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Embrace the mundanity - Office Chair Edition


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A cheap chair can be a throwaway after a year.

I bought 3 good German ergonomic chairs for my office 25 years ago and they are still going strong. BMW's of chairs.

Everybody was comfortable - no bad backs - good lumbar support.


When sitting at desk level height at the computer, I like instant adjustment to a higher level for playing guitar and singing.

Regular height leaves you a bit bunched down with restricted arm movement and squashed lungs.


It's a no-brainer. Buy a good chair, enjoy it, play and sing at your best, and keep it for life.

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At the office I use an Aeron style chair and love it. Not cheap but comfortable. But it has arms. In my studio I've got 3 standard armless chairs and they're uncomfortable. But they were free from work. And you can roll around the studio from spot to spot all while holding a guitar.


I don't know of any comfortable armless office chairs. I'm sure they're out there. But I do casually look from time to time and haven't seen them.


As far as Ikea goes, it's cheap stuff that can frequently fit the bill. It won't last a long time but can do ya till you find the right chair.


But hey, by all means, if you're talking about spending some money, I'm not going to tell you not to! :)

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Whenever we finally move into a place we love, we will be buying a new office chair. Our current one is too awkward for the guitars...big arms get in the way. Also, it's kind of falling apart thanks to the cats continually scratching it, and we put it together ourselves, so...it may collapse at any moment. lol


Ikea...I like some of their stuff, it's inexpensive...but oh my GOD, it is TORTURE to actually go there! You need to leave a trail of breadcrumbs just to get out of the place!

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Officially moved into the new place last night.

Now I actually have a dedicated music space where I'll be able to leave some mics set up. This should be good for the writing process.

I'll have to go try some chairs out next week.


Pics? I'm working on mine as well...

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Pics? I'm working on mine as well...


for sure


Once I get it set up.


I talked to the landlord and after the first of the year he'll provide all materials to convert the back garage into a studio apartment that will be included in my rent as long as I stay there if I am willing to do the work. He is on board with some sound proofing but I still need to convince him to go all out, double studded room in side a room with two layers of sheetrock. The best part is I might be able to set it up with an actual control room.


I already have all the labor lined up. That will be when the fun pics happen :D

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Officially moved into the new place last night.

Now I actually have a dedicated music space where I'll be able to leave some mics set up. This should be good for the writing process.

I'll have to go try some chairs out next week.



I bought mine at Staples. No arms, pretty dang durable, and all for $99.



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for sure

Once I get it set up.

I talked to the landlord and after the first of the year he'll provide all materials to convert the back garage into a studio apartment that will be included in my rent as long as I stay there if I am willing to do the work. He is on board with some sound proofing but I still need to convince him to go all out, double studded room in side a room with two layers of sheetrock. The best part is I might be able to set it up with an actual control room.

I already have all the labor lined up. That will be when the fun pics happen

Nice. Mine is a small portion of my basement dedicated to music... I didn't (couldn't) go all out with soundproofing and such... any new walls I put up I insulated with Roxul Safe-N-Sound, but I didn't go crazy. I didn't go crazy with ripping existing walls down and such... But I'm not concerned really with keeping sound out and I don't have drums in there, so I'm not too worried about it. I'll be focusing on acoustically treating inside the room so I don't get a ton of crazy reflections.


Regardless, it'll be a room where I can keep all my equipment under lock and key so my kids can't get in there and destroy it. :)

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Nice. Mine is a small portion of my basement dedicated to music... I didn't (couldn't) go all out with soundproofing and such... any new walls I put up I insulated with Roxul Safe-N-Sound, but I didn't go crazy. I didn't go crazy with ripping existing walls down and such... But I'm not concerned really with keeping sound out and I don't have drums in there, so I'm not too worried about it. I'll be focusing on acoustically treating inside the room so I don't get a ton of crazy reflections.

Regardless, it'll be a room where I can keep all my equipment under lock and key so my kids can't get in there and destroy it.


sounds pretty rad

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I'm in the market myself. All I want is a comfortable chair with arms that will drop out of the way when I am playing. Ive seen a few with adjustable arms, but you can't adjust them quite far enough. I've been looking for the perfect chair for years now.

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