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state trooper pulls over ambulance with patient on board


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Damn, not in Texas. The state troopers here can be downright scary. I had one of them take me out of my car and search everything, leaving ALL my {censored} on the side of the highway. I was on my way to Austin. The guy called me "BOY!" a lot, too. I was pretty freaked out, to be honest.



Isn't that illegal?

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I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but can't cops and EMT's communicate on the radio? I mean if this ambulance had it's lights off, the cop could have just radioed him and asked what's up...right?

that cop didnt seem to have his marbles in the same pouch. he probably didnt think of it. but who knows :rolleyes:

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If it was something bad enough. I mean is he ripping off the local newspaper each morning or is he selling drugs?

I try to stay in my own business.

But if I saw an officer beat someone up for no reason or something then yeah I would report him.
But honestly the guys I work with now are not like that. They are very straight people.

I have no faith in the higher ups anymore anyway. Theres all kinds of {censored} that goes on in other places and they never do anything about it.



Of course I was talking about the more serious offenses (Drugs, beatings corruption) If you are willing to report these violations, then you truly are a good officer of the law.


Too many are "good" officers, but will clam up when witnessing outright abuse of power by fellow officers. I do not consider them good officers.

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I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but can't cops and EMT's communicate on the radio? I mean if this ambulance had it's lights off, the cop could have just radioed him and asked what's up...right?



Not directly. He could have had his dispatch contact the EMT's dispatch to relay the question. OR, if he was really that concerned about it, he could have followed them to the hospital and asked what was up when they got there.

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cops have hard jobs, they need to be given some slack.
we only have one side of the story right now, just a few seconds of video tape
. it reminds me of that cop who kicked a suspect in the head a few weeks back. Many people stood up for the cop, rightly pointing out that he shouldn't be held to unrealistic standards of self-control imposed by liberals and bureaucrats. I bet when the facts come out, we'll find this EMT was behaving dangerously and probably got the justice he deserved, rather than the coddling liberal judges will give him in court.



Sorry, no matter what context you put this video clip in, the policeman's actions will not make sense.


You're one of these types that see a handcuffed man getting beat to a pulp and says "you don't know the whole story":facepalm:

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Sometimes, PD and EMS is in comminication, sometimes it has to go through our dispatch.
Typically we work together well, they dont bother EMS, since they know we can make their workday alot easier, and vice versa. If a cop is hurt on duty, or even off, they know they will likley be seeing an EMS crew.

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Of course I was talking about the more serious offenses (Drugs, beatings corruption) If you are willing to report these violations, then you truly are a good officer of the law.

Too many are "good" officers, but will clam up when witnessing outright abuse of power by fellow officers. I do not consider them good officers.



Well, people know that if under investigation if I am asked a question I am not lying for anyone. No matter how much of a friend they are.


Like I said, the department I work at now is a very good department and is by the book. The department I started at though.... different story. They have been under investigation a million times and nothing ever happens. I quit there and didn't want to be involved in it anymore.

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Well, people know that if under investigation if I am asked a question I am not lying for anyone. No matter how much of a friend they are.

Like I said, the department I work at now is a very good department and is by the book. The department I started at though.... different story. They have been under investigation a million times and nothing ever happens. I quit there and didn't want to be involved in it anymore.




Assuming you're telling us the truth...(you ARE a cop)...


You are in a VERY SLIM MINORITY saying that you would out fellow officers if you witnessed them behaving out of line.



Why do you think when {censored} like this happens, the police try to cover it up and make it go away so bad? Why don't they just fess up and admit their wrongs?


The dept puts them on paid vacation and the PR dept tries to smooth the whole thing over, usually with character attacks on the victim. THAT is why I don't believe it's just a 'bad apple' thing.


You don't WANT to be a cop, unless you 1) have a bit of the 'bad apple' gene in you...and 2) have a bully complex to go along with it.


Why else would you care enough to get redfaced if someone's driving 6 over on the hiway? You want people to respect your authority...and becoming a cop is the fastest/easiest/cheapest way to carry a gun and "get some respect".





which male member of your family was a cop?

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Assuming you're telling us the truth...(you
a cop)...

You are in a VERY SLIM MINORITY saying that you would out fellow officers if you witnessed them behaving out of line.

Why do you think when {censored} like this happens, the police try to cover it up and make it go away so bad? Why don't they just fess up and admit their wrongs?

The dept puts them on paid vacation and the PR dept tries to smooth the whole thing over, usually with character attacks on the victim. THAT is why I don't believe it's just a 'bad apple' thing.

You don't WANT to be a cop, unless you 1) have a bit of the 'bad apple' gene in you...and 2) have a bully complex to go along with it.

Why else would you care enough to get redfaced if someone's driving 6 over on the hiway? You want people to respect your authority...and becoming a cop is the fastest/easiest/cheapest way to carry a gun and "get some respect".


which male member of your family was a cop?



I disagree with that totally. I didn't start working there for those reasons and neither did my friends. There are more cops out there who really do want to help people than you think.


I know some really good people who are police officers. There are always going to be bad police out there but never think everyone is like that.


