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zomg metallica in studio

Say Ocean

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This album is definitely going to be a RE RE Load.



dude that is the stupidest fail ever


its going to be re-st anger because they said they are using riffs from the cutting room floor from teh st anger sessions. man, i dont think you could have possibly failed even worse.

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dude that is the stupidest fail ever

its going to be re-st anger because they said they are using riffs from the cutting room floor from teh st anger sessions. man, i dont think you could have possibly failed even worse.



+1 he's a bitch, and he sucks COCK(s)

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dude that is the stupidest fail ever

its going to be re-st anger because they said they are using riffs from the cutting room floor from teh st anger sessions. man, i dont think you could have possibly failed even worse.



James also said they're setup to record in the dressing rooms before concerts, and they've gotten material from doing that. If it were a re st anger, I'm pretty sure they'd be playing in drop C again.

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James also said they're setup to record in the dressing rooms before concerts, and they've gotten material from doing that.
If it were a re st anger, I'm pretty sure they'd be playing in drop C again



Yeah, I added something else, so I'ma have to quote it so you see it.

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Ah, no use arguing with you guys. You'll see when the album comes out. Amazing how many people on this forum hate Metallica yet can't stand to not jump and post something about how "they suck" or "won't do another Ride the Lightning so I hate them" reply.


Like I'v said before, whether you hate them because you can't illegally download your Avenged Sevenfold hits or because they won't do "..and Justice for All II", they still kick the {censored} out of 99% of the music out there right now. The album is going to come out and kick ass.

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Ah, no use arguing with you guys. You'll see when the album comes out. Amazing how many people on this forum hate Metallica yet can't stand to not jump and post something about how "they suck" or "won't do another Ride the Lightning so I hate them" reply.

Like I'v said before, whether you hate them because you can't illegally download your Avenged Sevenfold hits or because they won't do "..and Justice for All II", they still kick the {censored} out of 99% of the music out there right now. The album is going to come out and kick ass.



wow and i thought i was a mindless fanboy.

thats a pretty far reaching statment you made there dude. 99% of all the music out there? get out of the bubble dude.

do i really look like that when i defend st anger?

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Ah, no use arguing with you guys. You'll see when the album comes out. Amazing how many people on this forum hate Metallica yet can't stand to not jump and post something about how "they suck" or "won't do another Ride the Lightning so I hate them" reply.

Like I'v said before, whether you hate them because you can't illegally download your Avenged Sevenfold hits or because they won't do "..and Justice for All II",
they still kick the {censored} out of 99% of the music out there right now. The album is going to come out and kick ass



What? I can't hear you over all that fail.

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i think he meant to say the new album is gonna come out and suck ass.


because the little clips of what they got now do indeed suck ass.


i seriously can not believe im saying what i am saying right now. i wish they were doing something in the vein of load/reload. i loved those albums something fierce.

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