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new demo-- "the Travel Song"


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it's a demo i'm working on.


it's rather raw.... ;)

it's a one pass everything...


decided to keep it real simple, it's got one guitar track, one bass track, a acid drum track, and a lead vox with 2 harmony vox tracks.


with this new bass, i decided to try to bombast the track with bass.

too much?


i'm also on the fence about re-tracking everything, with multi tracked guitar parts, lots of individual parts instead of a simple straightfoward rhythm, like it has now.

i hear it both ways.....

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I think I say the same thing to everything you post--I dislike the same things about this that I dislike when I listen to bands like YES, etc. I hope that's complementary. You're nailing the style, even if it's not my style.


I really dig the guitar parts, especially those chromatic tones in the first verse riff. the harmony vocals are great--really full. It sounds like more than three voices.

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hey, thanks for listening.......

Yes, eh?!

hm, i kinda think of this as 'ANTI-YES'


I think the true prog-rock folks would be offended.....

but hey, it is in 6/8 time, and if you break that down, it's a waltz!!


too much bass....

my mastering eng. bud tweaked the low end for me, and i posted it as a seperate link... sounds better to me!

if i could only learn how to do that myself.....

but i'm really just a player and singer, and a novice engineer.

glad you liked it!



Chicken Monkey

you know what i mean, about 'anti-YES', right?!



i find that whenever i say things like 'dislike', that pretty much means i don't dig it....

but nailing yes' style, i just don't have the talent for to begin with, so i hope the true prog rockers know where i'm coming from......

i'm just trying to find straight up rocking sounds that people will like... and then throw a touch of progressive on it, just to make it sound a bit different from the norm.

the vox, well, they're just a simple 2 part harmony on top of the main melody, but you're right, when the harmonics are right and simple (in my case), just plain ole major scales, it sounds bigger than it really is.

the mix, is really straightforward.. i've got just a bit of reverb and long delay on all the voices, so it's somewhat of a 'pure' mix, with no doubled parts or cut/paste add ons.....

thanks for listening!

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Overall fairly good job. My biggest issue is the lack of a definitive hook. I can't really pick out anything that really grabs my attention and sticks in my head. The song feels more like a collection of ideas than something built around a central theme. Perhaps this is me being stupid and ignorant of some stylistic aspect, but since you mentioned wanting to find something that people like and making it more progressive, I have to interject. People like catchy hooks. I don't think this song has enough catchy-hookiness to draw as many listeners as it deserves. I like the guitar work and I like the vocal harmonies, and the balance is good. I don't know if I'm being an idiot or not, so feel free to ignore me, but there's my opinion anyways.

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Kings X-ish, without the huge bottom tone, Yes without the virtuosity or ultra slick production - but the best of both worlds anyway....


Love the harmonies....That's right up my alley...


I'll share the sentiments that there isn't a hook here, but it's very nicely done anyway....



Many thumbs up!

:thu: :thu: :thu:

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hey man, good points all...

i do sit and write, sometimes, with a 'hook' in mind.

other times, i just follow my muse, and this is one of those times.


for me personally, sometimes, when i hear songwriting with 'obvious' hooks, it turns me off, because i feel like someone is just following a 'formula', a tried and proven thing....

like reading poetry, that is only written in sonnet style, or limerick....


sometimes, reading something in 'free verse' makes much more sense to me.


i guess i'm trying to fill that desire to come up with something that is out of an 'established norm'...

and either i pull it off, or don't.

'people like catchy hooks'

well, this is true, if you're talking about the majority.....

most people like mcdonalds hamburgers too.

i don't.



excellent points, though, you bring up, i agree with you that there isn't a single solid hook.




thanks for the kind words...

but you're only saying that because.......


you're a guitarizt





that's right, you said wicked.

i can never hear the word 'wicked' without hearing that old song by george lynch tune....




definitely channeling a little of the king's x vibe as i was doing this...

my normal M.O. is a lot of guitar parts, all intricately coming in and out of the mix, so for me to just do a one pass rhythm track was intentional to get a more earthy, sloppy vibe out of it...

thanks for commenting!

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Originally posted by Floophead3

Overall fairly good job. My biggest issue is the lack of a definitive hook. I can't really pick out anything that really grabs my attention and sticks in my head. The song feels more like a collection of ideas than something built around a central theme. Perhaps this is me being stupid and ignorant of some stylistic aspect, but since you mentioned wanting to find something that people like and making it more progressive, I have to interject. People like catchy hooks. I don't think this song has enough catchy-hookiness to draw as many listeners as it deserves. I like the guitar work and I like the vocal harmonies, and the balance is good. I don't know if I'm being an idiot or not, so feel free to ignore me, but there's my opinion anyways.



Pretty much my opinion too. I did not get a Yes vibe out of this at all - a tiny amount of prog, but more 80's metal.


Batsbrew - I forget where I saw it (possibly "Super Size Me") but there was a great interview with this guy who has eaten at least one Big Mac a day for the past 25 years - some people like McDonald's hamburgers more than others.

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I love the guitar work. There's obviously some solid musicianship w/ this and the vocals. I guess the chorus just isn't hitting hard enough for me. I really think the vocal/riff part at 2:18 should just explode. There are some glaring production/tone issues lurking about as well, but I suppose that isn't important as it's a demo.

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That guitar is carrying a huge load in this song - reminds me of Rush or Triumph. I do prefer your vocals as they do have that "Yes" vibe previously mentioned - very nice.


If you retrack then you will come out with a different/bigger mix. I would save this one in any case. It's super for 3 piece + vocals. Maybe make this version 2 on your album if you retrack.


I think the bass you are playing fits well considering the limited instruments. You could even get busier if you so desired....


Bass and guitar are good levels, not sure if the drums need to come up - maybe.


Vocals were a tad low for my taste, I like them right out there in front. Where they are now blends nicely so I should mention that is a personal preference...


As always your playing and singing are top notch....




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wow.. there is some real talent in this forum. I gotta tell you guys, I used to come in here like a year ago and I don't remember great tunes like the ones I'm hearing on here now.


I agree with the previous poster that the vocals might come up, but just a bit. I like the guitar tones.. and the playing was great. Vocals absolutely have a prog quality to them, whether that was what you were going after or not.


Good job

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I'M GLAD....

you didn't get a yes vibe out of it.

but 80's metal, no way...

the metal guys would have their way with you.....!


metal, is a completely different style altogether, than what i do....

you could play this tune with an acoustic guitar and a voice...

metal, it's all about the sound, the timing, and the parts....

and metal never writes a waltz!!



supersize me...

yeah, i saw that, what a cool flick....


i haven't eaten mcblech's since then...

ruined me.





thanks for listening...

the chorus is not really obvious...

the first two times, it's only played on the guitar.

not til the last 'verse' (chorus) are their even any lyrics...

"i - travel with you now...."


it really is a demo in the since that, the performances were strictly done for vibe, and not for technical goodness...

a lot of it was written on the fly, with the intention of getting the gist, without beating it to death...




again, thanks for giving me a critique, and giving me a chance...

i'm still thinking of what you said, about the extra playing on the bass part...

this is what i did in the newer version i posted here...

i've got one more pass to make on this, with the vox changes, some additional parts at the end to build it up a bit, taming the bass on the new track, and getting the drums right..

i'll post soon!



thanks a lot for listening!

maybe i'll try a vox heavy mix as well, just to see..

tho, i like hearing the gtrs better than my voice!

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