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Wrongly Banned

process sherpa

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I just got back from being wrongly banned for about month, with some message about posting wtih an "attack alt" in the amp forum.


Well, I don't have an "attack alt." this is the only ID I have here. Aside from this post, I don't think I ever even posted in the amp forum.


I often surf the forum using a myspace proxy -- the same one I'm using now -- I guess whoever was acting up was ALSO using the proxy, and I wrongly got banned for it.


How do I know that's what happened? Because I could still surf the forum from my home PC using my home IP, but as soon as I logged in I got the banned message. So apparently they looked up the proxy IP, saw my username associated with it, and then also banned my username. There's no other explanation I can figure out at least for why I could surf the forum fine (no searching, though, which sucked) as long as I didn't log in.


I sent an email to the forum administrator, but never got any reply. I'm guessing those just go into a "circular spam file" and never even get read.


I just have to say, it really kind of sucked, especially since I never did anything wrong. I think mods should be more careful about banning people like that, without even checking to find out that the IP is a proxy that anyone can use.

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Careful... nodachi usually puts dopa in his cookies.

About being wrongly teh bant, you might want to pm justcrash or catphish and find out.



meh, it's over now. I just didn't want it to happen to anyone else. they had some ominous message about "trying to get around the ban will result in more serious consequences," so i didn't even want to risk making a new ID.

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