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broken wrist / fiberglass cast / panic attack / cant sleep


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so i got my arm in this fucking cast and i keep having panic attacks because i try to wiggle my hand an its like a rock... i want to take a chainsaw and just take this shit iff. its seriously keeping me from being able to relax since as soon as my mind wanders to my wrist i freak out and wanna scream... makes me feel like im getting buried alive and my bed is the tomb,,, i just wannasleep :( anybody had this happen before? faaaaaahk...

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I remember that happening to me quite a few times a while back.

Best thing to do is get used to it honestly.

And then once it comes off you have to get used to being able to move it.

Mojo sent man.


Thanks man. I want to get used to it but don't know how :(. I can't stop panicing and it's silly but it really keeping me from getting the rest I need. If the next 4-6 weeks are like this my grades are gonna be a disaster and I'll be a wreck to boot. I guess I'll just see how the next few nights go...

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I had a medical incident over the summer that gave me panic attacks everytime I ate out, sometimes when I ate in, and occasionally when I tried to sleep. One bad one was on an airplane.. that sucked.


Not much you can do except get used to it. Everyone has their own way of doing that... but there's not really anything else to do.

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I had a medical incident over the summer that gave me panic attacks everytime I ate out, sometimes when I ate in, and occasionally when I tried to sleep. One bad one was on an airplane.. that sucked.

Not much you can do except get used to it. Everyone has their own way of doing that... but there's not really anything else to do.



Yeah I need to figure out what to do about the panic, I've neverhad to deal with this before. Freaking out just makes it worse but not doing anything is killin me too.

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Yeah I need to figure out what to do about the panic, I've neverhad to deal with this before. Freaking out just makes it worse but not doing anything is killin me too.



Yeah, my problem was partially breathing problems, so panic attacks sorta triggered a psychosomatic deal which would make everything worse. And I was on meds for a while that upped the anxiety and all that.


It does suck and most people think you're retarded, but can't really understand unless something similar happens. The only options you have are learn to deal with it and get over it, or see a doctor for some anxiety meds.

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so i got my arm in this fucking cast and i keep having panic attacks because i try to wiggle my hand an its like a rock... i want to take a chainsaw and just take this shit iff. its seriously keeping me from being able to relax since as soon as my mind wanders to my wrist i freak out and wanna scream... makes me feel like im getting buried alive and my bed is the tomb,,, i just wannasleep
anybody had this happen before? faaaaaahk...


Hey Dude,


I have had the same thing happen to me. Bike accident, broken wrist, fiberglass cast...a glow in the dark one! The wrist just went sreal stiff, it s natural reaction. Just try to relax and think that it is normal for it to go stiff at this point. it ll get better over the next few weeks. Right now you just have to relax and roll with it, there is nothing you can do, and especially nothing will happen to it! When the cast comes off make sure you do your physio or whatever and you ll be good as new.


As for teh panic attacks, realizing the above will defo help! When you get those take long breaths, chill out and consider them as a normal occurrence give the circumstances. Once you get over 2-3 like this you ll see how the intensity will wear down until eventually you stop having them.


Mojo sent, though I wouldnt be too concerned, you ll be alright!


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My friend's brother was using a chainsaw when he had a cast on his arm. The saw caught on his cast and pulled it's was way through before he could stop it. Cut his arm off.





EDIT: NEvermind. I thought you meant he was cutting the cast off with the chainsaw. In which it would have been funny to me.

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I had a medical incident over the summer that gave me panic attacks everytime I ate out, sometimes when I ate in, and occasionally when I tried to sleep. One bad one was on an airplane.. that sucked.

Not much you can do except get used to it. Everyone has their own way of doing that... but there's not really anything else to do.



Yours is very understandable though. That was an intense day around here, and I'm sure you haven't experienced anything that scary yet in life.


OP...things will get better. If you think the wrist is bad, imagine breaking your jaw or ribs. I've had both. Imagine waking up from surgery and your jaw is wired together and you can't pull your teeth apart for 6 weeks. Or that it hurts to breathe for 6 weeks. Both were horrible in there own right.

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I had a medical incident over the summer that gave me panic attacks everytime I ate out, sometimes when I ate in, and occasionally when I tried to sleep. One bad one was on an airplane.. that sucked.

Not much you can do except get used to it. Everyone has their own way of doing that... but there's not really anything else to do.



Trust me...I can feel your pain. I had them for years, terribly, and finally have all but kicked them! I take Lexapro, which I would highly recommend to anyone.


It's easier said than done, but do whatever it takes to keep your mind busy on other tasks. I also felt talking about it, even on a forum like this one, is good medicine as well.


You're not crazy, millions of people suffer from the same ailment.

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so i got my arm in this fucking cast and i keep having panic attacks because i try to wiggle my hand an its like a rock... i want to take a chainsaw and just take this shit iff. its seriously keeping me from being able to relax since as soon as my mind wanders to my wrist i freak out and wanna scream... makes me feel like im getting buried alive and my bed is the tomb,,, i just wannasleep
anybody had this happen before? faaaaaahk...


Talk to your doctor and tell him what is going on, he can get you some meds that will calm you down.

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I've been there bro, it was a nightmare to sleep. I ended up tying the damn thing to the head board with my one good hand so I could sleep a bit. I asked for Tylenol #3's over Vicadin, and it helped to relax me a bit better.

Seriously, discuss this with your doctor, it will get better over time.

I broke mine so bad it was pinned together, and after it healed I had to have surgery to fix the damaged nerves. I lost some motion, but I'm not a cripple! Fingerpicking is a bitch though, I really have to focus on it to stay in time.

Oh, and I know in advance when it rains. I also wear a magnetic bracelet for chronic pain. Good luck!!

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I broke my leg back in May. It was in a temporary splint for a few days, then I had surgery. For the first few weeks every time I closed my eyes to sleep I'd have a flashback to the accident. I didn't sleep much either. I definitely feel you, and the advice given earlier to speak with your doctor about it is a great idea.

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