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Going to quit smoking tomorrow, Any tips?...


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2 weeks ago this happened to me.

It's been around 10 months since I smoked.

I had 3 Marlboro Reds 2 weeks ago at a drinkfest.

Didn't smoke the next day and I still don't want any. Super proud of that.



Almost everyone I know smokes when they get drunk. Even non-smokers.

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I have a couple of friends that were able to quit with a med called Chantix. Good luck trying to kick the habit.


I think they took that off of the market. There were some really horrible side effects I think.

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I think they took that off of the market. There were some really horrible side effects I think.



Chantix is still on the market, but it does some very {censored}ed up things to people. They are attributing several murders and suicides to it.

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just look at cigarettes like this: they are weak and are bad for your health obviously and they smell and their overrated and are becoming a nuance to society more and more and are way less cool than they used to be


i only like them when i drink and if i do have one a cigar is or something like a small cigarillo is nice or a bugler or top hand rolled one

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I've quit a bunch and keep going back to it. This time i'm not. Me and my co workers are all quitting July 1st. We have nicotine gum.

It's best to have the gum. You think you can do it cold turkey but you might give in. If you have to give in it's best to be able to chew the gum instead of smoke. It's not like having a cig but it takes the edge off quite a bit.

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I'm going through day 6 myself. its a bitch. This will be the 4th time I've "quit" in my life. Everyone has their method. Here is what is working for me this time.


For starters I talked 5 friends into quitting a vice with me. We each have a bet pool of $600 riding on the outcome of a 21 day quite smoking (for me) and drinking (for them) so thats motivation number one. Money.


I spent the first two non smoking days out of my element and comfort zone by taking off for the weekend and getting out of town.


I bought a bunch of 4 mg nicorette gum. This is kind of lame because I believe in the cold turkey method. It takes 3 to 4 days to completely rid your system of nicotine and for the worst of the cravings to subside. I just cant seem to pull off the cold turkey method this time.

If you're chewing nicorette you're still hooked on nicotine so its counter productive. The first day I chomped like 7 pcs of gum. Yesterday I chewed 2 pcs late in the day when I started drinking beer during a Sunday acoustic jam. Today I haven't had any gum so we'll see how that goes.


Stay the hell off Chantix. Its BAD. Seriously. You'll stop smoking with it but you'll pay the price by going slightly insane. Google it. Bad {censored} Maynard.


Just gotta be strong and take it hour by hour sometimes. Sometimes you have to tell yourself you're going to make it through the next 5 min with out a cigarette.


If you can go 5 days without smoking you're home free. The cravings will drop dramatically. But you'll always be stuck with the cravings in some aspect. That part sucks. But the benefits are worth it I think.


Good luck because you're going to need it. Some studies say quitting smoking is harder then quitting smack.

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there is no such thing as quiting smoking

cuz its not something you can easily say "oh im gonna stop smoking"

you will be tempted to smoke for rest of you life from the moment you started to smoke. so you what you need to do is holding it.

youre gonna have to fight that for rest of your life, if you think you can do it

then just hold it everytime you feel like smoking, if you think you cant, then just enjoy it.

you just gotta hold it not to smoke

just hold that for your own good.



Bull{censored}. I smoked for over ten years. It got to over two packs a day in the later years. I stopped almost two years ago. Cold Turkey, as they say.


You want to know the cold, honest truth? Just {censored}ing stop. It's as simple as that. Decide that you will no longer smoke, and make it happen. No nicotine gum, candy, self hep programs, or swearing that this will be your "last one". Just stop. It's only as complicated as you make it, with excuses.


Have an urge to smoke? Too bad, don't. Had a big meal, and want to wash it down in a cig? Tough {censored}, don't.


Until you are ready for this, don't even kid yourself. It's been almost two years for me. I've tried having a cig a few times since then, and I can't even finish it. After the first few weeks, it goes away.

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Bull{censored}. I smoked for over ten years. It got to over two packs a day in the later years. I stopped almost two years ago. Cold Turkey, as they say.

You want to know the cold, honest truth? Just {censored}ing stop. It's as simple as that. Decide that you will no longer smoke, and make it happen. No nicotine gum, candy, self hep programs, or swearing that this will be your "last one". Just stop. It's only as complicated as you make it, with excuses.

Have an urge to smoke? Too bad, don't. Had a big meal, and want to wash it down in a cig? Tough {censored}, don't.

Until you are ready for this, don't even kid yourself. It's been almost two years for me. I've tried having a cig a few times since then, and I can't even finish it. After the first few weeks, it goes away.

That's {censored}ing awesome and hardcore.

Your will power/self control > me :o

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Don't even attempt...I can tell by the thread title you're just wasting your time. If you really wanted to quit, you wouldn't be waiting until tomorrow. The whole "I'm starting tomorrow" shows that you're being weak from the very beginning. It gets much harder than this.



I have to agree. When you reach the point of genuinely wanting to quit you won't be able to do it soon enough. As long as your desire to smoke is stronger than you will to quit it will always manifest itself as "I will quit some day", rather than "I don't smoke anymore".


I know because I was on the "I will quit tomorrow program for let's see ... carry the 2 ... over 20 years (smoked over 30). Then one night I had had a dream I was going to die. Woke up and have not had a smoke since.


That was 8 years ago.


Hope you get to that point, I can tell you from my own experience the liberation one experiences no longer being a tobacco company hostage is so sweet I don't have the words to adequately convey it to you -- but you do want it.

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I quit cold turkey. To me, my smoking was part addiciton & part habit, so when I made an attempt to quit I dealt with both aspects of it.

To deal with the habit part of it, I waited to quit until I left my normal surroundings (went away on vacation). I wasn't going through the normal everyday motions, so the physical triggers were not there, my daily rituals were not happening. That, I think, was the #1 thing for me.

When I got back to my normal routine, I started chewing gum that came in cigarette-ish sized packs (I chose Big Red). I put the pack of gum wherever I normally kept my smokes, & I chained chewed. This way I could go through the same motions as I normally would in getting a smoke. A stick of gum every ten minutes is quite the jaw workout. It was probably a month before I didn't want that pack of gum in my shirt pocket any more.

For addiction part of it, I just asked my wife to bear with me, as I was going to be a dick for a couple of weeks. Then I was a dick for a couple of weeks.

It's been about 12 years since I last had a cigarette. Good luck, you can do it, & once you do, you won't believe how {censored}ing horrible smokers smell. The stench is ungodly. The make the whole world around them reek, they smell like a corpse that ate feces for its last meal.

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