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a different spin on a question.....

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ever notice that the most talented people artistically are also the most problemed?Whenever i get down,i try to use them as inspiration to help fuel passion and fire into creating and enjoying music.(almost like you feel like you can relate in a way and the world isnt such a bad place and someone understands.

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ever notice that the most talented people artistically are also the most problemed?




statistically, lawyers probably have higher incidences of substance abuse and suicide than creative types ...


not as glamorous though


i guess the problem is defining "problemed"

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The additional issue about this myth is that creative people with "problems" avoid getting help because "the most talented people artistically are also the most problemed". Gee, pop, that means "problems" = artistic talent! Hand me that whiskey!


Do "problems" = atheletic talent?

Do "problems" = political insight?

Do "problems" = business acumen?


Yet, some of the most "problemed" people in the world are athletes, politicians and businessmen. Correlation does not imply causation, as they say.

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You guys are just being contrary. It's an ugly fact... a LOT OF THE TIME, creative genius come as a package. Trouble. Are you guys pretending you don't see this? That's bogus of you... sorry.


I can look at my immediate surroundings to support this theory. Sure... there are plenty of talented guys I know that have it together. Hey, I'm talented enough and am not a nut case. But you know, the really talented guys I know. The guys that can't help it but be brilliant. The guys 20 years ago I so wanted to be... those guys? They're wacked. I don't invite those guys over for dinner. My daughter has never met those guys in my life.


Of course there is genius with sanity too. Of course, but don't ignore the point the OP is making. Yeah, a lot of those guys are looney.

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You guys are just being contrary. It's an ugly fact... a LOT OF THE TIME, creative genius come as a package. Trouble. Are you guys pretending you don't see this? That's bogus of you... sorry.

I can look at my immediate surroundings to support this theory. Sure... there are plenty of talented guys I know that have it together. Hey, I'm talented enough and am not a nut case. But you know, the really talented guys I know. The guys that can't help it but be brilliant. The guys 20 years ago I so wanted to
... those guys? They're wacked. I don't invite those guys over for dinner. My daughter has never met those guys in my life.

Of course there is genius with sanity too. Of course, but don't ignore the point the OP is making. Yeah, a lot of those guys are looney.



thanks lee.at least someone put itin a better perspective.Anyway,i think alot of the genius and insanity theory has to do with thinking outside the box and always thinking you are being scrutinized for it.Artistically gifted people just don't think in the same wavelength alot of the time as normal folk.And of course for normal folk,it throws them off alot of the time.

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A while ago I listen to a story told by Dr. T. S. member of the board of trustees of a foundation and international research center for the music of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries which administers the collection of P. S. - a music patron who commisions works by earnest composers. In 1936 P. S. commissions his first work from B

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I've thought about this before.


There are two issues at work here, I think.


One is that the best work often comes out of negativity, or at least the clearing away of it. Music (or art in general) that comes from happy places can easily come across as bland or shallow, whereas music that touches the soul is often in touch with some negative aspect of living.


The other thing is that the artistic lifestyle attracts risk-takers. People who pursue the arts for a living are in for a life of relative instability in most cases. And the people most likely to take such risks are often experimenters in lots of ways (e.g. drugs, alcohol), or they are bipolar, or they are in some other way a little lacking in self-control compared to most of the population. And people who lead unstable lives are often pretty unhappy, unfortunately.


Certainly it isn't the case with everyone. Probably not even most. But it is enough, I think, that you can call it a tendency that is more prevalent in artists than in many other groups.

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You guys are just being contrary. It's an ugly fact... a LOT OF THE TIME, creative genius come as a package. Trouble. Are you guys pretending you don't see this?



The general population is "problemed" A LOT OF THE TIME. Just because some troubled people are geniuses and some geniuses are troubled does not imply any causal relationship between the two conditions.

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I think that fame or wealth will {censored} up a lot of people.


I think that choosing to pursue fame is a symptom of mental illness.


I think that being called a "genius" regularly will destroy you.


But I don't think that mental instability makes you more creative, any more than an ingrown toenail makes you more athletic.

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I think that fame or wealth will {censored} up a lot of people.

I think that choosing to pursue fame is a symptom of mental illness.

I think that being called a "genius" regularly will destroy you.

But I don't think that mental instability makes you more creative, any more than an ingrown toenail makes you more athletic.





Art is a personal desire, an urge to realize ideas and spending the time with this peaceful activity. During my life as professional musician I realized that the greatest talent in music are the ones who make music for themselves, maybe in a circle of acquaintances. As a matter of facts the most talented musician I ever meet where the ones who do not take their talents to a greater public.


Making this personal and privat activity public is already a sort of exhibitionism. Public success in art is caused more by attitude than by mental capacities. Theoretically every average dimwit can gradually grow into any condition he desires, provided he first makes himself the person who corresponds to those conditions.


The whole circumstances are comparable to politics and Bread and Games; is a person who is raised to be king, the bloke who want to become president or the artist dancing on stage in a suspender belt suffering from megalomania, or is a dedicated politician who serves the public welfare a loser, lotus-eater and daydreamer.

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