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Amp jargon illiterate wants to up-size


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Hey people,


My gear currently - for playing live:


2000 Fender strat "Floyd Rose Special"

1990-ish Fender Power Chorus twin amp (red knob)

Distortion pedal Boss DS-1



Had the amp a very long time, jammed with it, played live with it, was in an all original band for 6 years and gigged with it. Once I bought the Fender guitar it was like nailing a unicorn every time I put the two together.


While everyone was getting multiple effect doodads, I was the guy with just the distortion pedal. I had a Jeckyl and Hyde pedal for a while but lost it and am now back to the tried and trusted DS-1. Besides the amp and using the pedal for solos (make louder and screamier pedal). I alternate mostly between the bridge pickup setting at guitar for rock, and either the neck pick-up or a blend of middle and neck for different warmer/softer tones.

-The Floyd Rose Special has a humbucking pick-up, In case you are unfamiliar.


I have a POD 2.0 which I tried to incorporate into live playing, but I find I am always trying to fiddle with it, and cannot decide what I like, so it is for recording and practicing only.


Sound I want:


-lynyrd skynrd, led zep, Sabbath, classic rock to new rock, leaning towards 70s rock sound. Also like Tom Petty and SRV. My amp`s chorus is great for SRV if I set it just right, and Tom P sounds I can get with pick-up selection.


The question?


I want a new amp, bigger/ more wattage, similiar sound but hopefully more bottom end (bass), or more specifically I want to feely the sound waves in my chest more. I don't want a modelling amp or I will constantly be fiddling with it. I also think I may go towards tubes although mine now is solid state.

I have tried a friend`s cyber-twin, but there are too many options. I have tried a friend`s JCM200 Marshall, but it sounds different that what I am used to. The only amp that I ever really got hard for was a 70`s era traynor amp a friend has, but he has it, I don't..


The problem:

Which one?

An easy question you might think to ask is what is the best classic rock amp out there? Guess what? Every manufacturer has it, go figure.


I plan to visit a large music store with my guitar and spend some time sampling amps, I would love some suggestions from y`all.


It must be an easy to use and simple set-up.

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Kind of reminds me of my friend Don.

He loves 70's rock and the southern thing. He's gone through a few Fender amps. I keep telling him that the sound that is in his head is a Marshall. Yet he refuses to buy one.

If you have the money to spend and if I were you, I'd take a look at the Marshall Vintage/Modern amp that is pretty recent. Cover a lot of ground with that bad boy.

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Budget is negotiable, To $1500USD perhaps. Canadian dollar is strong since US started grinding up terrorists.

I`m just not convinced on Marshall but I will try my friend`s set-up one more time. I don't know what it is.. they sound... too perfect perhaps?
I would also have a sound conflict if we had the same amp since we jam quite often and he also uses a Fender strat. Another friend of mine plays a Marshall with a Gibson LP, to me Gibson sounds right through a marshall. We have a good mixing of our sound when we play. Maybe I should hide my amp inside a gutted Marshall stack?

Don might hear what I hear, I dunno, they sound... linear? flat? perfect? can't explain it. I do prefer independant porn rather than the overproduced- over make-up chicked stuff. Ask Don about that wouldja?

I have had some Peavey suggestions, I have never tried one personally.

I`m thinking a classic amp style/ re-issue is some designs that I would definitely like to try, I also like to be different and not follow the masses, but when it comes to that certain sound you play it by ear right? If A Marshall sounded just right it would be a no brainer.


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The Supersonic might sound good to you. Hell, a Twin with a dirt box in front might be all you need.


Marshall Plexis never sounded all that "perfect" to me, even with my Fender guitars. I would suggest at least plugging in to one and seeing what happens.


What about an AC30, for that matter? That's the Tom Petty toane, ain't it?

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What about an AC30, for that matter? That's the Tom Petty toane, ain't it?



I`m not sure what he actually uses, I know I can get pretty close by selecting the right pick-ups on my guitar. Not so much important as having Skynyrd's "The breeze" sound, or Zeppelin's "lemon song" for example.


I understand Skynyrd was big on both Peavey and Marshall products...

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Kind of reminds me of my friend Don.

He loves 70's rock and the southern thing. He's gone through a few Fender amps. I keep telling him that the sound that is in his head is a Marshall. Yet he refuses to buy one.

If you have the money to spend and if I were you, I'd take a look at the Marshall Vintage/Modern amp that is pretty recent. Cover a lot of ground with that bad boy.





+1 the Vintage Modern was my first thought also.

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Fender twin. Hit it with a fulltone OCD for more gain.



I`m illiterate remember, lol -OCD?



The Supersonic might sound good to you. Hell, a Twin with a dirt box in front might be all you need.



Dirt box? -distortion pedal?



Dude, sorry to be OT, but do you like the DS1 into Fender Twin sound?

On paper, that sounds like pure ass.



Don't forget, it`s only for solos, mind you. Too weak for full-time use.



Keep the Fender, and get a marshall head for overdrive tones. The buy an Ernie Ball stereo/pan pedal and you can blend the two with it. That's what I would do.



that is certainly thinking outside the box...



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