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Bad Moon Rising


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Bad Moon Rising








a licensed new-style cover of an old classic


this features a '81 mesa mark IIB all over it...thru a 1x12 cab w/ greenback...

using a carvin dc200k, custom hybrid strat, carvin SC90, Danelectro 12-string, all thru the mesa...

taylor 414 on the acoustics...

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I think I have to agree with my fellow HCers. Good recording/performance, but the interpretation feels lacking. You aimed really high, so I wouldn't lose sleep over it. It's still a good song, but I think CCR is CCR and that's it. I would die trying to rearrange one of their tunes, it's probably one of the hardest tasks I can imagine. I think the biggest issue on this interpretation to me is simply tempo. The original version was very upbeat and very driving; on the contrary, this cover is far too laid back to me. I think it should be an in-your-face aggressive song, at least as far as CCR goes. I wouldn't mind hearing an almost punk/rock version, actually, but that's just me :p

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hey, thanks for listening, and it's cool, if folks don't like it, or don't 'get' it, it's alright, i'm just looking for honest feedback.


i do these things for myself first, so that's really the driving force for me.

i loved this song as a kid, and when i tried other versions of it to cover (i had never done cover songs before this one, then after this one, the highway star cover kinda fell into my lap, so now i'm thinking about it more) they all sounded like karaoke-

this was the only version that i had done, that made it more mine, personally, so, i figured i'd go for it.

'new rock' is such a wide blanket and opinion, i hope it doesn't cause you to miss some really good music, just because it's 'new'.




i guess i'm more of a fan, than arrangment master!





yep, as i said before, every other arrangement i heard sounds like a direct copy, or karoake, so i tried to take it somewhere different.

lots of folks who've bought the album, have told me it's their favorite song.... probably sentimental, or whatever...

but i knew going into it, that some people would embrace it, others would hate it.

every uptempo version of this (i did 4 other versions) just sounded so...... bar band.

i just couldn't go there!



but, as the big experiment goes, i like it.... the slower version, to me, brings out the heartache in the lyric.


i recorded this, the week after katrina hit new orleans, and i used to live in new orleans, and the song took on a completely different meaning afterwards...

for me, this song is kind of like a 'wake'.

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i did do a mock-up arrangement, with only one acoustic and voice..


but honestly, the way i heard it in my head, is exactly the way i recorded, with exception to a heavier, more intelligent drum track, than i could program.

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THANKS for listening...

the little zoom machine doesn't sound half bad, for being a super cheap drum machine.

i tried to use it as sparingly as possible, maybe that helped!!





i hear you about the machines!!

but i'm glad you liked it anyway...

i don't think that machine is going to steal anybody's job! :D




3 chords, i'll tell you, it was tough to figure out a way to play those chords different, somehow, and still make it my own, and still keep true to the song.

thanks for checking it out!


Eclepto Funk

i'll say this, it's only 3 chords!


and it was tough to figure out a way to play those chords different, somehow, and still make it my own, and still keep true to the song.


i've had such good response to this song from most of the folks who have bought the album, or heard it on download, that i'm not too concerned about a few folks that don't dig it.

i've even had some really young kids, who don't know boo about CCR, listen to it, not know it was a remake, and dig it as a 'new' song....

so i'm quite sure i've gotten it where i wanted it.


that said, i KNOW i can't please everybody all the time, and never really intended to with this one...


i figured this one would be a lightning rod of sorts, for folks that are hard core CCR fans, or closed to the idea of a completely different vibe to it, or who just didn't get what it meant to me.....


as i responded to Floophead, and i'll repeat here, i recorded this, the week after katrina hit new orleans, and i used to live in new orleans, and the song took on a completely different meaning afterwards...

for me, this song is kind of like a 'wake'.


for me, it wasn't about 'improving' a classic..... it was a completely new read of it.

for me, anyway.

kinda cathartic, is what it ended up being.

i'm still sad about that place.



thanks for the comments.

