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Buncha malcontent whiney cry baby boobs.


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Good day man.

This place is a kindergarten fo sho. My map ain't brootalz enough. My guitar is outta tune, can someone help me? My tube amp isn't working, what can possibly be the matter... My thread was deleted. My thread wasn't deleted in time. Why can't I post this? Why come he getses to postz dat?


Gimme a break...:poke:

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Good day man.

This place is a kindergarten fo sho. My map ain't brootalz enough. My guitar is outta tune, can someone help me? My tube amp isn't working, what can possibly be the matter... My thread was deleted. My thread wasn't deleted in time. Why can't I post this? Why come he getses to postz dat?

Gimme a break...:poke:


How does it feel to have become one of the complainers?



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cute troll attempt is cute yet pathetic

do you want some kleenex son? Or maybe a toy to cheer you up.

the butthurt is strong with this one




Nah, got plenty of toys. Not much butthurt, just tired of stupidity. Not a troll, just an observation Bucky.

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Good day man.

This place is a kindergarten fo sho. My map ain't brootalz enough. My guitar is outta tune, can someone help me? My tube amp isn't working, what can possibly be the matter... My thread was deleted. My thread wasn't deleted in time. Why can't I post this? Why come he getses to postz dat?

Gimme a break...:poke:


i agree :thu:


i think we need more off topic threads and people wont be complaining about their amps :love:

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It isnt Ironic, its obvious.. My Bro Gary speaks the truth... It wont do any good of course but its the truth none the less..





Thanks my bro Kage!


The rest of you whiney, limey word for cig guys, grow a real set of balls and act like a man, not some 13 year old little girl drama queen m'kay? If ya don't, you're gonna end up like Carla Fiadino or whatever that losers name is.

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Pointless thread is pointless? :-(




No, this thread does have a point bro. It is on top of my head... Whats up lately? Hope you guys are doin' well!


I am just tired of the whiney non-playin' wimps here stinking up the joint.

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No, this thread does have a point bro. It is on top of my head... Whats up lately? Hope you guys are doin' well!

I am just tired of the whiney non-playin' wimps here stinking up the joint.


Speaking as a non-playing wimp...nah, well whatever.... :lol:


..feeling pretty good....although not time to play.


This place misses your clips (Recto or otherwise)...but honestly, I spend quality time at rig-talk and mtsforum....


...this place is for laughing at the "I think a girl might like me, what should I do?" posts :D

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Speaking as a non-playing wimp...nah, well whatever....

..feeling pretty good....although not time to play.

This place misses your clips (Recto or otherwise)...but honestly, I spend quality time at rig-talk and mtsforum....

...this place is for laughing at the "I think a girl might like me, what should I do?" posts



Good deal bro. No one here wants to hear my clips...lol

It is ok though! I need to start hanging more at Rig-Talk. The new owner seems very cool and is a player as well, so that really helps.

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You don't like all the catch phrases, purposely misspelled words and other retardisms that make the HCAF family something ya just got to be a part of?

You my friend chose the red pill over the blue pill.

Good job.


Suck my TEH you fuggin n00b

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