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teen girl beat up by cop speaks to CBS about the situation


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we werent there.... though I imagine a mouthy 15 year old girl going off on him for 30+ minutes did not help the situation any....



cops are supposed to be able to deal with that for the entirety of their shift day in day out. not just that, but also remember this is a kid for crying out loud.

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Not going to watch this video cause I'll just get pissed at the cops, and forget about all the normal citizens act way out of line towards police officers.


People are {censored}-ups. Some more than others. The unfortunate thing to this topic is that the officer was actually an officer, on duty, in uniform. Had this been some crazy dude that beat up some girl, we'd all agree it's {censored}ed up, but it wouldn't get any attention. Certainly not on HCAF. And if it did, everyone would just reply with "that sucks, a2m/gape/murder/suicide"

How many threads about Police Brutality does HCAF ACTUALLY need....?

Im pissed at the cops for it, not because of the victim, but because of the 1000000th {censored}ing thread on HCAF about it.

And, agree. They need a "i'm mad at police" sticky so people can vent. And then the mods can just periodically delete posts as they get older and forgotten about.

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And jesus christ, that chick is pretty developed for a 15/16 year old..Deathmonkey, what the {censored} is in the school lunches in Seattle?



Dude, it's not just here. It's teh hormonez in teh milk. All ages shows here look like porn conventions. I just stay at the bar.





Anyone who says she deserves it is a {censored}ing idiot. {censored}ing teenagers have been lippy {censored}tards since the dawn of time. If I took down every yappy kid who got in my grill, Seattle would look like NOLA after Katrina, but in blood. If you can't take being called a pig by a {censored}ing girl, just suicide. The world would be a better place.


They went joyriding in the other girl's Mom's car. Anyone here not done that at that age? Ah, sweet suburban rites of passage.


That sheriff's deputy is lucky she wasn't badly injured. He has a history of questionable decisions, including being involved in the shooting of a mentally ill man, after which, while on administrative leave, he was popped for driving under the influence.


That precinct has had three incidents now of excessive force since 2006. Like I said in another thread, a lot of this comes from the attitudes and leadership of those who run the precinct. I understand that Precinct 4 is about the roughest in Seattle, but IMHO that's where you put your BEST people with the MOST self control, not where you chuck your loose cannons.


The flip side to all this is the people that now scream "police brutality" at the cops that ARE doing their jobs in the right manner. Every fight I see broken up downtown is surrounded by asshats with cell phones hoping to catch something to sell to the 5 oclock news. {censored} those {censored}ing people, too.


Being a cop is tough enough without meathead deputies who shouldn't be within 30 feet of a uniform giving a spoiled populace justification to be snotty cop-hating {censored}wits.

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you get busted for underage driving of a stolen car and mouth off to the cop.... you deserve an ass beating for being that stupid, at this point its not police brutality, its just a lesson

parents.... BEAT YOUR KIDS! then maybe cops wont have to

my kids understand this. And they would NEVER mouth off to an officer.

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What do you mean "these type of people"?



Well, to be honest, I just meant bitchy teenage girls who mouth off to everyone and think anyone in an authoritative position is out to get them, which I'm surrounded by every day at school. But for the sake of a rant, yes, I meant black females :cop:

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call this an overgeneralization if you will..

but cops & bouncers (& anyone else abusing an elevated position of power) are the human {censored} of the world.

my cousin says he wants to become a cop too
friggin' idiot first wanted to join the army.

I guess you lump the President in that generalization which is fine by me but what's wrong with your idiot cousin wanting to be an officer or jion the ranks?

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I feel so bad for this chick.


What the officer did was wrong. BUT, the reason people get beat up by cops is because they don't 1. follow directions and 2. SHUT THE {censored} UP. How many police shows do people have to watch before they learn to OBEY THE OFFICER and SHUT THE {censored} UP!!!???? It's not rocket science, morons!
If you give a cop a hard time, he will give you a hard time. Plain and simple.:idea:

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Well, to be honest, I just meant bitchy teenage girls who mouth off to everyone and think anyone in an authoritative position is out to get them, which I'm surrounded by every day at school. But for the sake of a rant, yes, I meant black females


No, no, that was just a joke. That line just made me think of the movie.


"What do you mean, you people?"

"What do YOU mean, you people??"


Funnay. And that pic is priceless.

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The Cop was out of the cell, She was in the cell. If he had just shut the door, he could have came out the winner in this case. Hell, he could have even thrown her shoe away.
Because he decided to act like a criminal and jump her and beat her down he loses.

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I feel so bad for this chick.


What the officer did was wrong. BUT, the reason people get beat up by cops is because they don't 1. follow directions and 2. SHUT THE {censored} UP. How many police shows do people have to watch before they learn to OBEY THE OFFICER and SHUT THE {censored} UP!!!???? It's not rocket science, morons!

If you give a cop a hard time, he will give you a hard time. Plain and simple.

True, but honestly, if after all the screening, training, and experience the cop has, he can't keep from punching a teenage girl multiple times when she's on the ground and dragging her by her hair, do you really want him prowling the streets with a gun and a sense of entitlement?

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So basically the lesson of this thread is that when you're in contact with a fellow citizen who happens to wear a badge, you should forget about any human rights you have and pretend that we live in a brutal totalitarian dictatorship where anything but mute deference is justly rewarded with brutal violence?


Amps, amps, amps...

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and pretend that we live in a brutal totalitarian dictatorship where anything but mute deference is justly rewarded with brutal violence?

Amps, amps, amps...

she had the right to remain silent..... she should have excercised that right :o


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You can read the story here:

"While she was being held, the alleged victim kicked off one of her shoes, and it struck the deputy in the shin, injuring him, the deputy said in his report."




I bet they felt like such REAL men.

It's not against the law to be lippy. And they can go {censored} themselves if they have a problem with it. Doesn't matter if you stole a car or a pack of gum. That's not okay behavior. ESPECIALLY for a cop. When you're intrusted with that level of authority, the punishment for actions like this SHOULD BE more severe. But sadly these pieces of {censored} will get a slap on the wrist... Maybe get fired, that's probably the worst that will happen. A couple years behind bars would be fitting and do them good. But it's not likely to happen.

Cops are kind of like people... They have names, they have addresses... Karma. Just think of how you'd feel if YOUR 15 year old daughter got beat down in the exact same fashion...

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...hes gonna be somebodys bitch and he deserves it. That is no way for a police offecier to react, fuking punk thinking he can do that to a girl...
I know how lippy some girls can get but you are a police officer you need to suck it up and deal with it because that is your job, and if you cant you dont belong as a police officer. i hope he is found guilty,serve jail time, and is banned from the force

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