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Please explain this HC forum to me?


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Hey OP, go {censored} your couch. You wanna come in here and start some {censored} eh? How about posting a {censored}ing topic about amp instead of acting like a whiny bitch. You have gotten raped in here and will continue to do so. Now run off to ilovebarney.com

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Wow so much lulz,tears,epicness,and failz today. All just on HCAF. What's not to like?


To the OP, FYI this is a community with members of all different backgrounds which you have just insulted. Do you understand the meaning of community or are you some kind of hermit/shut in living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with an internet connection? Social skills, do you haz them?

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damn... ya are a bit hard on the misinformed op dude..too high and tired for all the negative waves people lmao.. post more T & A...I likes titties...:)

to the OPS ?..... To talk amp speak all the time would get old really fast...
philosophical debates,current events,personal adventures,chicks,etc makes things entertaining... besides.. not like most these "heathans" could ever stay on topic.. lmaorof

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Admittedly, I don't visit HC often and don't mean to be critical or rude.

I'm looking for some amp info. Went here, the "Amps" sub-folder of the "Guitars" section of the forum. Instead of seeing threads on amps I see them on Farrah Fawcett (RIP), America's Youth, Michael Jackson's heart attack, July birthday, and utterances during sex.

Is everybody here stoned or what or perhaps there's a secret meaning for the word "Amps"? I don't get it.



Everyone here is a loser and everyone updates each other on celebrity gossip and what they ate for breakfast today etc because they have nobody else to talk to. There, now you get it.

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Wow so much lulz,tears,epicness,and failz today. All just on HCAF. What's not to like?

To the OP, FYI this is a community with members of all different backgrounds which you have just insulted. Do you understand the meaning of community or are you some kind of hermit/shut in living in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with an internet connection? Social skills, do you haz them?



He probably just wasn't aware of the large caliber loserdom of internet forums and how lonely guys find any forum with more than 10 members and are all over it like flies on {censored} regardless of topic.


It's not just the amp forum, it's pretty much a disease that the entire internet has;


"Welcome to the Potato Agriculture Community Forum"




Massive lulz in here guys my dog just {censored} on my sisters foot


U guys like ben stiller?


LULZ guess what I just did with my (imaginary) girlfriend! REVERSE GANGBANG CONTENT!


Looking for potato growing tips.. hello? anyone?

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After a while theres no more amps to talk about.

Top Harmony Central Amp Forum topics:

Police Brutality
Evolution/Christians have no idea
Is Bugera really that bad?
What did JLC and Ron get banned for this time?
I lost my job send mojo

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The first rule of Mapz club is, you do not talk about Mapz club.

UG may be strictly moderated and on-topic, but you will get bad advice from twelve year olds. In HCAF, you will get good advice* from real grown-ups, AND boobies and (cough) 'witty banter'. Why complain? :facepalm:

*Disclaimer: to a given value of 'good advice'
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Here's a run-down for ya. We occasionally talk about amps, and very rarely does that happen. Many discussions are about titties or titties. Otherwise, it's a bunch of other off topic {censored} with Bugera comments thrown in.

In short....Tits or GTFO.

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