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state trooper pulls over ambulance with patient on board


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Like we something else to make our state look trashy.

See, i generalise grossly, but of course there are quality people in Oklahoma, but it's this kind of {censored} people see.... and it's terrible. This guy should be given a couple weeks time off unpaid and anger management courses. I know it's a rough job, and you need to be able to call on that adrenaline, but if your judgement is impaired and you fall back on the "I'm an authority figure, I have the right to do/say/act as I want" card, then youj're not really a public serviceman, you're a liability.


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It's kind of a weird situation. So they didn't have their lights on, they're the EMT with a patient. The cop got by them and that was fine, and then they tried to arrest the guy?

I just don't get it... add to that the fact he's a blonde, white guy with VERY SHORT CROPPED hair in Oklahoma... I wonder whats goin on there!



I don't know that that's the case. Did he see them get in the ambulance? I don't know that he knew they were black until they got out.

Either way what he did was wrong. But I get the feeling he would have did the same thing to white people.

He's one of these troopers that gets emotionally involved with traffic violations. When someone makes one it actually makes him angry. He probably goes home pissed off after writing a wreckless driving ticket. He's probably the kind of guy to cuss you out for speeding.

He needs to be fired. If ya can't handle the job then you need to find something else to do and that looks like the case. If I was his boss I'd fire him in a second.

But it's like I said.... The trooper academy is a lot different than police academy. The trooper academies really drive stuff in their heads. You'll notice that troopers cut less breaks than your local police or county deputies do.

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But it's like I said.... The trooper academy is a lot different than police academy. The trooper academies really drive stuff in their heads.
You'll notice that troopers cut less breaks than your local police or county deputies do




I find it to be the exact opposite in Rhode Island.

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I find it to be the exact opposite in Rhode Island.



Depends on where you are at I guess. But most state trooper academies train their troopers to be much more strict. It's a much longer academy also.


I don't believe in cutting breaks much myself. I hardly ever do honestly. I don't feel like it's right to cut one person a break and write someone else a citation. I think everyone should be treated equal and if they are pulled over for something they should get the citation unless there is a good reason. Me and my partner at work write more tickets than anyone in our county.


But pulling an ambulance over would be something no one I know would ever think about doing. This trooper has some issues. I gurantee you he's emotionally involved with them not using a turn signal or whatever it was. It really pisses him off.


I hope they sue the hell out of him. People like him make people scared of the police.

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I can't believe this.

Those cop in that clip are {censored}in retards.

Would it be far-fetched to assume they are somewhat racist as well?



I wouldn't say it's far fetched but I wouldn't assume that was the case. Just because the guy was black doesn't mean he's racist. I bet he would have done the same thing to a white guy. Because he just looks like one of those cops who gets pissed off from traffic violations. I've met people like that. Been a victim of it before I worked with the police.


When i was 18 I had a trooper cuss me the {censored} out for speeding. Just give me the citation and get the {censored} on. They have no right to do that.

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I wouldn't say it's far fetched but I wouldn't assume that was the case. Just because the guy was black doesn't mean he's racist. I bet he would have done the same thing to a white guy. Because he just looks like one of those cops who gets pissed off from traffic violations. I've met people like that. Been a victim of it before I worked with the police.

When i was 18 I had a trooper cuss me the {censored} out for speeding. Just give me the citation and get the {censored} on. They have no right to do that.



Yeah, that's why I thought it might not be fair to call them racist straight away just because the ambulance driver happens to be black.

But I think saying the cops on that clip are retards holds true nevertheless.

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Yeah, that's why I thought it might not be fair to call them racist straight away just because the ambulance driver happens to be black.

But I think saying the cops on that clip are retards holds true nevertheless.



Yeah... I didn't see anything implying he was racist. The other people were just black.


I can't believe that this guy hasn't done something like this to white people. I gurantee you everytime he gives out a citation he gets really mad about it. Sooner or later it catches up with people like that.


A co worker once told me that being a good cop is a job in itself and being a bad cop is as easy as can be. All you see is the bad stuff each day at work. And some people can't handle it.


