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Anyone use unlikely combinations of gear for your style?

Say Ocean

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I like using chorus stuff with distortion for thrash guitar sounds, yet I despise acid-washed stone-colour jeans soppy songs & big hair.



In fact if your saw my pedalboard you'd think I was in a New Wave/Cure/Police cover band than a metalhead.

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I used a Fender Deville to play a hard rock show once.


My amp died and it was the previous bands amp, i had no pedal distortion. Just the guitar right into the Deville.


It actually sounded fairly cool

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Main Rig:

Edwards LP>>Korg Pitch Black>>Vox Wah>>TS808>>ProRackG>>RM50/1086(modded)>>Ashly DPX100 (graphic eq/comp)>>TC G Sharp>>Pro Rack G>>RM50/EL34>>Randall XL 412 V30/H30


Randall amps = Metal

1086 MTS Module = Disturbed :facepalm:

TS-808 = Metal? :confused:

Rack FX = Metal

Wah = Metal


Yet I play in a punk/rock band with little metal type stuff going on.


Most punk bands I see play Marshalls or Rectos (if not something SS).

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p90s for stoner/groove metal :idk: I suppose thats not so odd though since Iommi used em.. I actually prefer the sound and feel to humbuckers. My epiphones hardly getting any play any more, it just doesnt sound as good.


I'm also using an open backed 2x12 in the metal band. Most stoner metal stuff seems to make use of 4x12s. I've just never heard a 4x12 that projected or filled up in a band situation as well as my 2x12. I want to try a half open one :o

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I play metal/hardcore and I don't use a 5150 nor do I play an LTD.


Surely you jest :p though your brand of hardcore is more old-school and your brand of metal is more like Pantera... the gear you described is more for the dime-a-dozen metalcore bands out there.



Seriously though I was laughing to myself because The Red Chord played at Maryland Deathfest and the guitar player had - what else - an LTD with EMGs into two 5150s... :lol: The rig is almost as predictable as the breakdowns :o



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