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What's the darkest, most morbid song you can think of?


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Anything by Silencer. That stuff is anguish in sonic form.


or Bethlehem, earlier that is, preferably around Dictius te Necare ;)


You know your shit man :D


I'd rather listen to Soulja Boy than ETID...but that's just me of course ;)

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Anything by Bathory.


I gots me a Bathory tattoo...the goat from the first disc...


The Return... is some pretty horrendous stuff, most EVIIIL album ever, particularly that transition from Rite of Darkness into Reap of Evil, that's some demented devil worship in riffery :D


And BTW, as a Bathory fan, what would be your fave amp? I'm guessing a JCM800 but I could be wrong...


I loved his lead tone on Twilight of the Gods...

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Some of that black metal and Nazi skinhead shit is VERY revolting but so over the top it seems contrived and cheesy at the same time IMO. They try to hard.

The darkest song I've ever heard is Crown of Thorns by C.O.C. from the "In the Arms of God" cd. Very chilling to say the least. Something about it stirs your soul. When you start hearing the crack of the whip its like :eek: check it out now.

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I wouldn't say I'm a Bathory
. I just know that a guy played some for me in college and the room literally got darker (nevermind that a huge thunderstorm happened to be rolling in at the same time).



Meant to say "wouldn't," but whatever, 'scool. You should also know Bathory's output is quite varied; some of it is really dark and some of it is much more viking/folkish. Of course none of that might float your boat, but the more you know, the more you know right?

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"I fucked your girlfriend last night....as she snored and drooled I fucked your love"
Good friends and a bottle of pills- Pantera


First song I thought of when I saw the thread title. That album came out when I was a very different person. I listened to R n b, went to church, etc (gives me shivers just thinking about it!) I heard that song and it really scared me. Now it's whatever though.

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ring around the rosie.

charming history, that one.. we all know it, too!



This one is right up there. Kinda dark when you know the backstory.


Prison Sex by Tool is pretty dark, as well.


Pretty much all of Stabbing Westward's Darkest Days album qualifies, as well. Along with most (if not all) of Wither, Blister, Burn, and Peel.

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Esoteric - Metamorphogeniosis (I can't remember the spelling) - Pretty dark sh!t. That or "In Silence" by Mindrot, which I always think of as the perfect song to have playing while you kill the one you love.

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