I never get mad at someone if I give them a ticket. The only ones who get smart about it are mostly rich people. It seems like rich people feel like they should not get tickets and poor people should. They always want to sue us for giving them at ticket. I STILL don't get mad. I just tell them to get in line.

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Yeah... I didn't see anything implying he was racist. The other people were just black.

I can't believe that this guy hasn't done something like this to white people. I gurantee you everytime he gives out a citation he gets really mad about it. Sooner or later it catches up with people like that.

A co worker once told me that being a good cop is a job in itself and being a bad cop is as easy as can be. All you see is the bad stuff each day at work. And some people can't handle it.

I never get mad at someone if I give them a ticket. The only ones who get smart about it are mostly rich people. It seems like rich people feel like they should not get tickets and poor people should. They always want to sue us for giving them at ticket. I STILL don't get mad. I just tell them to get in line.



Yes, I understand. And I can imagine being a policeman is a very tough job, and some guys lose their temper.

Staying cool in situations you described is definately the best thing to do, but also the hardest. Policemen also get a lot of crap, I bet.

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Yes, I understand. And I can imagine being a policeman is a very tough job, and some guys lose their temper.

Staying cool in situations you described is definately the besty thing to do, but also the hardest. Policemen also get a lot of crap, I bet.



Honestly, to me it's not that tough. People cuss me out all the time and it's still not a hard job.


I was way more stressed out working in a factory 12 hours a day.


The people that find it tough are people that can't handle it. They can't handle people talking back to them. It doesn't even bother me.


Working fast food as a teenager was way more stressful to me! lol

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Honestly, to me it's not that tough. People cuss me out all the time and it's still not a hard job.

I was way more stressed out working in a factory 12 hours a day.

The people that find it tough are people that can't handle it. They can't handle people talking back to them. It doesn't even bother me.

Working fast food as a teenager was way more stressful to me! lol


Then, Mister, I think you are a good cop!:thu:

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no, but but you danced around the race card thingy. the guy in the video would have been a dick to his own mother.



I know, hence I was saying it very carefully and questioning it at the same time. I didn't say 'what a fookin racist'

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Then, Mister, I think you are a good cop!

I think I am. But a lot of people will say I'm not. Especially on here. If they disagree with me about some issue they'll say it's sad I work there. It's the same way at work. Because my department gives more tickets than any department in our county people call me an asshole.

They even started a blog about us online. But we give people a lot of room. We don't even pull people over unless they are doing 78 in a 65. Most people are mad because a lot of people here don't have insurance and we write them for it everytime. It's a 418 dollar ticket. They feel that it's not fair for some reason.

Usually the rich people say they know the mayor and they are taking me to court. That I can't give them a ticket. I say "sign here" :thu:

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Okmulgee is right down the road from where I used to live.....

I've lived in a lot of different places around the country, and OK had, by far, the most ignorant, dick-measuring cops of any place I've ever been. I'm sure there are good cops in eastern Oklahoma, but they're sure overshadowed by the bad ones.

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cops have hard jobs, they need to be given some slack. we only have one side of the story right now, just a few seconds of video tape. it reminds me of that cop who kicked a suspect in the head a few weeks back. Many people stood up for the cop, rightly pointing out that he shouldn't be held to unrealistic standards of self-control imposed by liberals and bureaucrats. I bet when the facts come out, we'll find this EMT was behaving dangerously and probably got the justice he deserved, rather than the coddling liberal judges will give him in court.

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cops have hard jobs, they need to be given some slack. we only have one side of the story right now, just a few seconds of video tape. it reminds me of that cop who kicked a suspect in the head a few weeks back. Many people stood up for the cop, rightly pointing out that he shouldn't be held to unrealistic standards of self-control imposed by liberals and bureaucrats. I bet when the facts come out, we'll find this EMT was behaving dangerously and probably got the justice he deserved, rather than the coddling liberal judges will give him in court.



Doesn't matter what the facts are. They were trying to get a patient to the hospital. If he really did something bad enough to be arrested then they could have done it at the hospital. A lot of times we don't know the entire story I agree. But I don't really see in this one where the troopers actions are justified.

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cops have hard jobs, they need to be given some slack.



NOTHING, repeat, NOTHING the cop was stopping the guy for was more important than the patient getting to the hospital.

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