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Songwriting Challenge 17 - Songs of Angst...Or Not


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Why do we write songs of angst?

Are YOU up to it? Can you tackle the monumental task of making good stuff instead of enabled, depressing, "Life Sucks then we die" angst song material?



Support or refute the assertion. PM me a link to your song by January 31st, and I will post the Reveal on February 1st.

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If you think happy songs are the best kind of songs, write a happy song. If you fall into the "doom and gloom" category, then write an angsty song. We'll have some kind of a bakeoff at the end of the month.


Will it be judged necessarily on quality,


or just how damn happy/sad it is? :)


Either way, I

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I hope to toss something on the pile for this, but my main axe [kybd] is going in for repairs TODAY, and my secondary one has lamer sounds and I hate the key's feel. I'll pound something out and send it in - but it will ba at the very last second no doubt


It'll be syrupy-pop [positive as opposed to negative song], but are these things for "rock" only? I listened to a couple others and think I might be on the wrong forum! hahahahaha

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, but are these things for "rock" only? I listened to a couple others and think I might be on the wrong forum! hahahahaha



I'm a pop guy. We do exist around here. Throw your hat into the ring and show us what you've got.


Although I'm a pop guy and was was gonna do a really upbeat and positive song, I finished my heaviest song ever last night and will be submitting it. It's about as angsty as I'm likely to get.


If I get a chance to record the positive song I wrote when I found out one of my dogs had cancer, I'll submit 2 songs. Wait... Cancer? Positive song?


There was so much depression and moping in the house while my wife was upstairs crying and taking pictures of Pebbles, I just hid downstairs and pushed through the sadness McCartney style, with a positive song about how great life is. I'll try and see if I can get it together in time.


Either way, I've got a tune this month. Whoo-hoo!!!!

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