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Clubbing baby seals, right or wrong?


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I wouldn't personally club a baby seal, unless

a) it was rabid and attacking me
b) I was starving and needed some :snax:
c) it recently broke the law :cop:

I think there is a cultural material link, like overpopulation of seals affects the community's fishing or some jargon like that... So it's a culturally relative issue.

It may be morally reprehensable to club baby seals in some places, but still okay to laugh about it. :D

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As long as they beat it to death, if they beat the {censored} out of it with a club and left it clingng to life, that's just cruelty to animals.

All they care really is to not destroy the fur. By the way, the UK TV ( BBC I think ) had a nice show with the name of Kill it, Skin it, Wear it. What is going on in the fur industry, especially in non-regulated areas, is really unbelievable.

I am against :mad:

Leather products on the other hand is something different, usually they are made of lamb or calf leather which are by-products of the food industry.

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Can this guy be clubbed?


Personally, and SUBJECTIVELY, as I said, I wouldn't club a baby seal unless it was a matter of survival.

CULTURALLY though, there could be other reasons for it.

You club me in a dream you better wake up and apologize El Grinder.

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