I know you want to see it like that and I understand. I used to think the same thing. When I was younger the police would always pull me over and I'd go around talking about how they did nothing but harass people. But I mean... I was a teenager.


Later on when I turned 21the police chief had asked my mom if I ever wanted to become a police officer. I thought about it and that was what I wanted to do. And it was for the right reasons. I felt good about getting into that line of work. And everytime I helped someone I felt great about it. Theres nothing more rewarding to me. And theres not a career more exciting. Not once have I ever harassed anyone. I do my best to help people if I can. If they want help that is.


We let people out of stuff all the time. We talk to the judge, we explain the situation, we help people out. We don't get "red faced" at anything where I work.


Just because you see videos like this does not mean all police are like that.


And Noone in my family has ever been a cop. I'm the first one.



EDIT: I have known quite a few cops to report other cops also. But the reason that most don't do it is because if nothing happens and no evidence can be found then who ends up being the bad guy?


Keep in mind, if one cop calls and says another cop did something wrong on the job, without evidence it means nothing at all. At that point they will investigate the officer in question.


I don't agree with getting mad at people and taking anger out on them for making traffic violations but some officers do. Especially troopers. Some of them are trying to scare the person into not doing it again. And some of them just have issues.


Also you can find public videos of cops doing really good things. Why don't you check those out? Theres a lot on youtube. Or have you ever watched the show Rookies? Or the show the Academy? You get to know a lot of the police officers in those shows. Most of those guys are really good people man.

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An elder man whom you respected...it's generally a family member. How long had you known the Chief?


I know a few police officers. If I didn't like them, we wouldn't be friends. I think each and every one of them have underlying bully tendencies, alcohol issues, and anger management issues. They're great guys...to me. I'm sure all cops are 'great guys' to someone. But police get jaded. They start to see everyone they come into contact with as a criminal (if you 'look' a certain way or don't drive a nice enough car). I'm sure that's due to them always being 'on guard'


...It's frustrating when you happen to be the latest 'criminal' and nothing you can do or say will settle them down. Not EVERY cop is like this...but there are stereotypes for a reason.


I believe it was you who mentioned your buddy getting upset with the way people were driving...he got red?

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An elder man whom you respected...it's generally a family member. How long had you known the Chief?

I know a few police officers. If I didn't like them, we wouldn't be friends. I think each and every one of them have underlying bully tendencies, alcohol issues, and anger management issues. They're great guys...to me. I'm sure all cops are 'great guys' to someone. But police get jaded. They start to see everyone they come into contact with as a criminal (if you 'look' a certain way or don't drive a nice enough car). I'm sure that's due to them always being 'on guard'

...It's frustrating when you happen to be the latest 'criminal' and nothing you can do or say will settle them down. Not EVERY cop is like this...but there are stereotypes for a reason.

I believe it was you who mentioned your buddy getting upset with the way people were driving...he got red?



I didn't know the chief for no amount of time but he knew my mom.


It wasn't my buddy. I said I've seen state troopers act that way before.


So are you saying all stereo types are true? Because some black people are gang bangers should we think they all are?


You honestly believe that every police officer is like that? If so then you are just seeing it the way you want to see it. I know too many good people who are police officers.


The ones who act like you talk about cannot handle the job and they shouldn't be there.


Don't get mad at me or call me a liar because I don't fit into what you want all police to fit into.


EDIT: I'd rather not argue either. If you want to see it like that I can't change your mind. Just saying that everyone isn't the same. You should try going on a ride along with your local dept and see what it's really like.

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Don't get mad at me or call me a liar because I don't fit into what you want all police to fit into.


Calm down there, little buddy! No one called you a liar.



I can only speak for my own past experiences. If you'd like, I could give you the Cliff's Notes version.


Police running over a friend of mine...cop got a ticket.

Police/Fire office guy T-boned my wife and totaled our car.

Police seeing me at a concert smoking a cigarette, arrested me for marijuana, I test clean the very next day.

Police giving me >10 tickets for 4-6 over over a two year period.

Being cuffed and beaten because I was in my highschool football stadium after dark (Funny story...repelling from the lights)...no fine, no ticket...just a beating.

Being arrested for driving without my shirt on...true!

Arrested, just so I couldn't disagree to a search of my car. A search that yielded NADA!


I could go on.


Then there was the time that I WASN'T given a ticket...because he couldn't get a fix on my car because I was passing a truck...and he didn't lie and just make up a number (like I've had happen before)...and he gave me a warning. That Trooper was a good guy. He wasn't a liar.


Theres a trooper around here who teaches a Dale Carnegie class...He was an ass to the people in his class and their families...the same way I've seen cops be asses on the highway. Must just be a coincidence. He's a 'good guy' to someone.


wanna buy a guitar?

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Well you have reason to think like you do. Just try not to be as close minded. Some departments are worse than others. Like I said some people don't need to be cops. And some cops get on power trips and do it for the wrong reasons. There are organizations above your local police who are getting more strict and trying to put a stop to most of it. But there's noway to weed them all out.

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