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Uncharacteristically Unabashed Love Song ("That Night")

Chicken Monkey

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That Night




I'll never forget the night the stars fell down around me

And lifted me into the purple sky

There was something in the air that carried me away from where

I was and left me looking in your eyes


Chorus: I don't know if I came to you or if you came to me

But what difference does a moment make in an eternity

All I know is, everything's been right

Since that night, Oh, that night.


We talked until I went to bed, but when I laid down my head,

I kept you with me for the whole night through.

It's hard for me to tell between memory and and dream

When it's of the time I spend with you.




Bridge: I used to think my heart was made for breaking

That was all it ever seemed to do

But I put an end to all my aching

That starry night I fell in love with you


Repeat vs. 1 and Chorus


It's a one-take, one-mic recording on my Zoom. I picture it as a kind of a Western Swing style thing, kinda Bob Wills/Lyle Lovett's Large Band as a reference. There are some interesting (to me) things going on with both the lyrics and the music, but I'll hold off on discussing those so as not to color any comments. I don't write many straight ahead love songs, and this one is more-or-less true, so I'm not sure if I'm honoring the tradition or whatever.

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I think the lyrics are spectacular. Perfect balance between traditional and fresh. No ten dollar words, but you still managed to avoid dull cliches. That takes a special talent.


The harmony and melody are nothing new, but they fit the genre very well. It's a happy, feel-good song, so it doesn't need to do anything musically spectacular.


Sorry if I haven't offered any useful suggestions. I guess I'm trying to say that I really like the song and I don't think that it needs any tweaking to fulfill its purpose.

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Very cool. I love your voice and strumming style. Love it. The only suggestion I might have, maybe... is that the bridge, as cool as it is, doesn't contrast enough, again I'll say maybe, with the verses and chorus. I was hoping for a cool rhythmic change up in the melody line.


Perhaps elongating the melody and paring down a few words


My-heart... was... made... for... breaking

All... it... seemed... to... do

No-end... to... all... my... aching


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Very cool. I love your voice and strumming style. Love it. The only suggestion I might have, maybe... is that the bridge, as cool as it is, doesn't contrast enough, again I'll say maybe, with the verses and chorus. I was hoping for a cool rhythmic change up in the melody line.



Noted. I very rarely endeavor to write the chords part of a song--I come up with lyrics, have something of a melody in my head, and then fit chords underneath. For this one, I decided to put a "pedal tone" throughout that wasn't a part of the root triad. In this case, I used the 6th. So that note (F# in this case) runs through all the chords in the song, sometimes as the root of the chord, sometimes as the 3rd, and sometimes as a color tone (the 6th or 9th). As a result, there's a samey feel from verse to chorus to bridge and back. I didn't know this about myself, but I'm reflecting and realizing that I almost always put the burden of "differentness" in the bridge on the chord progression. Without that go-to, I need another move. I think the pace of the lyrics is a great approach.

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Reading it, the only thing that looks like it might be clunky is "that night, oh that night." I have a strong suspicion your delivery sells it.


Not sure if you're in a situation that won't allow listening, or if you just didn't see the hyperlinked title that will get you to the clip :o...

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the only thing i "might" change is "purple sky"..... i just think maybe "empty sky" seeing as the stars have all fallen down?



"Purple sky" is a vestige from the original idea for this song, which was to make a lyrical "collage", wherein I strung together an entire song with lyrics cribbed from other sources. I wound up dropping that idea as a deadline approached, but I can still see a line I took from a children's book, and another from a comic book, and the "purple sky", which is a pretty distinctive image in Hank Williams' "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry". I can see a general audience letting that phrase slide by unnoticed, but the old-country fans I've played it for (I play in a country band) seem to be picking up on it. Glad you like the rest of it, though--that means a lot.

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"Purple sky" is a vestige from the original idea for this song, which was to make a lyrical "collage", wherein I strung together an entire song with lyrics cribbed from other sources. I wound up dropping that idea as a deadline approached, but I can still see a line I took from a children's book, and another from a comic book, and the "purple sky", which is a pretty distinctive image in Hank Williams' "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry". I can see a general audience letting that phrase slide by unnoticed, but the old-country fans I've played it for (I play in a country band) seem to be picking up on it. Glad you like the rest of it, though--that means a lot.



I picked up the Hank Williams reference. And I liked it. It felt like a bit much when I saw the written lyric, but when I heard it sung it seemed to fit the feeling of the song.



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This seems like it should be a very good song. But it doesn't pop enough, though. I don't know why. Good lyrics. Good melody put together in a solid way. It sounds like it's put together well. Everything is there but it's just still kind of... forgettable. Does that make any sense? The thing needs more of a backbone somehow - my guess is it's so evenly good and competent and safe that it doesn't leave an impression.


I'd probably start with the lyrics. They're nice but in a kinda banal way. It reminds me of Herman Dune, kinda. He's unabashedly sincere a lot, and it can be terribly boring sometimes but other times wildly exciting. It's weird.

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This seems like it should be a very good song. But it doesn't pop enough, though. I don't know why. Good lyrics. Good melody put together in a solid way. It sounds like it's put together well. Everything is there but it's just still kind of... forgettable. Does that make any sense? The thing needs more of a backbone somehow - my guess is it's so evenly good and competent and safe that it doesn't leave an impression.

I'd probably start with the lyrics. They're nice but in a kinda banal way. It reminds me of Herman Dune, kinda. He's unabashedly sincere a lot, and it can be terribly boring sometimes but other times wildly exciting. It's weird.



You're walking the thin line of exercising your personal demons and giving a review. Are you trying to help are just getting your rocks off or is it some sort of cathartic exorcism? Come on man, you can help without... doing what ever it is ^that^ is.

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This seems like it should be a very good song. But it doesn't pop enough, though. I don't know why. Good lyrics. Good melody put together in a solid way. It sounds like it's put together well. Everything is there but it's just still kind of... forgettable. Does that make any sense? The thing needs more of a backbone somehow - my guess is it's so evenly good and competent and safe that it doesn't leave an impression.


Well, he mentions Bob Wills and Lyle Lovett, certainly enough for me to add some bass, drums, pedal steel, etc. in my head. I read the lyrics and thought, 'okay, not bad'. Played the take and thought, 'Oh, yeah!' I do like LCK's idea for the bridge. I think it would really fit the style and drive home the thought. Nice.

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Well, he mentions Bob Wills and Lyle Lovett, certainly enough for me to add some bass, drums, pedal steel, etc. in my head. I read the lyrics and thought, 'okay, not bad'. Played the take and thought, 'Oh, yeah!' I do like LCK's idea for the bridge. I think it would really fit the style and drive home the thought. Nice.



You mean Lee Knight's idea for the bridge, right? I'm playing it w/ the new, Lee-inspired bridge tomorrow for the first time. I like it a lot better.

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