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Jeff Loomis solo album


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NEVERMORE Guitarist JEFF LOOMIS' Solo Album: Mixing Complete - May 13, 2008


"The ambitious offering is "an all-instrumental effort [that] is destined to shed some much deserved spotlight on the genre's most notable, yet unsung, guitar player," according to a press release."



Loomis is a guitar god. He is better than Malmsteen, Satriani, Vai, Friedman etc.

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Thank god...i cant stand Nevermore and thier singer sucks and the music is {censored}ing boring but you can just tell that Loomis has something more than that {censored} sandwich hes playing. i cant wait to hear it, that guy can {censored}ing play his ass off. He and Broderick are absolute phenoms, i hope Loomis makes a kick ass album and i hope that Mave lets Broderick loose and writes some kick ass songs for him to play on.

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Totally false statement, but he is solid as hell.



He WRITES better than all of them for sure.


He is probably on par with them skills wise give or take.


He can play ryth better than them for sure which is a part of playing.

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I wonder if I'm the only one that thinks this will be an incredible boring album. The guy shines in writing incredible metal songs but the only instrumentals I heard from him were extremely boring.


Please tell me he at least used his ENGLs on this record and not that god awful POD.

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