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New head = new rig pic / avatar day!


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Review and video clips to come soon, this thing is a beast. My new head is an Edgefield 50 watt Plexi clone. 1968 spec, though I think it's a little hotter than a real one. Original Mullard EL34s and all, it sounds incredible to me, really thick and growly the way I set it up. I prefer the normal channel on the lower input with the volume set around 4-5 to just get in to that AC/DCish tone and then boosting the front end for solos and choruses. Here's the pic...






















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It's a one off, the builder's name is Joe Stertz. He's the sole employee (as far as I know) of Edgefield amps, which is located in Edgefield, South Carolina. He's a really nice guy and seems very knowledgeable, he typically sticks to clones it looks like.

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That clip sounded pretty damned good! The overdrive sounded really nice and thick. How loud was that clip? Ear splitting? Normal gig volume?



No attenuation at all in that clip, definitely loud enough for any gig situation. Playing at that volume for more than a few minutes will definitely leave your ears ringing a little bit. I ordered a Weber Mass Lite 100 to tame it down for practices and at home, hopefully I won't have to use it too much live, but that always seems to depend on the venue and style of the sound guy you get... some always bitch at you to turn down so they can crank you in the mains, and some like you to let it rip and use the mains to add just a little dispersion. I think I had the treble a little lower on that clip than I'm running it now, it sounds darker than in the room. I'm still getting used to the eq on it for sure. Sorry for the sloppy ass playing, some day I'll have to make a real demo vid of it and actually try and get some different tones out of it. I really like the dynamics of non master volume amps, they really respond to your right hand technique a lot. I kind of like fighting the amp a little, you know? The feeling of really slamming a chord or note and holding it just right so it sings. The Boosta Grande works pretty well with this amp too, it boosts the lows and highs more than the midrange, but that's probably ok, there's no shortage of mids to begin with. Thanks for the comments all, I appreciate the kind words. I love this amp!

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you should of had him put a ppimv in it before he sent it out.



I thought about it, but then I wouldn't have the power tube saturation like with an attenuator, only more preamp gain, right? I'm not in to that. Plus there is a very good amp tech out here that has done stuff like that before and he said he could do it for cheap and make it reversible and not drill a new hole or anything.

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