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for me, it wasn't about 'improving' a classic..... it was a completely new read of it.




yeah, i understood that


it's just a question of whether comparisons to the original are inevitable or not


anyway, i'm glad to hear that you've found an audience for this song. i can only give you my impressions.

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glad you liked it!!


i really didn't want to 'karoake' such a classic, and it took several versions before i landed on one that i thought did the trick.


an uptempo version, similar to the original, would pretty much be pointless to me, the original was perfect.

thanks for listening

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Well being a die hard CCR fan, I found it hard to adapt to your version of the song at first, but as the song progressed it became more comfortable.


I think you did a fine job rearranging the tune to a slower groove. I've never heard many people pull off a good arrangement of the original and yours was better than any I've heard.


Your guitar playing continues to amaze and the intro was very creative and layered. The slide is very nice - wish I could play slide. Your vocals are excellent - not too many can pull off JC's range but you did so well with high harmonies to boot - very cool.


I wouldn't be surprised if this arrangement made it somehow onto the radio.....it's truly unique...

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The long intro built it up way too much IMO, then I was left dissapointed, the tempo was to slow, and although there is some killer guitar in there, It didn't really float my boat...


Sorry if it sounds harsh, I'm a big CCR fan.. and it's hard to get past the original when you hear a cover of a brilliant song.


On the plus side it's a really professional recording with great guitar and drums.

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THANKS FOR the kind words...


the slide was tough for me..

when i was dialing in the boogie, i was torn between wanting to find soothing tones, and wanting to find raw and mean tones.


as it is, i did a little of both....


the slide guitar parts, are quite mean, the way they were setup and recorded (the demeter isolation cabinet was used for those parts, and it was super loud with a harsh setting on the presence and the midrange)


the danelectro 12 string parts, were played thru the clean channel set on breakup, with a bunch of the mids cut...


and the main electric rhythm was my typical rock rhythm setting on the lead channel, doubled with the acoustic guitar.


thanks for listening.




Jimmy Chaos

i thought the tempo was perfect! :)


can't please all the people, all the time.............


as i said earlier, this song, meant something different for me, when i recorded it, than it did listening to it as a kid...


i recorded this, the week after katrina hit new orleans, and i used to live in new orleans, and the song took on a completely different meaning while i was doing it...


for me, this song is kind of like a 'wake'.


so, the slower tempo was perfect for the vibe i was going for.


no, you don't sound 'harsh' at all..... you gave an honest opinion, i appreciate that!


it's cool... it's only rock and roll. :D

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The original release of that song by that fantasy band was a real crackerjack at our ski bunny parties.



Bad Moon Rising

a licensed new-style cover of an old classic



I think to remember, respectively Forgerty said in a documentary about himself, that he the composer of that song, has never seen a cent for all his compositions he released with CCR, so I guess he doesn't see royalties and licences from your release either



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Angelo Clematide


yeah, that'd be a sad deal, if true.


i guess that's why they call it the 'music business', instead of the 'music-funtime'




a license fee was paid to Harry Fox by Planet Records, to cover at least 500 sold copies of my cd.


i'm nowhere near that number, so i don't think i'll be contributing a whole lot to anyone's pocket, even if it's not John!




he wrote those songs, he should own them.




glad you liked it!

the slide work was tough, because i had to fight my natural method, of adding vibrato at the end of notes..

i wanted this pure note, as close to pitch as i could muster, that was reminiscent of Rungren's slide work in 'I Saw The Light', from way back when..


thanks for commenting.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I have little musical talent so I'll keep my observations on a level with my expertise. I thought the intro belonged to another song, and I liked the rest of the song. Your vocals are cool with me, and the beat had me involved. I'm also a big CCR fan but this is professional quality interpretation, IMHO.

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thanks hamhand....


glad you liked it!


it seemed to me, that the beginning needed something completely different, than what would be expected, to increase the contrast between my version and the original.


kinda like, clearing the slate.


hence, the pseudo mariachi thing in the beginning....

maybe i had taken some tequila....


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