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I would be running it through a Peavey Classic 60 power amp and either a 2x12 or 4x12 cab, depending on the size of the venue. Would it sound good with me being the only guitarist?



MP1+Classic 60 is a good match. Try to find a outboard parametric EQ or two, they give you more flexibility.

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I would be running it through a Peavey Classic 60 power amp and either a 2x12 or 4x12 cab, depending on the size of the venue. Would it sound good with me being the only guitarist?



Yes, the peavey would be fine. The typical ADA setup also includes a BBE in the loop or series with it. I ran that for a while in the early 90's. They can be had for cheap, and as you see by the Michael Wagner quote, they were a staple.

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I knew they used the M100, but I could have sworn I read that in the studio they had used "a rack mount Rivera"

then again, I've been high since then


At one point or another, they used a Riv TBR-1SL, which is the stereo rackmount head that Jason Bieler from Saigon Kick also used. Great sounding head too.

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Taking a dump on the bus, be it a power snake or pebbles, is grounds for immediate expulsion. Everyone knows that. Everyone except Snake Sabo, apparently.




right? thats like rule number one on the bus. i wonder whos bus it was? pretty funny he left a power dump though

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