the tone I am looking for, as to the amount of gear, that has come from three things. 1. I buy something for a given tone, many of times it's what a certain player used on a certain song. 2. I hate depreciation, I know many players who cycle through gear, which for them that is fine, but for me I have come to realize that depending on my music trends I go back after tones I want in a 3 to 5 year cycle, which means I would have to buy that gear again. 3. I have multiple homes and depending on what is going on business wise or in my personal life determines where I am going to be, so at times having duplicates comes in handy but I usually end up with two of something, because when I am in a band I don't have time to get off work, go home pack up my gear and then go to practice, so having the same gear at home to personally practice on and tweak and then walking into the band's practice area or a gig and just turning some knobs or loading a preset, makes me life a lot easier. After repairing drywall, wood trim and auto trim multiple times I found it easier to do the two rig thing.

I just recently changed job assignments and for the last 3 years I have been traveling 3-6 days a week all over North America and some South American locations, so being in a band was difficult. So I was glad when I was able to spend more time around one of my homes now, so I can get back into a band, which I have done recently.

That's the reason I asked about how do you move that rack, an amp, a 412 or more around to gigs? I have a Ford F250 Super Duty 4x4 Crew Cab as the vehicle I use when taking out larger gear, but lifting a large rack in an out is a major pain in the ass and I am not a small guy. That is why if taking a rack out, it's the 6 space shock mount and 3 1-12's, which fit in any of my vehicles and I can make one trip in and one trip out using a 2 wheel dolly. As the saying 99% of the audience can't tell if you are playing a TC2290 or a Danelectro DanEcho, so it's more for the player than the audience. Plus some of the places we play in, are not the most secure places, so I don't want to have to worry about rare - not easy to replace gear being stolen.

I can say that my rack wiring is a lot cleaner than the photos you guys posted! LOL, but I haven't yet gone to the extreme of having a pro like Bob Bradshaw or Dave Friedman wire up any of my rigs.

I recently moved the majority of my rack gear to a different house and if you went through my pics you saw that most of it was in SKB or BagEnd racks. I changed over to 10 QuikLok 20 space racks that roll and offer better access when sitting. Be warned check your QL954 rack crossmembers length as soon as you get them. I unfortunately had bought mine a year before using them, so they sat in their boxes, only to have me find out that 16 of the 20 crossmembers were either too long or too short, some as much as 1-1/2". QuikLok hasn't done anything about them yet. But the pics of the gear on my webshots in those QuikLok racks weren't wired up when those pics were taken, they were taken two weeks after all of that gear was moved.



Bob Bradshaw personally did the wiring of my rig ;), but the only reason I posted anything in the first place, wasn't to take a poke at you, rather was to make the point that a lot of guys post pics of tons of gear, and they are NOT in fact a rig, rather a massive collection of various gear-- Clearly NOT the same thing as a RIG. You just happen to have one of the largest collections illustrating my point. Not that you don't have some "rigs" pictured--clearly you do, but from the pics I think it's safe/fair to say that a lot of it isn't a "rig", rather a collection of some of the finest gear available with the potential to become some of the most awesome rigs around.


I'm in agreement that using the rigs we have isn't a requirement/solution for all occasions, rather a means to provide us what we want/need, though I will say that the big rigs do sound the best and provide the most flexibility and versatility.


I have no problem with you, your gear, your reasons for having your gear etc...

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